

  • Noones is not opening / not available

    There may be several reasons why a website can not be accessed: from your browser configuration to technical problems with your internet provider or NoOnes servers. Here are a few ways to understand what happened and fix those problems.

    1. Check your browser settings. If using Chrome on desktop or Android, try going to Settings / Privacy & Security / Security and enabling Use Secure DNS. Select a provider, such as Google or Cloudflare.
      unnamed (4).png
    2. Try a different browser or Internet connection. For example, if you are using WiFi, try switching to mobile internet. Or try a different network.
    3. Use a privacy tool, such as Cloudflare WARP – it may also resolve some potential network problems and can even make your browsing faster on slow connections! You can download Cloudflare WARP directly from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or use this link:
    4. If you are using the Noones app, try the website instead. Or vice versa.
    5. Check Noones Status page. If there is a known problem with Noones, you will see it there.
    6. Nothing helped? Please contact us. The information you will need: your device model and OS  (iOs or Android version), if you are using the app or website, your internet provider name and country.
  • How to install NoOnes on Android

    The NoOnes mobile app is a secure way to access your account and all the features of our platform. At any time you can receive or send cryptocurrency to a friend or family member, check your account balance and trade cryptocurrency using more than 400 available payment methods


    Select one of the available installation methods below:


    Option 1: Install from Google Play

    File:Google Play Store badge EN.svg - Wikipedia


    Option 2: Install from our website

    If our application is not available for you in Google Play, you can install it directly from our website.

    Download Application

    1. Point your phone's camera at the QR code and download the app

    Download NoOnes Application

    Warning: Use links only from this page. Do not download files from unknown websites. Otherwise, you risk losing access to your account and your funds


    2. In case of a “File may harm your phone” notification, click “Download”. We guarantee the files are safe.


    Install Application

    1. If your phone asks for permission, grant it in the Settings: Allow from this sourceEnable



    2. After downloading, find the file in your downloads and start the installation: the application will appear on your desktop


  • Vendor Fee Discounts


    Welcome to our new Vendor Fee Discount program, designed to reward our vendors with personal fee discounts based on their trading volume growth. This initiative aims to help you save on fees as you trade more on the NoOnes platform.

    How It Works

    The Vendor Fee Discount program provides volume-based discounts to vendors on NoOnes. The more you trade, the higher your discount!

    Step-by-Step Guide

    1. Monthly Goal:
      • Each month, all eligible users will be given a trading goal, which will be displayed in your Dashboard.
    2. Discount Tiers:
      • Reach your monthly goal to get a 10% discount on further trades.
      • Once your volume exceeds 120% of your goal, your further trades will be discounted by 20%.
      • Get a 30% discount by reaching 150% of your goal.
    3. Discount Activation:
      • Your discount is automatically applied once you reach your trading goal for the month.
      • The discount is valid until the end of the calendar month.
    4. Check Your Progress:
      • Your current monthly goal and personal discount will be displayed in your Dashboard.
      • Cannot find the widget? Unfortunately your account is not eligible for the vendor discount yet. Keep trading and try again next month!


    • In April, your goal is $3000. You reach this goal on April 15th, earning a 10% discount.
    • You continue trading and reach your next goal - $3600 by April 20th, increasing your discount to 20%.
    • By April 29th, you reach $4500, earning a 30% discount.
    • On May 1st, the discount resets, and your new goal is displayed in the Dashboard.

    Noones reserves the right to change or cancel the Vendor Discount Program at any time. Bad actors and duplicate accounts seeking to exploit this program are in violation of our Terms of Service and will be removed from the platform permanently.


    What is the Vendor Fee Discounts program?

    The program offers personal fee discounts to eligible NoOnes vendors based on their trading volume growth. The more you grow your NoOnes business, the higher discount you will get!

    How do I know my current discount and progress?

    Your dashboard will feature a new widget showing your current monthly goal, personal discount, and progress towards the goal.

    Can I see my discount during a trade?

    Yes, your discount will be visible when creating an offer, starting a trade, and during the trade. This helps you understand your savings in real-time.

    What happens if I reach my goal mid-month?

    Your discount will be applied as soon as you reach your goal and will remain active until the end of the calendar month. If you exceed your goal, you can earn higher discounts based on the specified tiers.

    Are there any trades excluded from this program?

    The following trades are not counted towards your goal to prevent exploitation of the program:

    1. Trades where the escrow fee is not charged (example: free USDT trades)
    2. Block trades (bank transfer trades over $50,000)

    What if I have a pre-existing discount?

    If you have a discount from another program, it’s not combined with the personal discount. The highest discount is applied. In some cases it may be possible to increase your discount by reaching your goal!

    This is still not clear. Where do I get help?

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.

  • How to install NoOnes on iPhone / iOS

    I can’t find Noones app in AppStore

    Unfortunately Apple is not friendly to crypto-related applications, so Noones app may not show up in all countries. But there is a simple solution.

    How to install Noones on iOS

    1. Open Safari browser on your Apple iPhone
    2. Open and log in. You should see your Dashboard.
    3. Click the Share button at the bottom and select Add to Home Screen.
    4. Confirm by clicking Add. That’s it - Noones icon will appear in your apps.




    Frequently Asked Questions

    The solution above doesn’t work. Why?

    Please check that you are opening in Safari browser on iPhone. This solution won’t work in other browsers.

    I already have the Noones app installed. Can I keep using it?

    Yes, you can keep using the old app or use the solution above. You can even have both apps.

    I am not getting phone notifications. Why?

    This is a known problem and we are already working on a fix.

  • Earning Bitcoin Rewards on Noones

    We are excited to introduce the Bitcoin Rewards program! Like the Partner Program, Bitcoin Rewards are another way for us to give back to our community. Here you will learn about each Bitcoin Reward and see what you are eligible for.

    Signup Sats

    When you invite your friends and network to join you on NoOnes using your unique invite link or Citizen ID QR code, we'll drop 100 sats into their Bitcoin Rewards balance to welcome them aboard.

    First Trade Rewards

    You will earn 1000 sats when you complete your first trade on NoOnes. We're so happy you're here!

    Bonus Rewards

    When a friend you invited on or after August 1, 2023 reaches $100 USD in trading volume, Noones will award 100 bonus sats to both of you. We will award an additional 1500 bonus sats when they reach $1000 USD in trading volume, and an additional 20,000 bonus sats when they reach $10,000 USD in trading volume. Trading volume includes both buying and selling crypto for this reward.

    Collecting Your Rewards

    All Bitcoin Rewards will be added to your Rewards balance not later than 7 days after they were earned. For more details about withdrawing your rewards see Partner Program Terms.

    Bitcoin Rewards may be a limited time offer and are subject to change. Noones reserves the right to cancel Bitcoin Rewards at any time. Bad actors and duplicate accounts seeking to exploit this program are in violation of our Terms of Service and will be removed from the platform permanently. As per our existing Partner Program rules, we do not pay rewards for trades with your own referrals.

    It's Rewarding to be part of the Noones community: stay tuned for more Bitcoin Rewards, coming soon!

    Escrow fee discount for new invited partners from August 22nd 2023

    Join Noones via invite link and pay 10% less on trading fees during the first 3 months. Noones offers discount on trading fees for the first three months after signing up. The discount is applied to escrow fee at the beginning of the trade.


    Do I have to create a new account to get 1000 sats for my first trade?
    No. If you currently have a NoOnes account, you’re already eligible. Please note that having multiple accounts is prohibited by NoOnes Terms of Service, and such accounts will be banned.
    What about my old referrals? Are they counted?
    You will earn 1000 bonus sats when a friend you invite makes their first trade.

    Bitcoin Rewards for Trade Volume will only apply to friends who signed up through your link on or after August 1, 2023.

    Will I get sats for every user I invite?
    You will get a reward for every user that completes their first trade on NoOnes. There is no limit on the number of users eligible for sats rewards. Please note that having multiple accounts is prohibited by Noones Terms of Service, and such accounts will be banned. There is no reward for banned accounts.
    I invited a friend and made a trade with them, will I get the reward?
    No. You will get the rewards only when the user you invited makes their first trade with someone else. You are not prohibited from trading with your referrals, but you will not get the 1000 sats bonus reward nor generate referral reward from these trades (see Partner Program rules for more details).
    How do I know if I have an escrow fee discount?
    You can check if you have an active discount from three places. You will see a discounted escrow fee when you create a cryptocurrency sell offer. When someone starts a trade to buy cryptocurrency from you, you will see discounted escrow fee information in the trade details. If you sell cryptocurrency to someone, the discounted escrow fee will be displayed at the beginning of the trade. You should see percent of the discount and the new discounted escrow fee percent.
    How long can I have a discounted escrow fee?
    Noones may offer discounts on trading fees to certain users. Discounts may be time limited or depend on trading volume. At the moment NoOnes offers a discount on trading fees for the first three months to new users joined via invite link from August 22nd. Noones reserves the right to change or cancel discounts at any time without notifying the customer.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    1. I sent Bitcoin from my Noones wallet to an external wallet but it's been over 24 hours and not yet received
      Send your transaction ID to our support team and we would be happy to take a look.
    2. How do I send Bitcoin from my Noones wallet to an external wallet?
      Just head to your Noones wallet, tap “send”, enter the desired amount and the receiving BTC address. 
    3. I can't log in to my account due to a 2FA issue
      We ran into some 2FA issues when we first launched, but those have been resolved. We recommend trying again and contacting support if you’re still running into issues. 
    4. I deposited BTC into my Noones wallet but no trace of it in the wallet. Transaction is confirmed on the Blockchain as well.
      If you sent BTC to your Noones wallet but it hasn’t arrived yet, double check the transaction confirmations on the blockchain. If it’s been confirmed, reach out to our support team with the blockchain transaction ID and we’ll take a look. 
    5. I made payment to my trade partner but they are not responding. I filed a dispute and I’m waiting for a moderator 
      Don’t worry! While you’re waiting for the moderator, your funds are safe in escrow. It may take a day or two to get resolved but our team is on it 💪
    6. I’m not able to verify my ID after several attempts
      Please make sure the photo of the document you’re uploading is clear and taken in a well lighted area. Your photo, name, and all other text must be legible.
      As a reminder, we don’t accept ID documents that have already been uploaded on another account.
    7. Why is my wallet balance different from my top-right corner balance?
      This could happen because of issues with pending send-out or deposit transactions. We’re working hard to resolve this and prevent it from happening again in the future. Please create a support ticket with the related transaction ID and we’ll take a look.
    8. How do I get a wallet address?
      Make sure you’ve verified your ID, and then head to your Noones wallet. From there, when you click “receive” you’ll see your wallet address. If you’re still running into trouble finding your wallet address, contact our support team. 
    9. The BTC I sent from another platform is not showing up on my Noones account
      Our team resolved this issue! If you’re still running into this problem, reach out to our support team and we’ll take a closer look.
    10. The feedback I transferred from another platform is not reflecting on my Noones account
      If the feedback you transferred is not appearing on Noones, please reach out to our support team and we’ll help you get it sorted. 
    11. How can I sign-up without an invitation link?
      Sign-ups are open—no invitation needed! Create your account here
    12. When can other countries access Noones?
      While we don’t have any timelines, you can always see what countries are not able to use Noones at this time here.
    13. I’m not receiving 2FA notifications thru email
      We ran into some 2FA issues when we first launched but those have all been resolved! If you’re still not receiving 2FA notifications in your email, please reach out to our support team and we’ll get to the bottom of it. 
    14. My referrals are not working
      It can take a few days for referrals to show up in your Partner Dashboard.
    15. My 2FA verification is not working
      If you’ve been running into issues setting up 2FA using Google Authenticator, head to Settings > Security and set up Google Authenticator again. If it’s still not working after that, reach out to our support team and we’ll walk you through a resolution.
See all 11 articles

Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency

Buying Cryptocurrency

  • Buying Cryptocurrency

    In this guide, we'll teach you how to buy your first cryptocurrency from Noones in three simple steps. If you want to create your own offer, please see our article on creating offers

    Step 1: Setting up search requirements

    • Create an account or log in to your Noones account
      • Hover over the Buy arrow, and click your preferred cryptocurrency to show the page with offers to buy cryptocurrency.

    Tip: Using your phone? Click the hamburger icon and choose one of the options from the list that appears.

    • Click Show All or Any Payment Method field and select your preferred payment method to buy crypto on the dialog box that appears.
      • Alternatively, click View offers for all payment options to see the list of all payment methods available.
    • Click Any Currency and select your currency from the list. Enter the amount you want to trade in the Any Amount field.
      • You can leave the Any amount field empty if you do not have any specific amount in mind.
    • Select your country from the Location list.
    • Click SEARCH FOR OFFERS. The offer list is updated according to your search requirements.


    Step 2: Finding an offer

    • Browse through the list of offers — The list begins with offers that have:
      • Sellers with the best rating and reputation.
      • Sellers who are the most active on the platform and are ready for instant trade.
      • The most profitable margin.
    • Check the tags and labels for additional information about an offer. When you find an offer you like, click Buy to show the Offer Page

    Note: Your trade hasn’t started yet, at this point.

    • Study all details of the offer such as:
      • Buying limits — is the offered amount neither too low nor too high?
      • Seller’s rate — does it look profitable for you?
      • Time limit — will you manage to execute the payment within this timeframe?
      • Offer terms — is the seller requesting additional documents or having specific requests as part of the trade procedure?
    • Enter the amount you are ready to trade in the traditional currency field or cryptocurrency field. Click BUY NOW.
      You can click Take a Tour to receive a walk-through of the process in case you have any questions or doubts.

    Note: At the moment when the trade starts, the cryptocurrency rate is fixed and will not fluctuate.


    Step 3: Trading

    • Discuss the necessary details with your partner using our trade chat and follow their instructions carefully.
    • Make the payment.
    • After making the payment, click the I have paid button.
      • When the Self Declaration dialog box appears, click Yes, I have paid.
    • The seller releases the crypto from the trade escrow — The trade is completed successfully and the crypto will be available in your Noones wallet.


    • You can always cancel the trade by clicking the Cancel button, but do not do this if you've already made the payment. Instead, 
    • Click the Dispute button for any trouble or disagreement to invite our moderators to investigate the case.


    • After the seller of cryptocurrency has released funds from the trade escrow, consider leaving feedback. This helps other traders to understand who they are dealing with.
    • You can click Add Username to your contacts to add a user to your Trade Partners list and to quickly trade with them in the future — This will help you to create your own trading community with users you trust.
    • If you need a public receipt of the transaction, click Public receipt at the bottom of the page.

    Check our Tips for Buying Cryptocurrency for more information. If you want to sell cryptocurrency, explore this page Selling Cryptocurrency.

  • What are Noones Verified Offers?

    Verified offers have been vetted by the Noones team to ensure they’re listed by trusted members of the community. 

    Finding verified offers

    Once you’ve made a decision on what you’re looking for, customize your search with the following:

    • Type of cryptocurrency you’ll be buying
    • Currency you’ll be using
    • Payment method you’ll be using
    • Purchase amount

    From there, just use the toggle to only see verified offers.

  • India's Income Tax Law

    Beginning July 1, 2022, income tax law in India will require income taxes to be paid for the transfer, meaning the sale or exchange of any virtual digital asset (VDA) such as cryptocurrency.

    Anyone who purchases cryptocurrency from a seller located in India will be required to pay a 1% tax on the sale, regardless of where the buyer is located.

    This tax isn't collected or remitted by NoOnes, as all members of our community are responsible for reporting their income to the appropriate government agencies and paying any applicable taxes.

    If you'd like more information about tax law or your specific circumstances, you'll want to contact a legal or tax professional.

  • Tips for Buying Cryptocurrency

    Buying cryptocurrency can be tough at first, so we've prepared these guides to get you started and help you complete a trade on Noones.

    Minimum Trade Amount

    If you’re buying, the current minimum is 10 USD or its equivalent in other currencies. If you’re selling, the minimum is 0.001 BTC.

    Seller’s reputation and activity

    A seller’s reputation is displayed with a green thumb. This is the total of all of the positive feedback the seller has received.

    Clicking on the seller's name will show their full profile, where you can see how much negative feedback they've received in addition to the positive. You can also see their location, all of their active offers, and other important information about them.

    Tip: Pay attention to each type of feedback positive and negative.

    Despite having more than 10,000 positive feedback and 1,000 negative feedback, you should still be cautious about such users. Pay attention to the percentage of negative feedback in relation to the negative and positive ones.

    Also, do not forget to check for how long a user is present on our platform, and to make sure that you will have a quick trade without any delays from the seller’s side, always consider the seller's last seen status. 

    Additionally, it is also much better if the seller is ID-verified — This means that we have checked his documents and background.

    Always read the seller's offer terms and instructions before you start a trade

    Sellers should mention what they expect and what you will need to provide.

    Gift cards for example, most of the sellers require a receipt to prove that it was bought legally and to establish that you are indeed the owner of the gift cards. If this information is requested:

    • Unable to provide - do not to proceed with the trade.
    • Able to provide - have everything ready before you start the trade.

    Be aware of the price

    The Bitcoin price in Noones is never equal to its official market rate as sellers charge a fee to convert traditional currency into Bitcoin. The price of the fee varies among sellers and depends on who you buy from, so be on the lookout for the best deals.

    The offer page always includes the rate of each seller. What should interest you the most is how much you get on dollar. The higher the number, the more profitable the trade will be for you.

    Click the Paid button only when you have sent a payment

    Once you’ve clicked the Paid button, the countdown timer stops and the trade can no longer expire. This button provides security from dishonest or forgetful sellers — If you had sent the payment or payment info such as gift card codes to the seller and the offer expires, the escrow will release the cryptocurrency back to the seller's wallet leaving you with nothing. 

    If you click the Paid button and you haven’t paid, the seller might think you’re a coin-locker or someone trying to scam them.Be sure to only click the button once you’ve paid to prevent complications.

    Don't cancel the trade if you have sent a payment

    We know that problems sometimes arise during trades, but it's important to never cancel the trade once you've already paid the seller. If you've paid for your crypto but something has gone wrong, you can start a dispute.

    Starting a dispute brings a Noones Moderator in to help with the situation. If you cancel the trade after the payment has been made, getting a resolution is not guaranteed and the Moderators will not be able to help. 

    Brokering of gift card codes is strictly prohibited

    Brokering is when you buy a gift card code from someone, thinking you can sell it later to someone else. Even if you checked the code when you bought it, the person who sold you the code can use it anytime without your knowledge, and this is why it is against the Noones Terms of Service.

    If you keep trying to give sellers used codes, you will be reported and banned from trading on Noones as it is not only a waste of your own time but also that of others. Remember to only use gift cards you have bought yourself.

    Third-party payments is not allowed

    You must be the actual payer and be the original owner of the submitted payment (Owner of the gift card, credit card, bank account, an account of online payment platform). Being a middleman in paying for the cryptocurrency is not allowed and can be considered as a scam.

    Always trade for the whole amount of the gift card

    If you have a $50 gift card, you can't trade that partially.

    Example: Asking someone to only take $33 out of your $50 gift card

    The seller can only take the whole amount, so if you start a trade for $33 and he takes $50, the only way to get your change back in cryptocurrency is by starting a new trade for the difference, which is also not guaranteed as the seller’s ranges may not meet that amount or the seller may take down their offers or go offline.

    Never ask the seller to release the cryptocurrency first

    This is grounds for an instant ban as it indicates a scam. We have an escrow service, so you know the crypto is there and waiting for you once you complete the payment.

    Be polite to sellers

    They go through a lot of tough customers and being polite can save you a lot of time. Being polite is about a lot more than your language; it’s about following their instructions as well. Note that if there is a dispute, the moderator will take language into account.

    Not Interested? Cancel!

    If you are no longer interested in the trade and have not yet paid the seller, feel free to cancel the trade. It will free their escrow and let them continue to trade with others who are interested. If you don’t cancel the trade and leave it hanging, the seller will have to file a dispute or report you, which will probably result in you getting negative feedback.

    You can see all of your active trades on your dashboard. Click Chat to open the trade, and click Cancel to cancel them.

    Also, remember that any price negotiation is strictly forbidden. If you do not like the offer, do not insist on changing the price in the same trade. Just start a new trade with new values to avoid any disputes or misunderstandings with the seller.

  • Buying Cryptocurrency with In-game Items

    Noones allows you to trade cryptocurrency for in-game items from popular video games such as skins, weapons, game balance, and more. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

    Before trading

    Before you start buying cryptocurrency for in-game items, make sure you have the means to prove that the item was transferred to your trade partner. Whether you choose a game currency, boost, or skin, you must ensure you have the means to verify the transition of the item.


    • Selling accounts is prohibited. 
    • Don’t disclose any information (eg. your Noones or game account login details) to the sellers.
    • Don’t take the risk by transacting outside of Noones trade flow as it isn’t protected by Noones secure escrow.


    Searching for an offer:

    The first step in buying cryptocurrency for game items is to look for an offer that accepts this type of payment. You can also specify the amount you wish to buy and the currency you prefer.

    Choose the best rate of cryptocurrency to have the highest profit possible. Also, pay attention to the reputation of your potential trade partner. And finally, read through the offer terms and trade instructions carefully. 

    Talk to your trade partner in the trade chat. Clarify how exactly the in-game item will be delivered and decide whether your trade partner is okay with the product before proceeding. 

    Creating an offer:

    You can also create your own offer to buy crypto with game items.

    Here are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Set a margin you find profitable as negotiations during the trade is not allowed
    • Write clear offer terms and instructions
    • Use offer labels to highlight essential information such as the item type and the name of a game
    • Consider including FAQs section—think what questions trade partners may ask
    • If necessary, mention the following:
      • the game server where the exchange should take place;
      • will the delivery happen “face to face”, via game mail, or any other in-game exchange channel;
      • required game character level, etc.
    • Be clear about what proof of payment you can offer to your trade partner, for example, screenshots of an in-game transaction.

    Once you’ve created and published your personalized offer, wait for a seller to start the trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner on the trade chat, and proceed accordingly.

    Completing a trade

    Once you have provided all the documents requested by the seller, click Paid. The last step will be for the seller to confirm receiving the payment. Please be patient because this may take some time. Once the seller has confirmed the payment, they should release the crypto to you and the trade will be complete.

    Tip: Do take a screenshot of your proof and keep it as it may be useful in case of a dispute.

    After trading

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the same user in the future, you can add them to your trusted list.

    See our step-by-step guide on how to buy cryptocurrency and tips on how to buy cryptocurrency.

  • Buying Cryptocurrency with Bank Transfers

    Bank Transfers are a popular payment method on Noones. Learn how easy it is to trade cryptocurrency with automated Bank Transfers.

    Before trading

    Before you start buying cryptocurrency with Bank Transfers, add your bank account details to your Noones profile.

    Make sure your bank account is ready to make transactions and check if the account has any transaction limits or geographical restrictions in place. Also, consider using a bank that can easily provide proof of payment with all of the details visible in one page or pdf file.

    The required details for proof of payment in Noones are the following:

    • Account holder’s first and last name
    • Bank’s name and logo
    • Transaction date, time and status
    • Recipient’s account number and full name


    Searching for an offer:

    The first step in buying cryptocurrency with Bank Transfer is to look for an offer that accepts Bank Transfers as payment. You’ll also need to enter the amount you wish to purchase and the currency you prefer.

    After you find a suitable offer, you’ll need to read and accept the offer terms before the trade begins. These offer terms are set by Noones and it outlines how the trade should be carried out.

    Once the trade starts, the trade chat will be disabled. We will automatically send the buyer and seller’s bank account details to each other making Bank Transfers even safer and easier.

    Creating an offer:

    You can also create your own offer to buy cryptocurrency with bank transfers.

    Here are a couple of tips for your bank transfer offer:

    • Set a margin you find profitable as negotiations during the trade is not allowed
    • If you’d like to use the old Bank Transfer process and set your own offer terms, choose “Other Bank Transfer” as your payment method.

    After creating and publishing your personalized offer, wait for a seller to start a trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Head to the trade to see all the necessary details and transfer funds to the account provided.

    Completing a trade

    Once you have paid the seller and uploaded proof of your payment, click "Paid". Your payment is not confirmed unless you click Paid and if you forget to do so, the trade will eventually expire and the cryptocurrency will automatically go back to the seller's wallet.

    The last step is for the seller to confirm the payment. Please be patient because this may take some time. Once the seller has confirmed the payment, they should release the cryptocurrency to you and complete the trade. 

    After trading

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the same user in the future, you can add them to your trusted list

    Here are some other tips on how to buy cryptocurrency in Noones.


See all 14 articles

Selling Cryptocurrency

  • Selling Cryptocurrency

    You can sell cryptocurrency and get paid using 400+ payment methods. Here's how you can find buyers by browsing existing offers on Noones.


    Step 1: Setting up search requirements

    • Create an account or log in to your Noones account
      • Hover over the Sell arrow, and click your preferred cryptocurrency to show the page with offers to buy cryptocurrency.

    Tip: Using your phone? Click the hamburger icon and choose one of the options from the list that appears.

    • Click Show All or Any payment method field and select your preferred payment method to sell crypto on the dialog box that appears.
      • Alternatively, click View offers for all payment options to see the list of all payment methods available.
    • Click Any currency and select your currency from the list. Enter the amount you want to trade in the Any amount field.
      • You can leave the Any amount field empty if you do not have any specific amount in mind.
    • Select your country from the Location list.
    • Click SEARCH FOR OFFERS. The offer list is updated according to your search requirements.


    Step 2: Finding an offer

    • Browse through the list of offers — The list begins with offers that have:
      • Buyers with the best rating and reputation.
      • Buyers who are the most active on the platform and are ready for instant trade.
      • The most profitable margin.
    • Check the tags and labels for additional information about an offer. When you find an offer you like, click Sell to show the Offer Page

    Note: Your trade hasn’t started yet, at this point.

    • Study all details of the offer such as:
      • Selling limits — is the offered amount neither too low nor too high?
      • Buyer’s rate — does it look profitable for you?
      • Offer terms — is the buyer requesting additional documents or having specific requests as part of the trade procedure?
      • Noones fee — this fee depends on the payment method you choose.
    • Enter the amount you are ready to trade in the traditional currency field or cryptocurrency field. Click SELL NOW.
    • In a dialog box that appears, click I understand the risk, proceed to sell.
    • A new caution dialog box appears. Confirm reading the warning by clicking I understand.
      • Then the Trade chat page appears.


    • When the trade starts, the cryptocurrency rate is fixed and will not fluctuate.
    • Cryptocurrency is moved from your personal Noones wallet to the trade’s secure escrow.


    Step 3: Trading

    • Discuss the necessary details with your partner using our trade chat and follow their instructions carefully.
    • Once your trade partner has made the payment, click Release.
      • Double-check if the amount sent to you is correct. Confirm sending crypto to the buyer by clicking Release in a dialog box that appears.


    • Only the buyer can cancel the trade.
    • In case of any trouble or disagreement, click Dispute to invite our moderators to investigate the case.
    • You can click Report a problem to file a report.
    • If the trade expires, you can reopen it by clicking Reopen escrow.
    • You release crypto from the trade escrow to buyer's Noones wallet. At this point, the trade is completed successfully. 


    • After a successful trade, consider leaving feedback to your trade partner. This helps other traders to understand who they are dealing with.
    • You can click Add Username to your contacts to add a user to your Trade Partners list and to quickly trade with them in the future — This will help you to create your own trading community with users you trust.
    • If you need a public receipt of the BTC transaction, click Public receipt on the bottom of the page.

    Warning: Some users are required to verify their identity to sell cryptocurrency.


    Check our rules for selling cryptocurrency for more information. In case you want to buy crypto, see the following guide. If you want to create your own offer, please see our article on creating offers

  • Rules for Selling Cryptocurrency

    If you are a Noones seller, make sure to follow our basic rules when selling cryptocurrency to keep the marketplace safe and secure.

    1. Accept your responsibility for possible risks.

    We at Noones do as much as possible to increase the level of security on our platform. However, you, as a seller, should accept all risks and liabilities that come with trading. It is up to you to protect yourself from malicious users and obvious scams. Check our security guide and safety tips for more information. 

    2. Brokering gift card codes is strictly prohibited on Noones.

    Brokering is when you buy a gift card code from a third party and resell it later to someone else. This goes against the Noones Terms of Service and is strictly prohibited. This rule applies both to e-codes and physical gift cards. 

    3. Be responsive to buyers.

    • If you are not at your computer, please deactivate all your offers. You can easily do it from your Dashboard. This will also help you avoid having your BTC locked in a trade escrow if a buyer starts a trade during your absence.

    • When a buyer starts a trade with you, say “Hi” and let them know you are ready to trade.
      Example: “Hi, I am ready, please follow the instructions and you can have your cryptocurrency in no time!“. This message may sound too simple and obvious. However, according to our statistics, a high number of canceled trades are due to an unresponsive seller. Please show to the buyer that you are ready.

    4. Maintain a civil tone with your trade partners.

    Offensive language and disrespectful tone are not allowed on our platform. Be understanding to buyers as some of them may lack trading experience. If you face any serious issue with your trade partner, do invite our moderators by starting a dispute.

    5. Write clear offer terms and trade instructions.

    • Have both offer terms and trade instructions in a simple short bulleted or numbered list. Read more on how to write good offer terms and trade instructions. This is relevant when creating your own offer.

    • If you have special payment-related procedures that may delay the release of cryptocurrency for a longer period, make it clear for the buyer. This must be frankly stated in your offer terms and trade instructions. You must make sure that the buyer understands that the release of cryptocurrency may be reasonably delayed. Release time may not exceed the time stated in your terms. (Remember that Noones advertises p2p service as instant.)

    • Write concise offer terms. The buyer sees offer terms before he starts the trade. It may contain important information about the trade.

      Example: uploading a photo of ID, uploading a cash receipt, accepting physical gift cards only, etc.

      Note that buyers avoid offers with complicated terms. Clear offer terms also give advantage in case of a dispute. Never leave this section blank while creating an offer.

    • Write clear trade instructions. Trade instructions are shown to a buyer once a trade starts. Instructions give additional guidance to your trade partner and should consist of clear steps.

    • Provide your customers with helpful aids and examples if necessary. For example, if you require them to upload a selfie with a photo ID, then put an example picture.

    6. Be aware of the minimum trade amount on our platform.

    It’s important that you know what the minimum trade amount set on Noones. Currently, the minimum trade amount is 10 USD to buy cryptocurrency.

    7. Do not use third parties for payments. 

    You are the person responsible for accepting and processing payments. If you have no control over the payment and you transfer responsibility to others, this can be considered as fraud. For example, in the case of bank transfer, you should be the account owner, in the case of altcoins, you should be the owner of the wallet, etc.

    8. Off-escrow trades are not allowed.

    It’s important that you do not give other users your contact information to do a trade outside Noones trade flow. Noones escrow must be used at all times or your account may be banned. By avoiding paying escrow fees to our platform while trading outside our escrow service, you expose your BTC to much higher risk as our investigation team will not be able to assist you in case of an argument.

    9. Price negotiations are strongly forbidden.

    A buyer of cryptocurrency must pay the exact price that is set for trade. If during a trade both sides agree to change the amount, a new trade must be re-opened for the correct amount. Price negotiations within the same trade are against our Terms of Service.

    Check our guide on how to sell cryptocurrency on Noones to have an overview of our trade flow.

    10. Do not use absurd margin rates. 

    Do not use absurd margin rates in fixed rate offers, otherwise your offers will be lowered in the Offers list below.

  • Selling Cryptocurrency for In-game Items

    In addition to gift cards with a game balance, some games offer an option to gift in-game items such as resources, skins, weapons, etc. We are happy to offer you an opportunity to sell crypto for in-game items. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

    Before trading

    Before you start selling cryptocurrency for in-game items, make sure you have the means to check if the item was actually transferred to you. Whether you choose a game currency, boost, or skin, you must ensure you have the means to verify the transition of the item.


    • Buying accounts is prohibited.
    • Don’t return the in-game item under any circumstances after you have received it.
    • Don’t take the risk by transacting outside of Noones trade flow as it isn’t protected by Noones secure escrow.


    Searching for an offer

    The first step to selling cryptocurrency for game items is to look for an offer that accepts this type of payment. You can also specify the amount you wish to sell and the currency you prefer.

    Choose the best rate of cryptocurrency to have the highest profit possible. Also, pay attention to the reputation of your potential trade partner. And finally, read through the offer terms and trade instructions carefully. 

    Talk to your trade partner in the trade chat. Clarify how exactly the in-game item will be delivered to you and decide whether you are okay with the product before proceeding.

    Note: If after the trade has started you are being offered an item that is different from the advertised one, be extra cautious.

    Creating an offer

    To sell crypto for game items, you can also create your own offer.

    Here are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Set a margin you find profitable as no negotiations are allowed during the trade.
    • Write clear offer terms and instructions.
    • Use offer labels to highlight essential information such as the item type and the name of a game.
    • Consider including FAQs section—think what questions trade partners may ask.
    • If necessary, mention the following:
      • the game server where the exchange should take place;
      • will the delivery happen “face to face”, via game mail, or any other in-game exchange channel;
      • required game character level, etc.
    • Be clear about what proof of payment you expect from your trade partner, for example, screenshots of an in-game transaction.

    Once you’ve created and published your personalized offer, wait for a buyer to start the trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner on the trade chat, and proceed accordingly.

    Completing a trade

    Once you’ve received the item and the buyer has marked the trade as “Paid”, you can release the cryptocurrency from the trade escrow. Click the Release button only if you are absolutely sure about receiving the payment. Remember that cryptocurrency transactions are final and irreversible.

    After a trade

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the user, you can add them to your trusted list.

    See our step-by-step guide on how to sell cryptocurrency and our rules for selling cryptocurrency.

  • Selling Cryptocurrency with Bank Transfers

    Bank Transfers are a popular payment method on Noones. This article will show how to sell cryptocurrency with our automated Bank Transfers.

    Before trading

    Before you start selling cryptocurrency with Bank Transfers, add your bank account details to your Noones profile.

    Make sure your bank account is ready to make transactions and check if the account has any transaction limits or geographical restrictions in place. Also, consider using a bank that can easily provide proof of payment, with all of the details visible on one page or pdf file.

    The required details for proof of payment on Noones are: 

    • Account holder’s first and last name.
    • Bank’s name and logo.
    • Transaction date, time and status.
    • Sender’s account number and full name.


    Searching for an offer

    The first step to selling cryptocurrency via Bank Transfer is to look for an offer that accepts Bank Transfers as payment. You’ll also need to enter the amount you wish to sell and the currency you prefer.

    After you find a suitable offer, you’ll need to read and accept the new offer terms before the trade begins. These offer terms are set by Noones and outline how the trade should be carried out.

    Once the trade starts, the trade chat will be disabled. We now automatically send the buyer and seller’s bank account details to each other, making Bank Transfers even safer and easier. 

    Creating an offer

    To sell cryptocurrency via Bank Transfer, you can also create your own offer.

    Here are a couple of tips for your Bank Transfer offer:

    • Set a margin you find profitable as no negotiations during the trade are allowed.
    • If you’d like to use the old Bank Transfer process and set your own offer terms, choose “Other Bank Transfer” as your payment method.

    After creating and publishing your personalized offer, wait for a buyer to start a trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner.

    Completing a trade

    Once the buyer has paid you, marked the trade as Paid and uploaded proof of payment, double-check if you’ve received the payment on your end.

    The last step for you is to release cryptocurrency from the trade escrow. Only click the “Release” button if you are absolutely sure you have received the payment.

    After a trade

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the user, you can add them to your trusted list

    Here is some more information on how to sell cryptocurrency on Noones.


  • Selling Cryptocurrency with Cash Payments

    There are a variety of cash payments that you can use to sell cryptocurrency on Noones. This article gives you an overview of selling cryptocurrency using any of the supported cash payments. 

    Before trading

    Before selling cryptocurrency with cash payments, here are a few things to consider:

    • Some payment methods such as Cash By Mail or Cash In Person, require full ID and address verification (for amounts higher than 50 USD per trade).
    • In case of some disputes, it is very difficult for Noones to provide assistance be ready to file a Police report in such cases.


    Searching for an offer

    The first step to selling cryptocurrency with cash is to look for an offer that accepts cash as payment. You’ll also need to enter the amount you wish to sell and your preferred currency.

    When you find the offer that suits you, be sure to read the offer terms before starting the trade. This will show you a brief summary of what the buyer requires from you regarding the payment.  In the case of Cash In Person, the offer terms should provide a brief list of meeting preferences.

    After reading through the offer terms and confirming that you agree with the conditions, it’s time to start the trade. Once the trade has begun, a more specific set of instructions should appear for the meetup. Usually, for cash trades, buyers should promise to provide a teller receipt. If at any point during the trade you feel confused about the instructions, feel free to send a message to the buyer via trade chat. They should be able to help you with any questions that you may have. 

    Creating an offer

    To sell cryptocurrency with a cash payment, you can also create your own offer. Here are some things to consider:

    • Set a margin you find profitable as no negotiations during the trade are allowed.
    • Write clear offer terms and instructions.
    • Make it clear which proof of payment you require and how much time you need to confirm the payment.
    • In the case of Cash In Person, state clearly, where you want to meet.

    Tip: Prefer public places for Cash In Person trades.

    After creating and publishing your personalized offer, wait for a buyer to start a trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner.

    Completing a trade

    For a Cash In Person trade, once all the details have been settled, it’s time to meet up with your buyer. Go to the specified location and collect the cash from the buyer. Once this is done, wait for the buyer to mark the trade as Paid. Now click the Release button. 

    Note that in the case of Cash By Mail, the trade may require a lot of patience from both sides.

    With other cash payment methods, the payment process itself is usually quite simple. In any case, always make sure you have provided correct details to the buyer and collected all possible proof of receiving or not receiving the payment. 

    The last step for you is to release cryptocurrency from the trade escrow. Click the Release button only if you are absolutely sure about receiving the payment.

    After a trade 

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the user, you can add them to your trusted list

    Here is some more information on how to sell cryptocurrency on Noones.

  • Selling Cryptocurrency for Debit/Credit Cards

    On Noones we provide an option to sell cryptocurrency for debit or credit cards, including prepaid cards. This article gives you an overview of selling cryptocurrency using any of the supported cards. 

    Before trading

    Before selling cryptocurrency for debit or credit card, please make sure that you have the means to check the balance on the card and that you are fully aware of how to use the funds as soon as possible. 


    Searching for an offer

    The first step to selling cryptocurrency for debit/credit cards is to look for an offer that accepts that specific card type you have. You’ll also need to enter the amount you wish to sell and the currency you prefer.

    After you have found a suitable offer, be sure to read the offer terms before opening the trade. This will show you a brief summary of what the buyer will be requiring from you in regards to payment.

    Once you have started the trade, a more detailed set of instructions will appear. These are called trade instructions. What the buyer will require from you will vary depending on which specific payment you’ll be using. 

    Creating an offer

    To sell a cryptocurrency, you can also create your own offer.
    Here are a couple of tips:

    After creating and publishing your personalized offer, wait for a buyer to start a trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner.

    Completing a trade

    Once the buyer has paid you, marked the trade as Paid and uploaded proof of payment, double-check if the payment has been successful on your end. 

    The last step for you is to release cryptocurrency from the trade escrow. Click the Release button only if you are absolutely sure about receiving the payment.

    After a trade

    Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the user, you can add them to your trusted list

    Here is some more information on how to sell cryptocurrency on Noones.

See all 11 articles


  • Creating an Offer for Amazon Gift Cards

    Want to create an offer for a specific Amazon Gift Card region? Check out the steps below to get started.


    1. Log in to your Noones account and click Create an Offer.

    2. Choose the cryptocurrency type you want, and then select Buy or Sell.

    3. Select the "Amazon Gift Card" payment method.

    4. Choose your currency from the Preferred currency drop-down list.

    5. Choose the Regions from the list below. 

    6. Check if all details are correct and click Next step to proceed. 

    7. For further configuration, follow these guides starting from Step 2:


  • Special Offer

    Special offers are a type of a trade which is sent to specific trade partners. Unlike classic offers, Special offers can only be accepted by the person it was sent to. All trades are protected by escrow, so if your trade ends up in a dispute, a moderator will step in.

    When should I use a special offer?

    A few examples of using special offers include:

    • Trading with someone you know personally, but still want the security of escrow.
    • Repeating a trade but with slightly different terms.
    • Sending a counter offer with adjusted terms.
    • Giving your trade partner a discount compared to your classic offer.
    • Sending a private offer that you don’t want to be seen publicly.
    How can I create a special offer?
    1. Start by sending your trade partner a message in the chat. You can send a message from their profile (click ‘Start Chat’).
    2. Once you’ve agreed on a trade, click the plus button next to where you enter messages and choose ‘Special Offer’.
    3. If your account is not verified to create offers, follow the instructions to complete verification.
    4. After that, you will see the form to create a special offer. From there, you can customize your trade requirements including trade type, payment method, amount, margin etc.
    5. Once the special offer is created, you and your trade partner can view the offer terms and can start the trade. Please note that the cryptocurrency rate is locked once the offer is created. If the market rate changes significantly after you’ve created your offer, you can cancel it and create a new one.
    What if I received a special offer?
    1. Make sure you agree with the terms with your trade partner before starting the trade. 
    2. If you don’t agree with the terms do not start the trade. You can talk to your trade partner about adjusting the terms in the chat if necessary. You can also send a counter-offer yourself (check out how to create a special offer above).
    3. Once you agree to the  terms, click ‘Start trade’.
    4. From there, you’ll be redirected to the trade chat to complete the trade. Please note that the contents of the trade chat are visible to Noones moderators. Only send payment confirmations, gift card numbers and other trade-related information in the Noones trade chat, or our moderators may not be able to help in case of a dispute.
    5. If the trade is successful, you’ll be redirected back to the private chat. If you need to trade again, you can create a new special offer.
    6. If the trade results in a dispute, a Noones moderator will step in to help. Please note: the moderator will not see your private chat, they will only see the special offer terms and the trade chat, so make sure that the terms always reflect the actual trade.
  • Country Restrictions on Payment Methods

    We have over 400 payment methods available on the platform. However, some payment methods are only available in certain countries:

    Payment Method Restricted Countries
    Cash App Cameroon, Ghana, India, Nigeria
    Chime Cameroon, China, Ghana, India, Nigeria
    GoBank China
    Green Dot Cameroon, China, Ghana, India, Nigeria
    Zelle Cameroon, China, Ghana, India, Nigeria
  • Featured Offers

    Featured offers are offers selected by our team that will be featured on the "buy" and "sell" sections in the Noones marketplace.

    If you see a featured offer in the marketplace, it could be from:

    • An Expert Trader
    • A trader that we trust (has received good feedback from trade partners)
    • A trader that you’ve marked as “trusted” in the past 

    How can I get my offer to be featured?

    We’re not taking requests to feature offers right now. Keep trading safely and fairly in the marketplace and maybe your offer will be featured someday!

  • How Do I Edit My Offers

    Once you make your buy or sell offer, you can easily edit the offer by following these quick steps:

    1. Go to your Dashboard. Under the My Offers section, you can see a snapshot of all your current offers. Here you can view your offers in more detail and edit your offers.

    2. For your Buy Offers, click on Offers to Buy. For your Sell Offers, click on Offers to Sell

    3. Next, click on the Edit button, next to the View button.


    You can also Turn Off your offers with the blue toggle button.

    Special Offers can't be turned off; they can only be Cancelled.

    4. You will be taken to the first Edit Offer page. On this page, you can make changes to your payment method and other trade details. Once all your info is updated, click Next Step in the right-hand column. 


    You can always delete the offer by clicking on the delete offer button.

    5. After hitting Next Step, you will be taken to the second Edit Offer page. Here you can change trade pricing, offer margins, and other details. Once all the info is updated click Next Step in the right-hand column.

    6. After hitting Next Step, you will be taken to the third Edit Offer page. Here you can change trade instructions, offer tags, offer terms, and other details. Once all the info is updated click Update Offer in the right-hand column.

    7. Once you update your offer, you will see a pop-up message confirming your updates. 


    You can also share your updated offer on your social media accounts and via email.

    That’s it! You have now successfully edited your offer.

  • How can I lift a restriction on my payment method?

    To help make the marketplace a safer environment, Noones has placed restrictions on some payment methods in certain countries. You won't be able to create a new offer or start a new trade using restricted payment methods. If you have current offers using restricted payment methods, those offers will be deauthorized.

    If you are temporarily living or traveling in a country where a payment method is restricted, but you have proof that the payment method belongs to you, please:

    1. Take a screenshot of the account that displays your name
    2. Provide proof that you are only temporarily in a restricted country, and proof of address or documentation from your country of origin
    3. Send the screenshots of the documents to our support team through our automated website helper. You can check this article, How to Contact Support.

    Our team will review your information and contact you if they have additional questions.


See all 20 articles


  • Noones Silent Pool

    Silent Pool is a marketplace to buy or sell altcoins peer to peer. The trades are not exposed publicly, which allows you to put big orders without moving the price of the altcoins.

    The trades are protected by Noones escrow, same as all other P2P marketplace trades.

    Using Silent Pool is easy if you are familiar with how Noones P2P trades work. Please refer to the two examples below for details.

    I want to sell altcoins

    First of all, go to Silent Pool and select the altcoin you want to trade. If it’s not supported yet, feel free to suggest it.

    Continue to the search form and make sure you selected the right altcoin to sell. You can also select one of the cryptocurrencies in your Noones wallet that you want to get.

    Hint: if you don’t see an offer you like, try selling for a different crypto (e.g. BTC instead of USDT) and converting afterwards.



    Couldn’t find a good offer? Want to sell for your price? Create an offer by clicking Create an offer. See the instructions below.

    Once you find an offer, click Buy to start the trade. You will see how much altcoins you are supposed to transfer. Your trade partner will provide an address to transfer the altcoins to. Be careful: only use the addresses provided via the Noones trade chat, otherwise we will not be able to protect you in case of a dispute.

    Once the altcoins are transferred and confirmed on the blockchain, click the PAID button and wait for the other party to release the crypto to your Noones wallet.

    Things didn’t go as planned? You can start a dispute and let our moderators resolve the problem. Make sure you followed the vendor’s terms and presented the transaction id of the altcoin transfer to the moderator.

    I want to buy altcoins

    Open the Silent Pool search form and select the crypto currency you have in your Noones wallet. No crypto yet? Deposit it in your Noones wallet or trade in Noones Marketplace.

    Next, choose an altcoin to buy. Couldn’t find your altcoins in the list? Feel free to suggest it.



    Once you find an offer, click Sell to start the trade. Enter the amount in Bitcoins to sell. This amount will be locked in Noones escrow for the whole trade.

    Next thing you need to do is to provide the address to transfer the altcoins to your trade partner. If your payment requires special instructions, like the blockchain to use, you are obliged to make them clear to your trade partner. You can do this in the trade chat. Be careful: never share any details outside of the Noones trade chat, otherwise we will not be able to protect you in case of a dispute.

    Your trade partner will transfer the altcoins and let you know. Please confirm the transfer on the blockchain or in the external wallet you are using for your altcoins. Once confirmed, please click the button to Release Bitcoin. Congratulations, your trade is done!

    Things didn’t go as planned? You can start a dispute and let our moderators resolve the problem. Make sure you provided the correct deposit address in the trade chat prior to starting the dispute.

    I want to create an offer

    1. Go to Create an Offer
    2. Chфoose the crypto currency in your Noones wallet you want to use: BTC, USDT or USDC.
    3. Choose whether you want to buy the selected crypto (and sell altcoins) or the other way.
    4. From the list below select the altcoin you would like to buy or sell.
    5. To set the price, enter the desired margin (in %). Your offer price will be updated automatically every 10 minutes to the market price of the altcoin + the margin % you have chosen.
    6. Set the minimum and maximum trade amount. For example, if you have $1000 worth of Litecoin, you may want to set $100 for the minimum and $1000 for the maximum.
    7. Click next to proceed to the last step: enter the Offer Label (it will be displayed in the offer search) and Offer Terms. Make sure to clarify how you want altcoins transferred: which blockchain, wallet or platform you prefer to use.
    8. Finally, click Create Offer button to complete the process. You can check the status of your offer in My Offers. Hint: if you are going offline for a long period of time, it’s a good idea to temporarily deactivate your offer.
    9. Once somebody accepts your offer, you will get a notification. You can manage your notifications in Settings.


  • What are Security Deposits for?

    Security deposits are a common practice often used to ensure the integrity of transactions and to  facilitate a secure marketplace. In NoOnes, security deposits can be as low as 0.005 BTC or 315 USDT


    • If you don’t have enough crypto in your account to cover the security deposit, your offer will not be activated.
    • Your security deposit amount can be released not earlier than 7 days after your last trade.
    • You can manage your security deposit from My Offers dashboard.
    • Not all offers require a security deposit, it depends on payment method and sometimes on region.
    • No security deposit will be required for trades less than $200 in total volume per day

    Making a security deposit

    1. Login to your NoOnes Account. You can navigate to My Offers from your Home dashboard, from menu on the left side or just hover over Home on the header menu and click My Offers.

    2. At the top of My Offers list you will find Security deposit. Click Deposit.

    Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 11.51.22.png

    3. Read the message carefully and click Deposit to confirm the transaction. A notification will then appear confirming that your crypto was deposited from your wallet to NoOnes secure escrow.

    Note: You do not have to deposit BTC or USDT for each offer or payment method separately. Your deposit covers all offers.

    Withdrawing security deposit

    1. Login to your NoOnes account. Go to My Offers.

    2. Above the My Offers list on the Security deposit dashboard, click Withdraw.

    3. Read the message carefully and click Withdraw to confirm the transaction. A notification will then appear confirming that your crypto was withdrawn from NoOnes secure escrow to your wallet.


    • You can withdraw your security deposit not earlier than seven days after your last trade. This includes successful and cancelled trades.
  • Automated Bank Transfers

    Buying and selling cryptocurrencies using Bank Transfer is automated to make trading even easier and safer for you.

    The trade chat will be disabled in Bank Transfer offers you create or edit. We’ll automatically share the buyer and seller’s account details with each other instead. We’ve also introduced new Offer Terms for Bank Transfer trades, which have been set by Noones. These Offer Terms outline how the trade will proceed. 

    Note: If you’d prefer to stick with the old Bank Transfer process, choose “Other Bank Transfer” as your payment method.

    Here’s how our automated Bank Transfers work:

    How to sell cryptocurrency with an automated Bank Transfer

    Creating an Offer
    1. Click “Create an Offer” on the Noones homepage.
    2. Choose the cryptocurrency you’d like to sell, then ensure “Sell Bitcoin/Tether/USD Coin” is selected.
    3. Select “Bank Transfer” as your payment method, then choose the currency you’d like to receive and select the country where your bank account is based. 
    4. You’ll need to accept Noones’ new terms for Bank Transfers to continue with an automated trade. 
    5. Select the bank account(s) that you’d like to use for this offer and enter your bank’s name(s). If you’ve not added a bank account yet, you can do so here. Click “Next Step” when you’re done. 
    6. Set the rate, offer trade limits and offer margin before continuing to “Next Step”. 
    7. You’ll now see “guided trade”, “no third parties” and “receipt required” set as the Offer Tags by default. The “guided trade” tag is mandatory. You can remove or change the latter two tags to suit your needs. 
    8. Make sure to read Noones’ new Offer Terms carefully, then select whether you’d like your trade partner to be verified, the visibility of your offer and you can enter a reason for the Bank Transfer (optional).
    9. Click “Create Offer” and your offer will be live!
    Making a Trade
    1. When a buyer starts an active trade with your offer, your cryptocurrency will be securely held in escrow until you release it. 
    2. You’ll be shown how much cryptocurrency you’re selling and what you’ll receive in return, as well as the buyer’s and your own account details.  
    3. Once the buyer has marked the trade as Paid and attached proof of payment, check your own account to confirm you’ve received the funds. 
    4. When the funds have arrived, click “Send Bitcoin”.
    5. Enter your 2FA code to release the crypto from escrow and complete the transaction. Don’t forget to leave feedback!

    How to buy cryptocurrency with an automated Bank Transfer

    Creating an Offer
    1. Click “Create an Offer” on the Noones homepage.
    2. Choose the cryptocurrency you’d like to buy, then ensure “Buy Bitcoin/Tether/USD Coin” is selected.
    3. Select “Bank Transfer” as your payment method, then choose the currency you’d like to transfer and select the country where your bank account is based. 
    4. You’ll also need to accept Noones’ new terms for Bank Transfers to continue with an automated trade. 
    5. Select which banks you’re willing to send payment to (or select “All Banks”), then choose which bank account you’ll use to send payment. If you’ve not added a bank account yet, you can do so here. Click “Next Step” when you’re done.
    6. Set the rate, offer trade limits and offer margin before continuing to “Next Step”. 
    7. You’ll now see “guided trade”, “no third parties” and “receipt required” set as the Offer Tags by default. The “guided trade” tag is mandatory. You can remove or change the latter two tags to suit your needs. 
    8. Make sure to read Noones’ new Offer Terms carefully, then you can adjust additional instructions and limitations on your offer.
    9. Click “Create Offer” and your offer will be live! 
    Making a Trade
    1. When a seller starts an active trade with your offer, their cryptocurrency will be securely held in escrow. They’ll release it once they receive your payment.
    2. You’ll be shown how much you’re buying and what you need to pay, as well as the seller’s bank account details. 
    3. Select which bank account you’ll make the payment from and click "Confirm". We’ll then send your account details to the seller. 
    4. Transfer the payment to the seller’s specified bank account. Make sure you receive a receipt or take a photo or screenshot of the confirmation to use as proof of payment.
    5. Mark the trade as “Paid”, then confirm on the Self Declaration pop-up. 
    6. Select your proof of payment on the next pop-up, then click "Upload".
    7. Click "Upload" to send your proof of payment to the seller. 
    8. Once the seller receives the payment, they’ll release the cryptocurrency to your wallet to complete the transaction. Don’t forget to leave feedback!

  • How to find your Transaction ID (TXID)

    Whenever you send crypto to an external wallet address, your transaction will have a specific Transaction ID (TXID), which consists a long string of numbers that identifies your transaction on the blockchain like a digital receipt. The person you're sending the crypto to might request your TXID to prove that it has been sent successfully.

    Here are the 2 easy steps to find your TXID in Noones:

    1. Click "Wallet" at the top of the page
    2. Click "ALL OPERATIONS" at the bottom of the page.

    You'll then see a list of all of your transactions, including the Transaction ID for each. 

  • How to Avoid Chargebacks

    Chargebacks happen when the other party requests their funds back after a trade. This means, your trade partner can request their funds back even after you received the payment.

    Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself:

    • Chargebacks are usually related to third party payments. If a third party payment was sent, try to get as much information as you can about the account the payment was sent from

    Note: Third-party payments are payments made by someone who the payment method/account does not belong to.

    • Take a look at your trade partner’s feedback history before starting a trade to make sure they aren’t getting feedback about chargebacks
    • If you created the offer, add tags that indicate if you accept third party payments or not. 
      • If the user is ID verified, ask them if they are making the payment with their verified name
    • If you don’t accept third party payments and the buyer is trying to use one, ask the buyer to cancel the trade

    If a buyer has filed a chargeback, take a look at this article to see what you can do.

  • Noones Escrow

    To secure the marketplace, Noones employs various protocols such as escrow to prevent fraud and make the trading experience safe and fair for everyone.

    So how does the escrow work?

    When a trade starts, the seller’s crypto is automatically transferred into a temporary safe deposit account (escrow). Once the payment is made and confirmed, the seller can release the cryptocurrency from the escrow and this will mark the completion of the trade.

    Note: The amount transferred into the escrow is the trade amount plus escrow fee.

    How escrow helps cryptocurrency buyers?

    If you've made a payment and the seller refuses to release your crypto, the seller’s cryptocurrency will stay in escrow until our moderators step in to investigate and award to the deserving party — here's how you can start a dispute.

    How escrow helps cryptocurrency sellers?

    Sometimes a buyer may not be able to finalize the payment for the cryptocurrency resulting in a canceled or expired trade. If you’re the seller in this case, your cryptocurrency will safely return back to your wallet.


See all 18 articles


  • How Do I Start a Dispute in Noones?

    We have our dispute system through which conflicts between our users are settled in the fairest way possible.

    Our marketplace offers an opportunity for our customers to freely trade cryptocurrency with each other and a vast majority of the trades go smoothly and successfully. But some cases, it requires an intervention of our moderators. This article will give you an overview of the dispute resolution process.

    Steps to start a dispute

    • In the trade chat, click Dispute.
    • Select a dispute reason from the list and explain what happened clearly in the text box below — Here are the dispute options for sellers and buyers:
      • Cryptocurrency seller: Coin locking, payment issue, other.
      • Cryptocurrency buyer: Unresponsive vendor, payment issue, other.
    • Click Start dispute and check the moderator's message on the trade chat
    • Provide as much evidence as you can, such as:
      • Proof of payment (transaction receipt, a screenshot of payment, video proof)
      • Proof of ownership (transaction receipt, receipt from the store of the gift cards, online receipt, screenshots or video recording)
      • Phone call recording of a conversation with the payment method's customer support.
      • Any additional proof as requested by our moderators.

    The dispute will be investigated by our moderators and a decision will be made based on the evidence provided by both parties. Noones moderators resolve disputes by evaluating trade terms, offer instructions, evidence of payment, trade chat interaction, user reputation, past trading history, as well as data submitted and or collected in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


    • Once you have submitted a dispute request, you do not have to contact our Support. Our moderators will definitely look into your case as soon as possible and reach out to you.
    • Dispute investigation is a complicated process and may take time (up to three weeks). We are grateful for your patience and understanding.
    • Don’t flood the chat with messages as it may hold up the moderator. Wait for the moderator to join the dispute for investigation.

    How to cancel your dispute?

    If you have started a dispute but changed your mind and want to cancel it, do one the following:

    • If you're the crypto seller and the buyer has resolved the issue from their end, click Release to complete the trade
    • If you're the crypto buyer and the issue has been resolved, click Cancel

    Tip: To ensure the best solution possible, wait for a moderator and let them decide on how to solve the dispute.

    Reasons for losing a dispute

    If you lose a dispute, it could be for several reasons. The most common reasons are:

    • You were not able to provide clear reasons and evidence as requested by the moderator
    • The evidence you provided was not enough

    We also check the trading history of both parties to see if you were able to follow the trade instructions or offer terms of the previous trades. A decision is made only when the investigation is finalized to the moderator’s satisfaction. 

    Read more on how to protect your funds from scammers in our security guide

  • When Should I File a Dispute?

    Wondering when is the right time to file a dispute to resolve an issue? Find out in this article. 

    As a crypto buyer:

    • If you’ve followed the seller’s instructions, completed the payment, but the seller refuses to release the crypto
    • If you made the payment but the seller stops responding and has not released the crypto
    • If you notice any violations of the Terms of Service

    As a crypto seller:

    • If the buyer marks the trade as “paid” without a valid payment and became unresponsive
    • If the buyer says they have paid you, but you did not receive the payment or there’s an issue with the payment
    • If you notice any violations of the Terms of Service

    If you’re not sure how to file a dispute, take a look at this article for a step-by-step guide.

  • What Information Should I Provide During a Dispute?

    The more information you provide during the dispute process, the easier our team will be able to process your dispute. We’ve put together a collection of best practices to help our team accurately process your disputes.

    When uploading evidence:

    • Make sure the image is not cut off or cropped
    • Make sure the image is clear
    • Do not alter or change the image

    What information should I provide?

    Gift card disputes:

    Crypto Buyer:

    • Image of the gift card with the Noones trade chat clearly in the background (please make sure that all four corners of the card are in the image)
    • Receipts to prove that you own the gift card
    • Video recording while checking the balance of the gift card before uploading it during the trade 
    • Evidence showing you own the gift card (history from the issuer’s website, etc.)

    Crypto Seller:

    • A full screen, un-cropped screenshot that shows both the code itself and the error message received when trying to redeem
    • Video recording while trying to redeem the card after getting the code from the buyer

    For more information on gift card disputes, take a look at this article

    Bank transfer disputes:

    • A PDF of your bank statement that shows the transaction
    • Video recording of transaction history (name must match the name on your Noones account, and please show the transaction history from the day before the trade up until today)
    • Audio recording from you and the financial institution confirming the transaction

    Online wallet disputes:

    • Screenshot confirming the status of the online wallet transaction
    • Proof that the online wallet belongs to you (video recording of your online wallet account name matching the name on your Noones account)

    Debit/credit card disputes:

    • Proof that your card was charged (video recording of your bank account name matching the name on your Noones account and 10 days of transaction history and please make sure the date is visible)
    • Audio recording of the conversation between you and your card provider confirming the transaction

    Cash disputes:

    • Any evidence that shows your cash withdrawal (bank statement, ATM receipt, etc.)

    Digital currency disputes:

    • The trade/hash ID of the transaction
    • Any additional screenshots that proves you completed the transaction
  • I Have an Issue with a Trade but I Can’t File a Dispute

    The best way to resolve a trade issue is by filing a dispute as soon as possible so that our team can quickly investigate the matter. The sooner a dispute is filed, the more resources our team will have to help resolve the dispute. 

    If you’re not able to file a dispute, it could be due to the following:

    • The trade was cancelled
    • The buyer failed to mark as PAID resulting in an expired trade (system automatically cancelled the trade)

    You can reach out to us about this by sending as much information as you can such as the trade ID, proof of ownership/payment, details of what happened, etc. Our team will then do their best to investigate, take necessary action, and ensure this doesn't happen again in the future, but it is not guaranteed we will be able to resolve the issue.

    Note: Assistance with the inactive trade issues is limited to the cases outlined above. If you experience any issues with the trade, please make sure not to cancel or let the trade expire. We recommend reviewing this guide we put together to help preventing the trade issues.

  • Why did I lose a Dispute? (Gift Card)

    Despite minimal support from gift card services, Noones conducts thorough investigations to resolve gift card disputes. Here are several possible reasons why you may lose a dispute.

    As a buyer, you could lose your dispute due to any of the following reasons:

    • Not providing valid evidence requested within the timeframe given to you
    • Unable to prove that you are the original owner of the gift card. We do not advise selling a card that you did not originally buy — Brokering of gift cards is not allowed
    • Selling a used or invalid gift card
    • The evidence provided was insufficient 
    • A violation of the other party’s offer terms and/or trade instructions
    • Failing to provide proof of payment, not responding to the seller or being inactive in the trade after clicking "Paid" (please note that in these cases, your dispute may be decided in under 12 hours)
    • Other violations of Noones’ Terms of Service

    Warning: Some of these reasons could lead to you being permanently banned from our platform.

    Supporting the trade of gift cards for a cryptocurrency is complicated. The guidelines we follow are to protect the Noones community when a gift card trade is disputed.

    As a seller, you could lose your dispute due to any of the following reasons:

    • You redeemed a valid gift card and did not release the cryptocurrency
    • A violation of the offer terms and/or trade instructions
    • Suspicious trade activity
    • You provided insufficient, false, or edited evidence
    • Other violations of Noones’ Terms of Service

    What to do during a gift card dispute?

    If you enter a dispute, you must be prepared to prove that you are the owner of the card. If you are not the original owner of the gift card, this makes proving the validity of the gift card very difficult. For this reason, sellers of cryptocurrency are highly favored in such disputes. 

    What do we ask for in gift card disputes?

    • A photo of the original gift card with your Noones trade chat clearly visible in the background
    • A complete photo of the original receipt (no cut-offs)
    • For electronic codes (e-codes), an invoice of the original payment and video recording of your bank statement as proof of purchase
    • Proof of conversation with the gift card issuing company’s customer support
    • Any additional evidence as required by Noones (Example: ID Verification)

    Note: Gift card disputes may take up to three weeks to resolve. Following the moderator's instructions and being responsive in the trade chat is important in resolving the dispute in a timely manner. 

    As per our Terms of Service, we remind you that Noones is not a licensed gift card vendor nor an authorized dealer of any gift card issuer, and brokering or reselling gift cards is strictly prohibited on our platform. Noones understands that gift card disputes can be quite challenging and we are continuously working towards solutions to make the trading experience safe and secure for all our users.

  • Why did I lose a Dispute? (Other Payment Methods)

    To keep Noones a safe experience for all, unbiased moderators decide who wins or loses a dispute.

    If you lost a dispute, it could be due to the following:

    • The user did not provide the requested evidence within the given timeframe
    • Suspicious trade activity
    • The user did not submit the trade/hash ID of the transaction
    • Buyer or Seller did not submit a PDF of their bank/online account statement that shows the transaction
    • The user provided insufficient, false, or edited evidence
    • Buyer or seller violated the other party’s offer terms and/or trade instructions.
    • User violated any of Noones’ Terms of Service.

    Note: Some of these reasons could lead to you being permanently banned from our platform.

    What to do during a dispute?

    During a dispute, we recommend that users of both parties adhere to our Terms of Service. At Noones, we try to be as fair and as helpful as possible, and during the process, we recommend that users be forthcoming with information in order to quickly and correctly resolve the dispute. 

    What do we ask for in disputes?

    During a dispute, we also ask for any evidence that may help the moderator make a decision. Evidence can include the following:

    • A PDF of your bank/online account statement that shows the transaction
    • A video recording/screenshot of the online wallet where the transaction that took place
    • The trade/hash ID of the transaction
    • Any additional screenshots that prove you completed the transaction

    For further information on what to provide in a dispute visit our Help Center page: What Information Should I Provide During a Dispute.

    Noones understands that filing a dispute can be a frustrating experience, and we are continuously working towards solutions to make the trading experience safe and secure for all our users. If you have further questions on your dispute claims please reach out to our support team. 

    For more information on why you may have lost a dispute specifically related to gift cards, visit our  Why did I lose a Dispute? (Gift Card) page.

Account Verification

Account Verification

  • Basic Verification

    Obtaining a satisfactory identification document that meets stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) standards can be challenging and time-consuming in certain regions. Additionally, KYC providers may not support all types of identification documents specific to a particular region. 

    To address these limitations, we offer Basic Identity Verification with Noones in certain locations. With Basic Verification, you can verify your identity using any valid document you possess. Basic Verification unlocks the create offer feature and allows you to become a peer to peer trader.

    Basic Verification is available in most of the countries. We recommend choosing ID Verification if you need to trade or send transactions without limits. But if it is not an option for you now, try Basic Verification(KYP) with Noones instead.

  • Limits and Verification

    Verified users on the NoOnes platform have access to more features, such as higher trade amounts and unlimited transactions, a free crypto wallet, and the ability to publish their own offers on the marketplace.

    Below are the tables showing our verification levels and their associated wallet and trading benefits.

    Wallet limits

    Verification level

    Email, Name,  DOB
    Free wallet Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Daily Limit $10K $10K
    Lifetime Send-out Limit $10K $10K
    Send-out Tx Limit $5K $5K
    Lightning deposit Tx Limit $5K $5K $5K $5K
    Lightning send-out Tx Limit $1k $1k $1k $1k


    P2P Trade limits

    Verification level

    Email, Name, DOB
    Publish Offers - Yes Yes Yes
    Daily Limit $10K $10K
    Per trade limit $10K $10K $100K 1 million
    Lifetime Trade Limit $50K $50K


    * Basic verification is available only in particular regions. More information about Basic Verification

    Note: Lifetime trade limits and wallet send-out limits are tracked separately. For example, you can have $500 remaining for trading, and $9,000 left for wallet send outs.

    Note:  the daily limit applies to the sum of all operations performed by user over the last 24 hours:

    • trade (initiated via marketplace and via messenger)

    • internal and external send-out

    • receiving internal deposit
    • convert (aka swap, hedging)

    Why should I verify my account?

    With each new level of verification, here’s a glimpse of what you’ll unlock:

    Level 0

    Sign up with an email, verify it, and get your Citizen ID. You can't trade yet, but everything starts small. Share your Citizen ID QR code and invite friends to join NoOnes to start earning crypto rewards. It's that easy.

    Level 1

    Level 1 is the starting point in the peer-to-peer world. We ask for your date of birth to confirm your legal age and eligibility for our services.

    Level 1 grants a daily limit of $10,000. You can receive funds from friends on NoOnes as well as deposit crypto to your personal crypto deposit address, convert cryptocurrencies, or buy or sell them on the marketplace. There is a lifetime limit of $50,000 for trading and $10,000 for wallet send-out transactions.

    • Free crypto wallet

    • Ability to trade and send out crypto

    • Ability to convert cryptocurrency

    • Daily limit of $10,000
    • Trade lifetime limit of $50,000
    • Send-out lifetime limit of $10,000

    Level 1 Plus

    Obtaining a satisfactory identification document that meets stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) standards can be challenging and time-consuming in certain regions. Additionally, KYC providers often lack timely responses and may not support all types of identification documents specific to a particular location. To address these limitations, we offer Basic Verification in certain locations. With Basic Verification, you can verify your identity using any valid document you possess. Level 1 Plus unlocks the ability to create and publish your own offers on the marketplace.

    • Create and publish offers

    Level 2

    Verify your identity and get rid of all limits. There are no daily or lifetime limits whatsoever. The only limit is the maximum amount per trade, which is $100,000. But you can have as many trades as you want.

    • Per-trade limit $100,000

    • No daily or lifetime limits

    • Access to more payment methods
    • Ability to create and publish your own offers

    Level 3

    Enhanced due diligence checks require verification of address. Level 3 users can trade up to $1,000,000 in a single trade.

    • Increased per-trade limit $1,000,000


    • In order to publish an offer, you need to be ID-verified or pass Basic Verification.
    • The per-trade limit for a trade is calculated based on the total volume of all active trades available for your current level. 
    • Some services, such as withdrawal to bank account, mobile wallet, or virtual cards, will require you to complete ID verification.
    • Check if your country is on the list where we may not make all of the Services available. In case your country is on the list, do not attempt to circumvent any restrictions imposed via the Services, such as by obscuring your IP address or submitting any inaccurate information regarding your location. Please refrain from using NoOnes in this case.

    Please visit our Help Center for more information on the verification process.

  • Email Verification

    Email address verification adds an additional layer of security to your account. Here's how you can verify your email address.

    1. Log in to your Noones account, hover over your username on the top right of the page and click Settings from the context menu that appears.
    2. The Settings page appears and under Verify email address click Resend email
      A verification email will be sent to your registered email address. 
    3. Open the email in your inbox received from, and click Confirm Email.
      Your email address is now verified successfully. 


    • You can request a new confirmation email only once every 20 minutes.
    • If you do not find our email in your regular inbox, please check your Spam or Junk email folders as well.

    After verifying your email, we also recommend setting up two-factor authentication on your Noones account if you haven't already.


  • Phone Verification

    You might want to verify your phone number after creating your account to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Here's how you can verify your phone number on Noones if you didn't create your Noones account using your phone number.

    1. Log in to your Noones account, hover over your username on the top right of the page and click Settings from the context menu that appears.
    2. The Settings page will appear and on the menu on the left side of the page, click Profile.
    3. Enter your phone number in the PHONE field and click Verify or Use a phone call instead.

      Note: We recommend the Verify option as the call option is not supported in all countries.

    4. a) Phone call option
          You will receive a phone call with the numeric confirmation code. Listen carefully to the code and enter it in the field below and click Submit
      b) Verify (SMS) option
          You receive an SMS with the numeric confirmation code. Enter the code in the field below and click Submit

      Your number is now successfully verified!

      After confirming your phone number, consider activating 2FA and verifying your ID.



  • ID Verification

    Trading on Noones requires verification depending on the payment method used or the amount transacted. Whenever you hit the limit of operations available without ID verification, Noones UI would suggest you to increase the limits by verifying your ID.


    Step 1 Open the Verification Page

    • Click the link in the operation limit error message.

    Step 2 Insert Your Details

    • Fill in the fields on the ID verification form.
    Field Name Description
    Country your photo ID is from Select the country that issued your ID.
    Type of photo ID Select the type of ID you are submitting.
    • If any other fields specific for a selected ID are displayed, fill in the requested values.
    • Click Start verification process.
    • If asked, confirm the consent to the processing of your personal data

    Step 3 Provide ID Photo

    • On the ID verification page, reenter the ID choice and click Next.
      • The Identity document page will then appear.
    • Choose whether you want to take a photo of ID or to upload an existing file from your device.


    • Some countries may not have the ability to upload a file during the ID verification process. These users will need to take a live photo instead.
    • If you prefer to use your mobile phone, click Continue on phone 
      • Take a Photo
        • To take a picture of your ID, make sure your document is ready and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
          • Click Take photo.
          • Click Start.

    Warning: Give the application permission to access your device camera.

        • Place your ID in the center of the screen and make sure all the necessary details are visible: 
          • your face on the document
          • document number
          • your full name
        • Click the Camera icon to capture the image.
          • The image is captured and displayed on the screen. 
        • If the image is clear, click Confirm. If the photo is not legible or if you are not satisfied with it, click Retake and try again.
        • Repeat the process once again to capture the backside of your  ID card or Driving license. In the case of a passport, simply continue to the next step.
      • Upload file
        • If you want to upload a file from your device,
          • Click Upload file.
            • The Upload image page appears. 
          • Click Choose file and select a file from your device.
          • Click Choose another file if you want to retry. If you selected the right file, click Confirm.
        • Repeat the process once again to capture the backside of your ID card or Driving license. In the case of a passport, simply continue to the next step.

    Step 4 Complete Face Verification

    The next step after submitting your ID is to complete your face verification. To verify your facial identity.

    • On the Face verification page, click Continue.
      • Center your camera page appears.
    • Make sure your camera is working and placed correctly. Click Continue.
      • The application activates your device camera so you can click a picture of your face.
    • Once you are ready, click Start.

    While clicking the picture, keep the following points in mind:

    • Look straight into the camera.
    • Make sure you are dressed decently and are not wearing glasses or hats.
    • Follow the instructions by moving your face closer to the camera.
    • Fit your face into the oval frame.

    In case of an error, click Try again. In case of success, your photo will be sent automatically to our Verification Team.

    Note: If your attempt has failed, consider increasing the amount of light in the room.

    You’ll be notified about your application in just a few minutes! Check your notification inbox to find out if your application was approved or declined. You will also receive an email with the result of your verification. 


    • There is a lifetime limit of 5 verification attempts for each user!
    • If you have not received an answer within 24 hours, it means that your document is going through manual verification. Manual verification may take more than 2 days (2-7 days).

    If you have any questions or face any issues, contact us via our contact form.


  • When would I need to verify my identity?


    • If you reach an equivalent of 50,000 USD in trade volume or wallet activity, you’ll be asked to verify your ID
    • You may also be required to verify your identity for certain payment methods such as buying and/or selling cryptocurrency with Cash payments.
    • If you are willing to use certain services, for example create a virtual Visa card.
    • If you need a higher than 10,000 USD per trade limit, you will be required to verify your ID.

    What if I am in a blocked list country?

    If you’re in a country that is on the List of countries blocked on NoOnes, you’ll not be able to use any of NoOnes services.

See all 14 articles


Managing Your Account

  • Transfer Your Trading Experience to Noones!

    If you're an experienced trader on P2P crypto trading platforms, we've got great news for you! At Noones, we understand the value of your positive reviews, and we're here to offer you a smoother start on our platform by seamlessly transferring your valuable feedback.

    To kickstart this process, all you need to do is verify your account on Noones and reach out to our support team. Simply provide the link to the profile from which you wish to transfer your feedback, and we'll take care of the rest.

    Please note that:

    • Both accounts have to be ID verified.
    • We won’t be transferring feedback from restricted accounts.
    • We won't be accepting requests from platforms that already stopped their services.

    Sign up now



  • Creating an Account on Noones

    Cryptocurrency can be intimidating for newbies so we've created a guide on how to create an account on Noones to help you get started.

    Your Noones journey begins with a simple decision: whether or not to create an account. If you think that you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of crypto and financial freedom, then the next step is to create your Noones account. Creating your account is easy and very user-friendly. Upon registering, you also get a free wallet to store the cryptocurrency you earn from trading on Noones.

    To create a new Noones account:

    1. Open a web browser and launch the Noones webpage:

    2. Click Get started on the main page.

    3. Choose if you'd like to create an account with your phone number or email address, enter your data (phone number or email address), and click on the Claim my Noones ID.

    4. On the next screen you need to create a password and click the Join button.


    • When you register on Noones, a username will automatically be assigned to you, but you can customize it later. 
    • Click I have referral code to register your referral code received from another Noones user.

    4. From there, you'll need to verify your phone or email address (whichever one you choose to create your account with).

    Warning: Read our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. By continuing you agree to Noones's Terms of Service automatically.

    Once you have created your account, we recommend verifying your phone or email address (whichever one you did not use to sign up with) and identity as well to gain more trading opportunities on our platform. If you have any other questions, feel free to explore our Help Center, reach out to us via Contact Us form on our website.

  • Why is My Noones Account Frozen or Restricted?

    To maintain safe conditions within the Noones marketplace, we take action on accounts that violate any of our Terms of Service. These actions will have a status that restricts the usage of Noones.

    If your account is suspended, you are restricted from using your Noones account. 

    If your account is locked, you temporarily won’t be able to login to your Noones account — this could be because you logged in from a new location, or we may have detected suspicious activity so it’s been locked to keep you safe. For more information, take a look at this article.

    If your account is frozen, you temporarily can’t buy or sell on Noones and you can’t withdraw any funds. 

    If your account has been limited, you are either permanently/temporarily restricted from trading, creating, and editing offers. Although your account is restricted, wallet services will still be available such as receiving, sending, and converting crypto.

    If your account is on-hold, your account is restricted for a period of time for further review. After the time period expires, you can withdraw any funds in your wallet. If your account is not ID verified, you’ll be required to verify your ID before you can withdraw any funds.

    If your account is banned, you are permanently restricted from buying and selling. However, you will still be able to do a one-time withdrawal of all your funds from your Noones account and send it to any wallet address you choose. If you’re from a country on this list, or if you have reached your wallet send out limit, you’ll be required to verify your ID before you can withdraw your funds.

    What causes account restrictions?

    Here are some of the activities that can lead to your account being restricted: 

    • Seller of cryptocurrency asking to cancel the trade after the payment was completed.
    • Conducting a trade outside of Noones trade escrow by communicating through Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.
    • Making a chargeback or reversing the payment after it has been processed.
    • Coin locking or holding a seller’s cryptocurrency in escrow without the intention to make the payment and complete the trade.
    • Unauthorized use of gift cards, such as selling a gift card in multiple trades and selling gift cards that have already been used. 
    • Forcing or tricking a trade partner to immediately release their cryptocurrency.

    Noones has zero tolerance for the following:

    • Using multiple Noones accounts.
    • Using a fake identity or falsified verification documents.
    • Using Noones from a country listed on this page.
    • Unauthorized use of gift cards / chargebacks / defrauding users.

    How do I remove the restriction?

    Some account restrictions such as banned and suspended are not reversible, therefore the actions are final

    However, if your account is frozen, first check your email for information, and then contact Support to figure out the next steps for appeal. 

    If your account is locked, please take a look at this article for steps on how to unlock your account.

    Warning: The quickest way to appeal a restriction of your account is by using our Contact Us form and choosing the following request type: Accessing and using my account > My account is banned, frozen, suspended, or on-hold.

  • Noones Trader Program FAQs


    What is the Trader Program?

    What are the benefits of the Trader Program?

    What are the requirements to join the Trader Program?

    How will I know if I'm eligible to be part of the Trader Program?

    I've met all the requirements. How do I get an account badge?

    Can I lose my Trader Program status?

    What is the Trader Program?

    The Trader Program provides exclusive perks and benefits to active and well-respected members of our platform. There are two different levels: Power Trader and Expert Trader.

    What are the benefits of the Trader Program?

    • A badge on your profile
    • Be the first to try new features
    • Instant disputes
    • Priority support
    • Increased margin limits

    What are the requirements to join the Trader Program?


    • Follow our Terms of Service
    • Have a Verified ID*
    • Have a good behaviour score**
    • Make a Security Deposit
    • Complete at least 20 qualified trades over the last 90 days***
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 5 different trade partners over the last 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume over the last 90 days of $400 USD or more
    • Be trusted by at least 2 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 95% or more

    Power Trader

    • Follow our Terms of Service
    • Have an account registered 90 or more days ago
    • Have a Verified ID*
    • Have a good behaviour score**
    • Complete at least 500 qualified trades over the last 90 days***
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 125 different trade partners over the last 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume over the last 90 days of $50,000 USD or more
    • Get the positive feedback for at least 250 qualified trades***
    • Be trusted by at least 30 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 95% or more

    Expert Trader

    • Follow our Terms of Service
    • Have an account registered 90 or more days ago
    • Have a Verified ID*
    • Have a good behaviour score**
    • Complete at least 1,500 trades every 90 days***
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 225 different trade partners over the last 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume over the last 90 days of $125,000 USD or more
    • Get the positive feedback for at least 500 qualified trades***
    • Be trusted by at least 50 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 95% or more

    * Our compliance may require you to provide additional details like proof of address.

    ** To be a good trader on Noones, we expect honest trading, prompt release times, keeping the trade on Noones, etc. You can refer to our Terms of Service for more information on acceptable behavior when using the marketplace.

    *** A trade must be worth 20 USD or more to be qualified for counting toward the Trader Program.

    What are the requirements to stay within the Trader Program?

    The metric thresholds for keeping the status are lower than the ones to get, but you have to meet every criteria:


    • Follow our Terms of Service
    • Have a Verified ID*
    • Have a good behaviour score**
    • Keep a Security Deposit
    • Complete at least 5 qualified trades every 90 days
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 1 different trade partner every 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume of $25 USD or more every 90 days
    • Be trusted by at least 1 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 90% or more

    Power Trader

    • Follow our Terms of Service and compliance requirements.
    • Ensure your ID is not expired
    • Have a good behaviour score
    • Complete at least 50 qualified trades every 90 days
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 20 different trade partners every 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume of $5,000 USD or more every 90 days
    • Be trusted by at least 10 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 90% or more

    Expert Trader

    • Follow our Terms of Service and compliance requirements.
    • Ensure your ID is not expired
    • Have a good behaviour score
    • Complete at least 100 qualified trades every 90 days
    • Complete qualified trades with at least 50 different trade partners over the last 90 days
    • Have an overall trade volume of $25,000 USD or more every 90 days
    • Be trusted by at least 15 partners
    • Have the 30-days trade success score of 90% or more

    How will I know if I'm eligible to be part of the Trader Program?

    Once you meet the requirements we'll send a notification to your Noones account letting you know! We'll also send an email to the address linked to your Noones account.

    I've met all the requirements. How do I get an account badge?

    Great question! Once you've completed the required number of trades and your account is in good standing, you can contact our support team. They'll review your account and add the badge if you meet the requirements. Once you have your badge you can begin enjoying the benefits of the program!

    Can I lose my Trader Program status?

    Yes, you can. We look at your account on a rolling basis. See above for the requirements to stay within the Trader Program.

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Suggestions?

    We'd love to hear from you! You can reach out to our support team and we'll get back to you.

  • My Public Profile

    Your profile contains a summary of your account and your history on Noones. Other Noones users can view the following information:

    • Username
    • Profile picture
    • Verification - information if your email, phone, ID or address are verified,  and you were verified as a trusted vendor.
    • Reputation - an aggregation of the positive and negative feedback that you have received on Noones.
    • Active offers - offers you created that are currently active.
    • Your profile language
    • Number of trade partners
    • Number of trades
    • Trade volume - total BTC you’ve traded on Noones.
    • Number of users who trust you
    • Number of users who have blocked you
    • Time elapsed since you joined Noones
    • Last time you were online on Noones

    As you can see, your public profile will contain all the credentials you have earned on Noones and will help other users decide if you are a safe trade partner or not.

  • Dashboard

    Your dashboard is the hub to track all your activities on Noones and allows you to access all the information you need. See more information in this article.

See all 15 articles

Account Security

  • Keep your Noones account secure with 2FA

    Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security where the user must verify that they own the account with a code. 2FA is often used to protect the user’s credentials, information, and any resources within the system. Only the user can access their specific 2FA code, which you can get via Authy, Google Authenticator, or Email. 

    To secure your account, we highly recommend setting up your 2FA. Here are the different types of authenticators or 2FA methods you can use:

    Reminder: Before setting up your 2FA, you’ll need to set up your security questions in account settings first.

  • How to Enable 2FA with Google Authenticator (GA)

    Google Authenticator is an application that implements two-step verification services for our users as an added layer of security. It uses a time-based one-time password algorithm and HMAC-based one-time password algorithm for authenticating users of mobile applications by Google.

    To set up 2FA with Google Authenticator (GA) follow the steps below:

    • Download the GA app
    • Once the GA app is installed, login into your Noones account on a different device
    • Hover over your username on the top right corner of the page and click Settings from the menu
    • On the settings menu, click Security
    • On the security page, under Two-factor authentication (2FA) settings, choose Google Authenticator
    • Click Activate now and a QR code appears
    • Scan the QR code with your phone by using the Google Authenticator app. A 6-digit code will appear on the app or you can copy the code for manual setup.
    • Enter the 6-digit code into the field below the QR code. Your code will be automatically submitted once you input the code.
    • Once your code is automatically submitted, a menu will appear.
      • To verify that 2FA via GA is turned on, make sure it says Activated
      • For more security, check all the toggles under the Enable 2FA column
    • When all toggles are blue, you’re done! 2FA via Google Authenticator is set up


    To troubleshoot 2FA via Google Authenticator (GA), visit our help center page.


  • How to Enable 2FA with Authy

    Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) can greatly enhance your account security. We recommend using Authy as it's more secure.

    To set up 2FA with Authy follow the steps below: 

    • Download the Authy app
    • Login to your Noones account on a different device
    • Hover over your username on the top right corner of the page and click Settings from the menu
    • On the settings menu, click Security
    • On the security page, under Two-factor authentication (2FA) settings, choose Authy
    • Click Activate now and a QR code appears
    • Scan the QR code with your phone by using the Authy app. A 6-digit code will appear on the app or you can copy the code for manual setup
    • Enter the 6-digit code into the field next to the QR code. Your code will be automatically submitted once you input the code
    • Once your code is automatically submitted, a menu will appear
      • To verify that 2FA via Twilio Authy is turned on, make sure it says Activated
      • For more security, check all the toggles under the Enable 2FA column
    • When all toggles are blue, you’re done! 2FA via Authy is set up


    To troubleshoot 2FA with Authy, visit our help center page.

  • How to Enable 2FA with Email

    To set up 2FA with email, follow the steps below:

    • Login to your Noones account
    • Hover over your username on the top right corner of the page and click on the Settings button
    • On the settings menu, click on Security
    • On the Security page, under Two-factor authentication (2FA) settings, choose Email
    • Click Activate now
    • Click on Enable 2FA via email and a menu will appear
      • To verify that 2FA via email is turned on, make sure it says Activated
      • For more security, check all the toggles under the Enable 2FA column.
    • You’ll receive a code in the email you used to create your Noones account
    • Input the 6-digit code found in the email
    • When all the toggles are blue, you’re done! 2FA via email is set up
  • Troubleshooting 2FA

    Have problems with your two-factor authentication (2FA)? Here's how to troubleshoot 2FA via Google Authenticator (GA), Authy, or Email. 

    Google Authenticator (GA) and Authy

    If your GA/Authy codes don’t work, it might be because the time on your Google Authenticator app is not synced correctly with your device. Make sure to check the clock and set it to the correct time zone. An incorrect clock can cause codes to be out of sync.


    If you’re having issues receiving 2FA codes via email, please check the following:

    • Make sure your inbox is not full
    • Make sure emails from Noones are not going into your spam folder
    • Make sure your email is verified on your Noones account
    Note: If none of the mentioned steps worked, you can reset your 2FA by following the steps here or contact our support team. 
  • How to reset 2FA

    Setting up 2FA on your account significantly improves your wallet security, but sometimes you may lose access to your 2FA due to:

    • Your phone is lost or damaged
    • The authentication app is deleted
    • You switched to a new device and the app with all the codes cannot be transferred to your new device

    If this happens, click "Trouble logging in?" when you're asked to enter your 2FA code. From there, we'll ask you some questions and we'll see how we can help.

See all 11 articles


General Questions and Guides

  • Buy and Sell Crypto on NoOnes Spot

    You can trade major cryptocurrencies pairs (f.ex. BTC/USDT, SOL/USDT) on Spot market directly from your NoOnes wallet.

    1. First, you need to fund cryptocurrency to your Funding Wallet balance. You have options here:
      • Deposit crypto funds to your Funding balance. Click on “Deposit”, select an asset’s (e.g., USDT) address and receive your crypto from an external wallet.
      • Buy crypto on NoOnes P2P Marketplace. Click on “Trade”, find an offer and buy crypto with Bank, Mobile money or a Card.
      • Buy crypto instantly with Bank, Mobile money or a Card. Click on “Wallet”, select “Buy crypto instantly”. 
    2. Open the website menu (hover over "Trade" on a desktop). Click on “Spot”.
    3. You need to transfer crypto funds* from your Funding balance to Spot balance. Click on “Transfer”, specify crypto asset and amount and make the transfer.
    4. Start Trading. Choose the crypto asset you transferred to your Spot balance. Click "Trade" to open the trading interface.
    5. Spot Trade terminal appears where you can Buy and Sell cryptocurrencies in crypto pairs** 
    6. Now you are ready to trade Spot with Market and Limit orders, as well as Stop Market and Stop Limit orders ***

    * - you can always move your BTC, USDT and ETH back to Funding balance from Spot balance

    ** - other cryptocurrencies cannot be transferred to NoOnes Funding balance. You need to first sell these coins on Spot for BTC, USDT or ETH and then transfer it to Funding balance

    *** - limit orders lock related amounts of crypto in Spot Trade terminal. Funds locked in limited orders cannot be transferred to Funding balance unless limited orders are executed or canceled.


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which crypto pairs does Spot trading support?

    You can trade Spot using the following crypto pairs:

    • BTC/USDT

    • ADA/USDT


    • APT/USDT

    • ARB/USDT


    • BCH/USDT

    • BNB/USDT


    • DOT/USDT

    • ETH/USDT

    • FET/USDT


    • LTC/USDT





    • POL/USDT


    • SOL/USDT

    • SUI/USDT


    • TON/USDT

    • TRX/USDT

    • UNI/USDT

    • WIF/USDT

    • WLD/USDT

    • XMR/USDT

    • XRP/USDT

    • ZEC/USDT

    What are Spot trading fees?

    We offer competitive rates starting from 0.19% fee for the BTC/USDT pair.
    Please refer to the NoOnes Fees page for more details.

    Is NoOnes Spot trading available worldwide?

    NoOnes Spot is available for all countries served by NoOnes.
    Please see here list of countries that we do not serve now 

    How can I fund my Spot balance?

    Navigate to Spot, select a BTC, USDT or ETH asset and click “Transfer”. Provide the required amount and transfer your funds from NoOnes Funding to NoOnes Spot balance.

    How can I check my Spot balance?

    Navigate to Spot, “Trade -> Trade Spot” and you will see the total Spot holding balance.

    The total Spot balance is also shown on the wallet’s balance pop-up in the right upper corner on any NoOnes page (on mobile browser you need to click on it).

    Where can I see my Spot transactions?

    Navigate to Spot, “Trade -> Trade Spot”, select any coin and click on “Trade". After Spot Trade terminal is loaded, scroll down and see your Spot transactions.


  • Instant Buy Your Way to Tether

    Ready to jump into the exciting world of Tether (USDT) but don't have time for complex exchanges? Look no further than Instant Buy, the revolutionary new feature built right into your NoOnes wallet app!

    Here's the magic Instant Buy brings:

    • Instant Tether: Ditch the wait! Get your Tether deposited directly into your NoOnes wallet within minutes of completing your purchase. (Processing times may vary)
    • Payment Powerhouse: Choose from a variety of payment methods to fit your needs, including Debit/Credit card, ApplePay, GooglePay, PIX, PSE, SPEI, Revolut Pay, MoMo and even bank transfers.

    How to Instant Buy Your Way to Tether:

    1. Open your NoOnes wallet. Find the sleek "Buy Instantly" icon and Tether!
    2. Choose your currency. Select the fiat currency you'd like to use for the purchase. (Payment method availability may vary depending on the chosen currency).
    3. Select your desired amount. Decide how much Tether you want to add to your crypto holdings.
    4. Pick your payment method. From cards to e-wallets and bank transfers, choose the method that works best for you. (Optional: If multiple exchange rates are available, you can compare them for the best deal)
    5. Follow the on-screen prompts. Completing your purchase is a breeze with clear instructions guiding you every step of the way.
    6. Unwind! Your Tether will be in your NoOnes wallet within minutes.

    A Friendly Reminder:

    Our partner facilitating Instant Buy might occasionally require additional verification to ensure security.

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    Is Instant Buy available to everyone, or are there any eligibility requirements?
    Instant Buy is open to most countries, with no verification needed for smaller amounts. Our partner might request verification occasionally for security.
    How much does NoOnes charge for Instant Buy?
    All charges are displayed, including network fees, during the checkout process so you know exactly what you're paying and how much Tether you get.
    How long should I wait to receive Tether?
    As as soon as our partner receives the payment, Tether will be sent to your NoOnes wallet BSC(BEP20) crypto address. It should not take longer than few minutes.
    I just completed a payment, but now I'm prompted to verify my identity. Can you explain why this is necessary?
    Verification might be requested by our partner for security reasons. Don't worry, if it's not a convenient time, you can simply cancel your payment. Your funds will be refunded to your original payment method within an hour.
    Is Tether Instant Buy available worldwide?
    Pay in your local currency. Instant Buy is supported almost everywhere and we working on adding support for this service in more jurisdictions.

    Currently this service is available in the following jurisdictions:

    Andorra Argentina Austria Bahrain
    Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria
    Burkina Faso Cameroon Cook Islands Ivory Coast
    Croatia (Hrvatska) Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark
    Dominica Dominican Republic Estonia  
    Finland France Germany Ghana
    Greece Hong Kong Ireland  
    Italy Kenya Latvia Liechtenstein
    Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Mexico
    Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria  
    Norway Peru Poland Portugal
    Romania Rwanda Saint Pierre and Miquelon  
    San Marino Senegal Slovakia Slovenia
    Spain Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Sweden Switzerland
    Taiwan Thailand East Timor Turkey
    Uganda Vatican City Zambia  


    Nevertheless, currently this service is NOT available in the following jurisdictions* yet:

    Afghanistan Åland Islands Albania American Samoa
    Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Aruba Aruba
    Australia Bahamas Barbados Belarus
    Belize Bermuda Bolivia Botswana
    Burundi Cambodia Canada Cayman Islands
    China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Congo, Democratic Republic of the
    Cook Islands Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia
    Faroe Islands French Polynesia Falkland Islands French Guiana
    Guadeloupe Georgia Gibraltar Greenland
    Haiti India Indonesia Israel
    Iraq Jordan Jamaica Japan
    Kosovo Laos Libya Macao
    North Macedonia Malawi Mali Malaysia
    Martinique Mayotte Monaco Montserrat
    Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia
    Nepal New Caledonia Nicaragua Niue
    Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pakistan Palau
    Philippines Reunion Russia Saint Helena
    Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Pierre and Miquelon Singapore Somalia
    Sudan Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Tanzania Tokelau
    Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom Vanuatu
    Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Wallis and Futuna Islands
    Western Sahara Yemen Guernsey Serbia
    Saint Martin Saint-Barthélemy Isle of Man South Sudan
    Jersey Saint Maarten South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Guernsey

    *The list above represents only supported on NoOnes jurisdictions, where Instant Buy may become available in the future. Check the list of the countries blocked on NoOnes

  • Create NoOnes Virtual VISA USD card and top it up with Tether USDT

    You can create NoOnes crypto Virtual VISA USD card and top up it directly from your NoOnes Wallet.

    1. Make sure that your Account is ID verified* (L2), check it by navigating to Account -> Settings -> Verification
    2. On desktop you will find Virtual Card right in header menu. If you are using mobile, click in burger menu in the left right corner.
    3. Confirm Consent for sharing of your ID information with the card issuer..
    4. Select the USD amount for the Virtual VISA card top-up.
    5. Review the card creation and top-up fees and click “Confirm”.
    6. Review the final price. You will be charged in Tether USDT.
    7. Confirm the top-op operation with 2FA code.
    8. Your Virtual NoOnes VISA USD card will be available in a few seconds.
    9. To see the card details** and start using it, click the "Info" button and enter the 2FA code again.

    * - users from Nigeria must provide BVN code in addition to ID verification (L2)

    ** - if a merchant asks for a billing information, please use a US postal address


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    How can I view my NoOnes VISA card number and CVV code?
    Select the NoOnes VISA card and click the "Info" button - NoOnes will show the card number, CVV, and valid through date.
    Why I cannot withdraw my virtual card full balance?
    To keep your virtual card active, a minimum balance of $1 is required. You can withdraw up to your available balance minus $1.
    Why do I have to wait before I can request withdrawal or card termination?
    To ensure all your card transactions are processed, we temporarily restrict withdrawals and card termination for 72 hours after the last card activity. Once this period has passed, you can withdraw funds from the card and if you wish terminate your card.
    How much NoOnes charges for withdrawing from virtual card?
    Card withdrawals are free. Withdrawal USD amount will be credited to your Tether wallet in USDT equivalent.
    How can I close my virtual card if I don't need it?
    Withdraw any remaining funds, keeping at least $1 for activation. Once your card balance is below $2, the "Terminate" option will become available. Your remaining balance will be automatically transferred to your Tether wallet in USDT equivalent.
    We share your email address with our virtual card provider. Unfortunately, sometimes our partner encounters issues with certain email domains. Here is an article explaining how to change email.

    We recommend to avoid using email domains listed below:
    ssl.tls.cloudns.ASIA 888.dnS-clouD.NET AS10.dDNSfree.Com      

    I have not received my top up for my NoOnes VISA card. What should I do?
    First, please refresh your VISA card’s balance with the “Refresh” button on the card. Then please check the Top-up History in your Wallet. If your transaction is complete, look for the “TO” field, it must contain your card’s 4 last digits. Found it? That means your transaction went through. If your transaction is not displaying as Complete, feel free to contact NoOnes support for assistance.
    How can I pay for NoOnes VISA card Top Up?
    To pay for NoOnes VISA card Top Up you need USDT (Tether) in your NoOnes Wallet. You can buy Tether on NoOnes Marketplace, Convert other cryptocurrencies into USDT or deposit USDT to your Wallet. To find your NoOnes USDT address tap Wallet, select Tether and tap Deposit.
    How much does NoOnes charge for a VISA Virtual Card Top Up?
    Please refer to the NoOnes Fees page.
    How much can I spend with a virtual VISA card?
    Spend freely up to $50,000 with your virtual card. To top up more than $500 in total and increase your spending up to $50,000, address verification is needed.
    Why do I see extra fees on my Visa card transactions?

    You may notice extra fees on your Visa card transactions for purchases made outside the USA. Typically, these fees will be charged directly to the card balance.

    Depending on the merchant's location, the bank may charge an additional processing or currency conversion fee. In the event of insufficient funds on the card to cover the fee, the necessary amount will be deducted from your linked USDT wallet.

    Standard fee is 3% + $0.5 per transaction settled outside the USA.

    Please note that NoOnes does not control or charge these fees, as they are determined by your issuing bank.

    My Virtual VISA Card gets declined. What should I do?
    Your Virtual Visa Card could be automatically terminated after 3 unsuccessful transaction attempts. Usually this happens when your balance is insufficient to cover the purchase. In this case the card provider charges a $1 fee.
    Is NoOnes VISA card available worldwide?
    NoOnes VISA cards can be issued for NoOnes ID verified users in most of the countries.

    Nevertheless, currently this service is not available in the following jurisdictions:

    • Afghanistan

    • Balkans
    • Belarus
    • Burundi
    • Central African Republic
    • Cuba

    • Cyprus

    • Haiti

    • Democratic Republic of the Congo
    • Iran
    • Iraq
    • Lebanon
    • Liberia

    • Libya
    • Myanmar

    • Nicaragua

    • North Korea

    • Palestinian Territories

    • Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
    • Russia

    • Somalia
    • Sudan and Darfur
    • South Sudan
    • Syria

    • Ukraine
    • Venezuela
    • Yemen
    • Zimbabwe


  • Recharge your Mobile or buy a Data Plan with Tether USDT

    You can Top Up your Mobile directly from your Noones Wallet in few easy steps.

    1. Open the website menu (or hover over "Wallet" if you are on a desktop). Click on Mobile Top Up.

    2. Enter the mobile phone number to top up.

    3. Confirm that the operator name is detected correctly.

    4. Choose whether you want to recharge your mobile balance or select a data plan.

    5. To recharge your mobile balance enter or select the amount in your local currency.

    5. Review the price to pay in Tether USDT.

    6. Click "Continue" to review details and pay for Mobile Top Up from your Noones wallet.




    Frequently Asked Questions

    I have not received my top up What should I do?

    Please check the Top-up History in your Wallet. If your transaction is complete, look for Transaction ID. Found it? That means your transaction went through, you can check it with your operator. When checking, please make sure your phone number is correct.

    If your transaction is not displaying as Complete, feel free to contact Noones support for assistance.


    How much does Noones charge for Mobile Top Up?

    The price in USDT is inclusive of all the transaction fees and absorbs exchange rate fluctuations. You will receive exactly the amount you have requested to your Mobile or the Data Plan in your local currency.


    What if I see the wrong operator for my mobile number?

    If this happens, please do not continue with Mobile Top Up. Please contact support and report the incorrectly showing operator.


    How can I pay for Mobile Top Up?

    To pay for Mobile Top Up you need USDT (Tether) in your Noones Wallet. You can buy Tether on Noones Marketplace, Convert other cryptocurrencies into USDT or deposit USDT.


    Is Mobile Top Up available worldwide?

    Mobile Top Up with Noones is only available in selected countries. Cannot find your country? Don't worry, it will be added soon. Meanwhile you can always look for Mobile Top Up offers on Noones Marketplace.

  • What is a Noones Wallet?

    The Noones Wallet is a digital wallet given upon sign-up and allows you to securely send and receive your hard-earned cryptocurrency. Your wallet lets you see your transactions, similar to your online banking account. 

    All wallets come with a wallet address. To send and receive cryptocurrency to your Noones Wallet, you can simply send your wallet address to other crypto users. 

    There are many varieties of wallets available, whether you’re looking for a web or mobile solution—your Noones wallet helps get you up and running ASAP! For more information on wallet restrictions and how to trade cryptocurrency using your Noones Wallet, visit our Help Center.

  • Receiving or Depositing Cryptocurrency on NoOnes

    When you sign up for a NoOnes account, you get a free wallet and an address specific to the cryptocurrency and network you wish to use, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), TON (TON), Solana (SOL) and Monero (XMR). This address is a combination of numbers and letters (both uppercase and lowercase) in no apparent sequence.

    This address never expires, so just copy it and use it to receive your chosen cryptocurrency from other wallets or cryptocurrency ATMs.

    When receiving or depositing from an external wallet address, it will go straight into your NoOnes wallet, but it’s not always instant. 

    For Bitcoin transactions, it takes three confirmations from the network before your balance is fully available in your NoOnes wallet. The time required for these confirmations can vary, usually taking anywhere from five minutes to two hours or more, especially in cases where miners take an extended period to mine new blocks, depending on the Bitcoin network. 

    Ethereum and Tron blockchain transactions typically require more block confirmations to be considered secure compared to Bitcoin. For example, while Bitcoin transactions may be considered secure after a few confirmations, Ethereum and Tron transactions often require a higher number, such as 12 confirmations, before being fully validated. TON and Solana blockchain transactions normally required 1-2 confirmations to complete.

    To deposit cryptocurrency to your NoOnes wallet:

    • Log in to your NoOnes account and head to the Wallet page.
    • Look for your chosen cryptocurrency (e.g., BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, TON, SOL or XMR) under Assets and click RECEIVE.
      • For USDT you can choose the Tron (TRC-20), Ethereum (ERC-20),  BSC (BEP-20), TON (TON) or Solana (SOL) network.
        • IMPORTANT:  Most exchanges require Tag/Memo for USDT/TON deposits. Missing or incorrect Tags/Memos could result in the loss of your assets.
      • For USDC you can choose the Ethereum (ERC-20) or Solana (SOL) network.
        • IMPORTANT: DO NOT SEND USDC coin using unsupported blockchains, your funds will be lost
    • From there, you can copy your wallet address for the chosen cryptocurrency or use the provided QR code.
    • Enter your NoOnes wallet address for the respective cryptocurrency into the app, website, or ATM. If you have scanned the QR code, your wallet address appears on the screen of the app or ATM automatically.
    • Confirm sending the cryptocurrency to your NoOnes wallet.

    Wait for your Cryptocurrency to arrive and start trading as soon as you are ready. You can also always check your Cryptocurrency transaction status.


    • Ensure that you are sending the correct cryptocurrency to the corresponding wallet address. For example, only send Bitcoin (BTC) to your BTC wallet address, and avoid sending any other cryptocurrency (Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, etc.) to this address. Incorrect transactions may result in the loss of your funds.
    • Please make sure that you send the cryptocurrency using the supported network and token on NoOnes. Sending cryptocurrency using unsupported tokens or networks to a NoOnes Wallet may result in the loss of funds. For more information, please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.


    • Make sure you have enough funds in the sending wallet or ATM. Be aware of the Minimum Limit for Cryptocurrency Transactions on NoOnes.
    • Remember that the person sending the cryptocurrency will bear the transaction fee. Usually, the amount you send, the amount you will be charged as a network fee, and the total amount deducted from your wallet are clearly shown to you before you confirm the Cryptocurrency transfer.
    • ETH
      • NoOnes does not support internal Ethereum transactions, you can learn more about this here. These transactions are the result of smart contract execution and are hard to track on the Ethereum blockchain. If you are missing an Ethereum deposit, please reach out to our support team.
See all 14 articles

Help with transaction status

  • Understanding Transaction Restrictions on NoOnes

    To ensure the security and compliance of our platform, NoOnes restricts transactions from specific cryptocurrency exchanges and illegal services.

    We implement these restrictions to mitigate risks associated with regulatory compliance, security concerns, and potential fraudulent activities.

    If you deposit funds from a restricted exchange, your deposit may be temporarily delayed while we conduct a thorough review. We will notify you of any delays and keep you updated on the status of your transaction.

    Continued use of restricted exchange, may result in your account being limited or suspended,

    To avoid any issues, please ensure that you do not use one of listed exchanges to transfer crypto from to your NoOnes wallet.

    ARZICOIN (Iran) (prev. (United Arab Emirates) (prev. (Russia)

    AbanTether (Iran)
    Afra Tether (Iran) (Iran)

    Arzinga (Iran)

    Arzplus (Iran)

    BIDARZ (Iran)

    BITRIVER (Switzerland)

    BITRIVER (Russia) (Iran)
    BitPapa (United Arab Emirates) BitPapa (Belize) Bitamoon (Iran) Bitestan (Iran)
    Bitex24 (Iran) Bitemen (Iran) Bitpin (Iran)  Bitrah (Oran)
    COIN CADE (Iran) COININNO (Iran) Chatex (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Chatex (Estonia)
    Chatex (Estonia) Chatex (Latvia) Coinnik (prev. Tehterbulk) (Iran) Cryptex (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
    Digiexchange (Iran) Dollar Kadeh (Iran) EXCHAINO (Iran) Exbito (Iran)

    Excoino (Iran)

    Exir (Iran)

    Exnovin (Iran)

    Exonyx (Iran)

    Farhad (United States of America)

    Farhad (Iran)

    Garantex (Estonia) Garantex (Russia)
    Gaza Now (Palestine) Hamta Pay (Iran) Huluex (Iran)

    IraniCard (Iran)

    Jibitex (Iran) Mazdax (Iran) Morbit (Iran) Nik Pardakht (Iran)
    Nobitex (Iran) BUY CASH (Palestine)

    OK Exchange (Iran)

    OMP Finex (Iran)

    ParsBit (Iran)

    Phinix (Iran)

    Pingi (Iran)

    Pooleno (Iran)

    RAMZEX (Iran)

    RAMZINEX (Iran)

    Raastin (Iran)

    Rabex (Iran)

    SUEX (Czech Republic)

    Sarmayex (prev. Arzjoo) (Iran)

    Sina Tether (Iran)

    Tabdeal (Iran)

    Tetherland Exchange (Iran)

    Twox (Iran)

    Wallex (Iran)

    ZimaPay (Iran)

    bit24 (Iran) (Iran)

    kifpool (Iran)

    paywm (Iran)

    rabincash (Iran)




  • Understanding Cryptocurrency Transaction Statuses on NoOnes

    Cryptocurrency transactions can go through various stages or statuses as they move from initiation to completion. On NoOnes there are only three statuses (Completed, Pending, and Canceled), and we will provide a general overview of what each status means:

    1. Completed. When a cryptocurrency transaction is marked as 'Completed,' it signifies that the transaction has been entirely processed on our platform and successfully confirmed on the blockchain. This includes being included in a block and confirmed by a sufficient number of blocks. For deposit transactions, this means your account balance on our platform should already reflect the deposit amount. For sendout transactions, it means the recipient should have received the cryptocurrency by now. To verify that the funds have indeed reached their destination, please refer to our article on How to Check your Cryptocurrency Transaction Status.

    2. Pending. A "Pending" status indicates that the cryptocurrency transaction is currently in progress and has not yet been completed. Transactions may remain in this state for various reasons, including internal processing delays, third-party issues, or network congestion. During this period, we kindly ask users to be patient as the transaction progresses. It's important to note that pending transactions cannot be canceled.

    When to reach out to support?

    • Internal transaction: Processing time should be up to 5 minutes. In case it takes longer, please reach out to support.
    • External Transaction without Hash: If a transaction is pending, and no transaction hash is generated, please reach out to support if the waiting time exceeds the following limits:
      • Tron: 10 minutes
      • ETH: 30 minutes
      • BTC (Express Send Out): 10-15 minutes
      • BTC (Standard): Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes (or up to 3 hours in rare cases)
    • External Transaction with Hash: 
      • In some cases, a transaction may show as 'Pending' on our platform even after being confirmed on the blockchain. Please note that blockchain confirmation is the most reliable indicator. If a transaction has a generated hash and can be tracked on the blockchain, it has been successfully processed on NoOnes. Kindly wait for blockchain confirmation by checking your cryptocurrency transaction status.
      • If the transaction cannot be found on the blockchain, standard processing times may vary depending on the network. Please reach out to support if the waiting time exceeds the following limits:
        • Tron: 10 minutes
        • ETH: 30 minutes
        • BTC (Express Send Out): 10-15 minutes
        • BTC (Standard): Up to 2 hours (or up to 3 hours in rare cases)

    3. Canceled. A "Canceled" status signifies that the cryptocurrency transaction could not be successfully recorded on the blockchain. When a transaction is canceled, any funds reserved for that transaction are promptly returned to the wallet. Several factors can lead to a transaction remaining in this state, including internal processing delays, third-party complications, or network congestion. If you encounter a canceled transaction, we recommend attempting the transaction once more.

    Note: We have only three mentioned transaction statuses on NoOnes. There is no “Freeze” status for a transaction on NoOnes. NoOnes does not freeze transactions.

  • How Long Does it Take to Receive a Cryptocurrency Transaction?

    Cryptocurrency transactions are not always instant as it depends on the number of transactions processed by the blockchain at a given time.

    For Bitcoin transactions, it takes three confirmations from the network before your balance is fully available in your NoOnes wallet. The time required for these confirmations can vary, usually taking anywhere from five minutes to two hours or more, especially in cases where miners take an extended period to mine new blocks, depending on the Bitcoin network.

    Here are factors that affect the speed of Bitcoin transactions:

    • Miner's fee. The miner's fee plays a significant role in determining transaction speed. The higher the fee you choose to pay, the higher the priority of your transaction within the blockchain. Miners are more likely to include transactions with higher fees in the blocks they mine.
    • Miner Activity: Sometimes, delays can occur when miners do not mine new blocks promptly. This can be due to various reasons, including changes in miner activity. Miners might choose to delay mining blocks to increase fees and maximize their earnings.

    Ethereum and Tron Transactions: Ethereum and Tron blockchain transactions typically require more block confirmations to be considered secure compared to Bitcoin. For example, while Bitcoin transactions may be considered secure after a few confirmations, Ethereum and Tron transactions often require a higher number, such as 12 confirmations, before being fully validated.

    Factors affecting Ethereum and Tron blockchain transaction speed:

    • Gas Fees. Gas fees in the Ethereum network are similar to miner's fees in Bitcoin. They represent the cost you pay to miners to process your transaction. The higher the gas fee you attach to your Ethereum blockchain transaction, the more likely it is to be prioritized and confirmed faster. Gas fees fluctuate based on network demand, so you might need to adjust them accordingly for quicker confirmation during periods of high network activity. Similarly, in the Tron network. However transaction fees are generally lower, blocks are mined more quickly, and the fees are fixed rather than fluctuating.
    All transactions made between NoOnes wallets are instant.

    Note: NoOnes charges a fee for external transactions. For more information about NoOnes fees please check out this article.

    Find out more about How To check your Cryptocurrency Transaction Status.

  • I Sent Cryptocurrency from My NoOnes wallet but it doesn't appear on the Recipient's Balance

    The Cryptocurrency you sent may not appear immediately in the recipient's wallet balance but that doesn't mean that the funds are lost. Here are some steps for you to figure out what could have happened:

    1. Make sure you have sent the Cryptocurrency to the correct wallet address. You can check this by going over your transaction history
      • If the recipient’s wallet address is correct, go to Step 2.
      • If you have used an incorrect address, the only way to get the crypto back is by asking the recipient to send it back to you. Visit this page for more information about it.
    1. 2. Go to the Relevant Blockchain Explorer to Check the Transaction Status. You can find instructions on how to do this in our How to Check your Cryptocurrency Transaction Status article.

      Bitcoin (BTC)
      • If you see less than 6 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 6 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.
      Ethereum (ETH)
      • If you see less than 18 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 18 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.
      Tether (USDT) on Ethereum (ERC-20)
      • If you see less than 18 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 18 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.
      Tether (USDT) on Tron (TRC-20)
      • If you see less than 23 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 23 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.
      USD Coin (USDC) on Ethereum (ERC-20)
      • If you see less than 18 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 18 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.
  • Cryptocurrency was sent to my NoOnes Wallet but I don't see it on my balance

    If the Cryptocurrency sent to your NoOnes wallet isn’t showing up on your balance, it doesn’t mean that your funds are lost. Here's what you can do:

    1. Make sure that the funds were sent to the correct wallet address. If they were sent from an online wallet, check the transaction history. If they were sent from an ATM, check the transaction history and the receipt

    • If the recipient’s wallet address matches your wallet address, go to Step 2
    • If sent to an incorrect address, the only way to get the crypto back is by asking the recipient to send them back. Visit this page for more information about it.

    2. Go to the Relevant Blockchain Explorer to Check the Transaction Status. You can find instructions on how to do this in our How to Check your Cryptocurrency Transaction Status article.

    •  Bitcoin (BTC)
      • If you see less than 3 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 3 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further
    • Ethereum (ETH)/Tether (USTD)/USD Coin (USDC)
      • If you see less than 12 confirmations, give the transaction some more time to be processed.
      • If you see 12 or more confirmations, contact the recipient’s wallet service provider to investigate this situation further.

    3. Check your wallet page for notifications, and we recommend looking at the NoOnes Status Page to check if there are any service issues or delays that may be affecting your transaction. You can also check our Twitter feed for any announcements. 

    If there is no information about any technical issues, contact Support right away. Make sure to provide us with your Wallet address and Transaction ID (TXID).

  • Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed?

    Blockchain transactions are irreversible. Unfortunately, NoOnes has no control over them and cannot cancel or reverse transactions. This applies in all cases such as:

    • If you were hacked and someone sent out your coins
    • If you sent crypto to the wrong address
    • If you released crypto in a trade by mistake
    • If you were scammed

    Once your cryptocurrency is sent out, it cannot be reversed. Please read our security guide to increase the protection of your funds.

    If you still want to try tracking the wallet address you accidentally sent your crypto to, you can use the Relevant Blockchain Explorer to Check the Transaction Status. You can find instructions on how to do this in our How to Check your Cryptocurrency Transaction Status article.

    If you have sent funds to the wrong address. Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible. The only way to get your funds back is to contact the receiver and request to send them back. If you don’t know to whom the wallet address belongs to, there is no other way for us to retrieve the funds.

    If you've accidentally released your crypto or suspect any fraudulent activity during a trade, please contact our support team.


    • Always double-check and ensure that the address you’re sending the funds to matches the address of the recipient beforehand. Make sure not to fall into investment scams as well and only send crypto to your trusted person.

Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet

  • Lightning

    What is Lightning?

    Lightning is a network that allows sending and receiving Bitcoin much faster and cheaper. NoOnes Wallet supports Lightning and allows you to top up your BTC account and withdraw Bitcoin to other Lightning-enabled wallets.

    You don’t have to do anything to start using Lightning in NoOnes Wallet - it’s available to all users and the same Bitcoin wallet balance is used.


    How to deposit Bitcoin with Lightning

    1. Open NoOnes Wallet
    2. Click Lightning inside the Bitcoin box
    3. Click Receive
    4. Select the amount to receive. You can either select an amount in BTC or enter the amount in your local fiat currency (in which case your amount will be converted to BTC using the exchange rate at that moment)
    5. You can optionally specify a memo (custom message that the other party will see) and the invoice expiration time (if the payment hasn’t been done in this time period, it will just get canceled)
    6. Click to proceed. You will get a Lightning invoice (also available in form of QR code). Share the invoice with the sender or the funds, or scan the QR code with the Lightning-enabled wallet..
    7. Usually the transaction takes only up to 10 seconds to process. In some cases it takes a few minutes. Once the deposit is done, the money appears in your BTC wallet.

    How to send out Bitcoin with Lightning

    1. In order to send via Lightning, you need to prepare an invoice in the receiving wallet. If you are sending to a friend / partner, ask for the invoice with a specific BTC amount. If sending to your own Lightning-enabled wallet, go to that wallet first and generate an invoice. Don’t forget to specify the amount (in Bitcoins) you want to transfer.
    2. Open NoOnes Wallet
    3. Click Lightning inside the Bitcoin box
    4. Click Send
    5. Paste the invoice or scan the QR code
    6. Enter 2FA if enabled for your account
    7. Your transaction is on its way! Usually it takes only up to 10 seconds to confirm. In some cases it takes a few minutes. The money is deducted from the NoOnes BTC wallet. If the transaction fails for whatever reason, the money is returned automatically.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    I am getting an error message about a Limit. Why can’t I send big amounts?
    Please see the Limits page and make sure you have the appropriate level to send the requested amount. Please also keep in mind that the $1,000 per transaction limit applies to all Lightning sendouts, and Lightning deposits are limited to $5,000 per transaction. Want to send more? You can always do that with a normal on-chain BTC transaction.
    Is Lightning cheaper?
    Sending via Lightning costs the same as sending BTC. However, you save a lot on the network fee.
    I waited for 10 minutes but my transaction didn’t come.
    Please open NoOnes Wallet, click Lightning and check the status of your transaction. If the transaction failed, the money is returned automatically. In that case please try using a different wallet. If the transaction is displayed as pending, please contact support.
    My invoice doesn’t work.
    Unfortunately we don’t support invoices without an amount. We don’t support static Lightning addresses / LNURL.
    How do I connect to your node?
    Unfortunately it’s not possible at the moment. But feel free to contact support and leave your contact details and we will let you know once it’s possible.


  • Bitcoin (BTC) FAQs
    What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

    Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency, often referred to as digital gold. It's the first and most well-known decentralized digital currency, created by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Bitcoin operates on a blockchain, a distributed ledger technology, and is used for various purposes, including as a store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account.

    Who can trade Bitcoin (BTC) on NoOnes?
    All users can trade and convert BTC with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. However, depending on your country, you may need to verify your ID to sell BTC.
    For a full list of the verification status needed for BTC transactions, please visit this article.
    How to convert Bitcoin (BTC) on NoOnes?
    All users can convert BTC with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth.
    For more information about BTC conversion, visit Converting BTC FAQs.
    What are the fees for converting Bitcoin (BTC)?
    For a full breakdown of BTC fees, check out this article.
    Can my Bitcoin (BTC) transaction be canceled or reversed?
    Unfortunately, BTC transactions can’t be cancelled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
    What is the minimum Bitcoin (BTC) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
    Currently, the smallest amount of BTC you buy or sell is $10 equivalent.
    Minimum amounts of BTC you can convert:
    • BTC to USDT: 1 USDT equivalent
    • BTC to ETH: 0.0001 BTC
    • BTC to USDC: 1 USDC equivalent
    How can I buy or sell Bitcoin (BTC)?
    Head over to the buy and sell pages to see a list of the current BTC offers.
    However, depending on your country, you may need to verify your ID to sell BTC.
    For a full list of the verification status needed for BTC transactions, please visit this article.
    How do I get my Bitcoin (BTC) wallet address?
    Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under Bitcoin to get your BTC address.
    What networks are supported for Bitcoin (BTC) deposits?
    For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.

Tether (USDT) Wallet

  • Tether (USDT) FAQs
    What is Tether (USDT)?

    Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin that is worth around 1 USD. The rate can fluctuate a bit, but it's a 1:1 representation of 1 US dollar on the Tether blockchain.

    Who can trade Tether (USDT) on NoOnes?
    All users can trade and convert USDT with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. However, depending on your country, you may need to verify your address to sell USDT.
    For a full list of the verification status needed for USDT transactions, please visit this article.
    How to convert Tether (USDT) on NoOnes?
    All users can convert USDT with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. For a full list of the verification status needed for USDT transactions, please visit this article.
    For more information about USDT conversion, visit Converting Tether FAQs.
    What are the fees for converting Tether (USDT)?
    For the full breakdown of USDT fees, check out this article.
    Can my Tether (USDT) transaction be canceled or reversed?
    Unfortunately, USDT transactions can’t be canceled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
    What is the minimum Tether (USDT) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
    With NoOnes, the minimum amount USDT you can buy, sell is $10 equivalent.
    Minimum amounts of USDT you can convert:
    • USDT to BTC: 1 USDT
    • USDT to ETH: 5 USDT
    • USDT to USDC: 1 USDT
    How can I buy or sell Tether (USDT)?
    Head over to the buy and sell pages to see a list of the current USDT offers.
    You can also create your own USDT offers (just make sure you’re ID verified!).
    You can also convert your BTC, ETH and USDC into USDT in your NoOnes Wallet. Check out this article for more information.
    How do I get my Tether (USDT) wallet address?
    Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under Tether to get your USDT address. For USDT you can choose the Tron (TRC-20) or Ethereum (ERC-20) network.
    What networks are supported for Tether (USDT) deposits?
    For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.

    Noones does its best to give users the option to save on fees for USDT transactions, that's why TRON (TRC-20) Network was added.

    Transaction fees on the blockchain can get expensive and are sometimes unpredictable. These fees are called Network fees and do not go to Noones. They go to the blockchain networks to make sure your funds are safe.

    Luckily, the fees in the TRC-20 Network are lower than the fees in older blockchains (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum).

    What USDT does Noones support?

    For USDT (Tether USD) we allow two send-out options from your Noones Wallet: Ethereum (ERC-20 USDT) and TRON (TRC-20 USDT).

    What are the fees associated with TRON USDT send-outs?

    Network fees are $0 when you send TRON-based USDT from your Noones Wallet. However, you will have to pay the Noones Wallet fee. Check out this article for more information on our fees.  

    Which network does my wallet/exchange accept? 

    Typically you can see that in the ‘Receive’ or ‘Deposit’ screen within your wallet. Look for either Ethereum (ERC20) USDT or TRON (TRC20) USDT. If you are given a deposit address, you can easily spot the Ethereum address by the ‘0x’ in the beginning, while TRON addresses start with a capital ‘T’.

    Note: Make sure your wallet/exchange supports USDT transfers. Please never withdraw money directly to ICO addresses or services not designed to accept USDT.

    What if I want to send USDT to another Noones user?

    You can still send funds to another Noones Wallet by using a Noones username or wallet address. There is no network fee for internal transfers (please see information about limits here).

    I want to withdraw the funds to my own wallet, what software should I use?

    Your funds are safe in your Noones Wallet, but if you want to keep USDT in your own wallet, you can find the software for your desktop or mobile device here:

    Ethereum Wallets

    TRON Wallets 

    Why won’t my transaction go through?

    Make sure you copied the address correctly. Keep in mind that addresses are case-sensitive. Also, make sure your address is either Ethereum USDT (starts with ‘0x’) or TRON USDT (starts with ‘T’). 

    If you’re still running into issues, feel free to reach out to our support team.

USD Coin (USDC) Wallet

  • USD Coin (USDC) FAQs
    What is USD Coin (USDC)?

    USDC is a stablecoin that keeps its value around the 1 USD mark. Although its rate can fluctuate a bit, it maintains a 1:1 representation of the US Dollar on the Ethereum blockchain. 

    For more information about USDC, you can visit their website.

    Who can trade USD Coin (USDC) on NoOnes?
    All users can trade and convert USDC with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. 
    How to convert USD Coin (USDC) on NoOnes?
    All users can convert USDC with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth.
    For more information about USDC conversion, visit Converting USDC FAQs.
    What are the fees for converting USD Coin (USDC)?
    For a full breakdown of USDC fees, check out this article.
    Can my USD Coin (USDC) transaction be canceled or reversed?
    Unfortunately, USDC transactions can’t be canceled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
    What is the minimum USD Coin (USDC) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
    Currently, the smallest amount of USDC you buy or sell is $10 equivalent.
    Minimum amounts of USDC you can convert:
    • USDC to BTC: 1 USDC
    • USDC to ETH: 5 USDC
    • USDC to USDT: 1 USDT equivalent
    How can I buy or sell USD Coin (USDC)?
    Head over to the buy and sell pages to see a list of the current USDC offers.
    However, depending on your country, you may need to verify your ID to sell USDC.
    You can also convert your BTC, ETH and USDT into USDC in your NoOnes Wallet. Check out this article for more information.
    How do I get my USD Coin (USDC) wallet address?
    Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under USD Coin to get your USDC ERC-20 address.
    What networks are supported for USD Coin (USDC) deposits?
    For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.
    What’s the difference between USDC and USDT?
    USDC and USDT are functionally the same in concept. However, where they differ is in the companies that issue the coins. 

    USDT is an older and therefore more popular stablecoin but some believe that USDC is a more transparent one since its reserves are regularly reviewed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Ethereum (ETH) Wallet

  • Ethereum (ETH) FAQs
    What is Ethereum (ETH)?

    Ethereum is an open-source blockchain network on which companies can build products on. Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency, after Bitcoin. Ethereum is also a network where ETH (Ethereum), USDT (Tether), and other cryptocurrencies transact.

    Who can trade Ethereum (ETH) on NoOnes?
    At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes. Please feel free to explore the other cryptocurrency trading options available on our platform.
    How to convert Ethereum (ETH) on NoOnes?
    All users can convert Ethereum with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. For a full list of the verification status needed for Ethereum transactions, please visit this article.
    What are the fees for converting Ethereum (ETH)?
    Can my Ethereum (ETH) transaction be canceled or reversed?
    Unfortunately, ETH transactions can’t be cancelled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
    What is the minimum Ethereum (ETH) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
    At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes.
    Minimum amounts of ETH you can convert:
    • ETH to BTC: 0.0001 BTC equivalent
    • ETH to USDT: 5 USDT equivalent
    • ETH to USDC: 5 USDC equivalent
    How can I buy or sell Ethereum (ETH)?
    At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes. Please feel free to explore the other cryptocurrency trading options available on our platform.
    How do I get my Ethereum (ETH) wallet address?
    Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under Etherium to get your ETH ERC-20 address.
    What networks are supported for Ethereum (ETH) deposits?
    For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.

Converting Cryptocurrency

Converting Cryptocurrency

  • Converting Bitcoin FAQs

    You can convert your BTC into any of the cryptocurrencies on the platform in Converting. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about converting your BTC:

    What are the fees for converting BTC?
    For the full list of fees, take a look at this article
    What are the minimum amounts of BTC I can convert?
    BTC to USDT: 1 USDT equivalent 
    BTC to ETH: 0.0001 BTC 
    BTC to USDC: 1 USDC equivalent
    My conversion wasn't successful. What to do?
    Some conversions will go through after a few seconds so hang tight! If your conversion is successful, you’ll see a green banner to let you know. If your conversion is unsuccessful, your funds should return to your account within a few minutes. Once the funds have returned, you can try the conversion again. 
    My conversion wasn't successful, and funds are reserved for conversion or appear to be lost. What to do?
    Please let us know the transaction ID associated with your conversion and our support team will take a look.


  • Converting Tether FAQs

    You can convert your USDT into any of the cryptocurrencies on the platform in Converting. Here's what you need to know to complete the process.

    Why would I want to convert my crypto into USDT?
    Converting cryptocurrencies into Tether gives you an opportunity to store your funds in the form of a stablecoin, which helps you eliminate the effect of market volatility and fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin.
    What are the fees for converting USDT?
    For the full list of fees, take a look at this article.
    What are the minimum amounts of USDT I can convert?
    USDT to BTC: 1 USDT
    USDT to ETH: 5 USDT
    USDT to USDC: 1 USDT
    My conversion wasn't successful. What to do?
    Some conversions will go through after a few seconds so hang tight! If your conversion is successful, you’ll see a green banner to let you know. If your conversion is unsuccessful, your funds should return to your account within a few minutes. Once the funds have returned, you can try the conversion again.
    My conversion wasn't successful, and funds are reserved for conversion or appear to be lost. What to do?
    Please let us know the transaction ID associated with your conversion and our support team will take a look.
  • Converting USDC Coin FAQ

    You can convert your USDC into any of the cryptocurrencies on the platform in ConvertingHere's what you need to know to complete the process.

    What is the minimum amount of USDC I can convert?

    USDC to BTC: 1 USDC
    USDC to ETH: 5 USDC
    USDC to USDT: 1 USDT

    What are the fees associated with converting ETH?
    You can check out the full list of fees here.
    My conversion wasn’t successful. What should I do?

    Some conversions will go through after a few seconds so hang tight! If your conversion is successful, you’ll see a green banner to let you know. If your conversion is unsuccessful, your funds should return to your account within a few minutes. Once the funds have returned, you can try the conversion again. 

    My conversion wasn’t successful, and the funds are reserved for conversion or appear to be lost. What should I do?
    Let us know the transaction ID associated with your conversion and our support team will take a look.
  • Converting Ethereum FAQs

    You can convert your ETH into any of the cryptocurrencies on the platform in Converting. Here are common questions about the conversion.

    What is the minimum amount of ETH I can convert?

    ETH to BTC: 0.0001 BTC equivalent
    ETH to USDT: 5 USDT equivalent
    ETH to USDC: 5 USDC equivalent

    What are the fees associated with converting ETH?
    You can check out the full list of fees here.
    My conversion wasn’t successful. What should I do?

    Some conversions will go through after a few seconds so hang tight! If your conversion is successful, you’ll see a green banner to let you know. If your conversion is unsuccessful, your funds should return to your account within a few minutes. Once the funds have returned, you can try the conversion again. 

    My conversion wasn’t successful, and the funds are reserved for conversion or appear to be lost. What should I do?
    Let us know the transaction ID associated with your conversion and our support team will take a look.



  • Special Offer

    Special offers are a type of a trade which is sent to specific trade partners. Unlike classic offers, Special offers can only be accepted by the person it was sent to. All trades are protected by escrow, so if your trade ends up in a dispute, a moderator will step in.

    Learn more about Special Offer in dedicated article.

  • Send Crypto

    Sending cryptocurrency via messenger can be used to send money to friends and family, cross-border remittances, and even tipping locally.

    To send cryptocurrency via messenger:

    1. Find a user to send cryptocurrency to. If you haven’t communicated with that user yet, you can start a chat from their profile (tap the ‘Start Chat’ button)
    2. From there, click the ‘+’ next to where you enter messages and choose ‘Send Crypto’ in the menu.
    3. Choose the cryptocurrency and the amount you want to send. If you’re entering fiat amounts (such as USD), please keep in mind that those are calculated based on the current exchange rate, which may fluctuate.
    4. If your account is protected with 2-factor authentication (2FA), you will be asked to confirm the transfer.
    5. Once the money is sent, both you and the recipient will see the amount of cryptocurrency that has been transferred.

      Note: the fiat amount (such as USD) displayed is calculated based on the exchange rate at the moment of the transaction.

Noones Partner Program

Ambassador Program

  • NoOnes Ambassador (Remote Volunteer)

    What is a NoOnes Ambassador?

    NoOnes Ambassadors are passionate volunteers from within our community that support the NoOnes ecosystem and contribute in various ways, primarily supporting the NoOnes community and advancing the crypto cause. NoOnes Ambassadors are community builders at heart. They are everyday users from all walks of life, countries, cultures, and ethnicities who give voice to both our NoOnes ecosystem and our valued NoOnes Citizens.

    At NoOnes, we are focused on creating the best possible customer experience and Ambassadors play a major role in acting as a bridge between NoOnes and our communities around the world.

    If you are interested in volunteering as a NoOnes Ambassador and being a part of the crypto community revolution, please take 5~10 minutes to fill out this application. Make a difference today and let's make the future of crypto even brighter together. 

    Click here to Apply

    Please note:
    - This is an unpaid, volunteer position. 

    What will be your experience as an Ambassador?

    • Actively engaging with the crypto community and supporting fellow users
    • Beta testing and providing early feedback
    • Assisting in organizing online and offline events and meet-ups
    • Maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment within our online and offline communities
    • Syncing with the NoOnes team to share valuable market insights and innovative ideas
    • Creating educational and promotional content for the NoOnes ecosystem
    • Proposing any other suggestions that you think will help NoOnes grow

    The Ambassador experience comes with a variety of perks that make it truly rewarding:

    • Receive exclusive NoOnes Ambassador swag, available only to our dedicated Ambassadors
    • Enjoy networking opportunities through events and gatherings alongside our NoOnes team members
    • Learn and grow within the cryptocurrency and blockchain space with incomparable experiences and training sessions
    • Know that your input is heard and highly valued by the NoOnes team
    • You will receive certain special privileges in our future online and offline events.

    As a NoOnes Ambassador, you'll become an integral part of our thriving community. You'll collaborate with like-minded crypto enthusiasts to elevate the NoOnes experience.

    Are you ready to spread your wings and join our NoOnes Ambassador Program? Don't miss this opportunity to make a positive impact and be a part of the crypto revolution!

Partner Program

  • What is a Partner Program?

    Noones Partner Program

    The NoOnes Multi-tier Partner Program offers an exciting opportunity for you to earn rewards for sharing NoOnes with your friends, family, and followers.

    The Multi-tier Partner Program is designed to reward your dedication and success. We're creating an ecosystem where your success directly translates to greater rewards, fostering a community where a rising tide truly lifts all boats.

    Building your cryptocurrency referral network is simple - just feature your NoOnes invite link in the content you share on social media, or advertise it on your website.

    You can find more detailed information about the Program on the Partner Program page and the Partner Program Terms and Conditions.

  • Requirements & Responsibilities of the Partner Program


    Where can I sign up for the Partner Program?

    • Once you’ve signed up for Noones, you are automatically part of the Partner Program!

    Do I need to be ID verified and address verified (POA) to be part of the Partner Program? 

    • No. You do not need to be ID and POA verified. 
    • Your ability to claim Partner Program rewards may be affected by Noones transaction volume limits, as described in the Terms and Conditions. You may be asked to provide ID verification and address verification if required.


    What are my responsibilities as an Affiliate?

    • To sign up as many new partners to Noones with an intention to trade on the platform. 
    • To use the invite link, code, and QR code generated on the dashboard responsibly. It should be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only.
    • To use your personal social media channels, blogs, or other media platforms to educate people about cryptocurrencies, Noones, and the Partner Program. 
    • To be a Noones advocate on social media and defend the Noones image and brand.
    • To be involved in Noones life, share your stories on SM channels, provide feedback, etc.
  • Partner Program Rewards

    Multi-tier referral network: earn a revenue share when your friends trade

    Once a user signs up using your unique invite link, code, or QR code, they become your Level 1 Referral.The unique Invite link, invite code and QR code can be found in your Partner Program dashboard.

    As of 28.08.2024 we have launched a new Multi-tier Partner Program offering up to 3x higher payouts and a 2.5x longer lifespan compared to our previous Multi level Partner Program.

    How it Works

    When your Level 1 Referral buys or sells crypto on NoOnes using any cryptocurrency (BTC, USDC, and/or USDT), you will earn a reward on their trading fees. Depending on whether the user has joined before or after the new Multi-tier Partner Program launch, the revenue share is calculated according to the program conditions effective on the date of referral sign up.

    The new program retains its multi level structure, while allowing you to grow your network even more, by increasing its lifetime from 12 to 30 months.
    How to create your multi level referral network.

    • When your Level 1 Referral buys or sells crypto on NoOnes using any cryptocurrency (BTC, USDC, and/or USDT), you will earn a reward on their trading fees.

    • When your Referral invites friends using their invite link, new users automatically become your Level 2 Referrals.

    • Moreover, when your Level 2 Referrals become referrers themselves, all the users signed up with their invite code become your Level 3 Referrals.

    You will earn rewards on your Referral network trading fees. The rewards are paid out for the first twelve (12) months upon Referrals’s sign-up before 28.08.2024. If your Referral has no trading activity for three (3) months, further rewards for this Referral will be discontinued.
    From referrals signed up after 27.08.2024 the rewards are paid out for the whole 30 months upon referrals sign-up.

    Here is an overview of how we changed the payout base rate! You will love it.

      OLD Single-tier Partner Program NEW Multi-tier Partner Program
    Earn from referral 12 months 30 months
    Level 1 Referral base rate 10%

    20% - Networker
    25% - Influencer
    30% - Mentor

    Level 2 Referral base rate 7% 7%
    Level 3 Referral base rate 3% 3%


    The rewards for referrals are calculated the following way:

    • You get Level 1 Referral base rate of the escrow fee for the trade which involved your Level 1 Referral (either buying or selling crypto).
    • You get Level 2 Referral base rate of the escrow fee for the trade which involved your Level 2 Referral (either buying or selling crypto).
    • You get Level 3 Referral base rate of the escrow fee for the trade which involved your Level 3 Referral (either buying or selling crypto).
    • If a trade involves two users and both were invited by different Partner Program participants, the reward is shared 50/50, i.e. each participant gets a half.
    • No reward is paid out for canceled (or otherwise uncompleted) trades or your own trades with your referrals

    Partner Program Tiers

    All Partner Program members begin at the Networker level. To advance to the Influencer level, you must meet the following requirements within a month, as outlined in the table below:

    By consistently meeting these criteria, you'll ensure continued access to the highest tier rewards.

    Requirements to get and keep the Tier and its payout multiplier (x1.25, x1.5) Number of active Level 1 referrals* in the previous month Direct earnings from Level 1 referrals in the previous month
    Tier 1 - Networker L1: 20% / L2: 7% / L3: 3% - -
    Tier 2 - Influencer L1: 25% / L2: 7% / L3: 3% 10 $100
    Tier 3 - Mentor L1: 30% / L2: 7% / L3: 3% 25 $250

    *Active Level 1 Referral is a user who has signed up using your unique invite link, code, or QR code and has sold or bought crypto at least once in the previous month.

    Your tier is recalculated monthly based on your performance. Monitor your current tier, rates, and progress towards the next tier.

    Your earnings in different cryptocurrencies can be withdrawn from the Partner Program balance to your NoOnes wallet. After withdrawing you have the option to sell this crypto on the platform or send it out.

    You can withdraw from the Partner Program balance by clicking on the Withdraw button in the Partner Program Dashboard, once you have the equivalent of 5 USD in one of the cryptocurrencies.

    If you do not withdraw a Partner Program reward in 6 months, it will expire on the first day of the next month.


    On May 15th a Level 2 Referral of yours makes a Gift Card trade for $100 worth of USDT. The escrow fee paid was 5 USDT and your Level 2 reward was 5 * 7% = 0.35 USDT.

    On June 4th another Level 1 Referral of yours makes a number of Gift Card trades for $1000 worth of USDT. This referral has signed up after the new Multi-tier Partner Program launch. Your tier in June was Networker, so your L1 base rate is 20%.
    The escrow fee paid was 50 USDT and your Partner reward was 50 * 20% = 10.00 USDT. Now your Partner Program USDT balance is 10.35 USDT and you can withdraw it.

    If you don’t withdraw your reward by December 1st, your January earnings will expire. Your Partner Program USDT balance will be 10.00 USDT. On January 1st your June earnings will expire too and your balance will become zero.


    By onboarding actively trading partners, you will be generating more rewards. If you own a blog / telegram channel about trading, feel free to invite your partners to try Noones. Do not abuse this though, our Terms and Conditions specifically disallow spam and impersonating NoOnes employees.

    Become an advocate - help your friends onboard to NoOnes, explain to them how trading works and how they can profit from that. The sooner your Partners become active traders, the more rewards you will earn. Check the list of your referrals in your Partner Program Dashboard. You can contact your referrals by clicking Start Chat in their profile.

    Use your invite codes wisely:

    • For blogs and social media use the invite link
    • For Telegram groups and other types of communities where links are not allowed, use your invite code (which equals to your NoOnes username)
    • When chatting with your friends offline, help them to install the NoOnes app and ask them to scan your QR code
    • When talking to your friends, feel free to share your NoOnes profile link - this also acts as an invite link!
    • Learn and spread the word about NoOnes Bitcoin Rewards that is another way to get free sats

    Please note that all invite links and codes contain your username. If you ever happen to change your username, your old links will become invalid!

    To avoid your earnings from expiring, check your Partner Program Dashboard at least once a month and Withdraw your rewards as soon as they are available.

  • Partner Program FAQ
    1. My friend forgot to use my referral code/link. Can I still receive the rewards?
      • Your friend can still join your referral network! Tell them to login to NoOnes and share a link to your profile with them. They should see button “Make my Referrer” and click it.
    2. How do I progress to the next tier in the Multi-Tier Partner Program?
      • All participants start at the base Network Tier. To advance to the Influencer Tier and earn 25% from your L1 referrals, you must have at least 10 actively trading L1 referrals and earn a minimum of $100 from direct L1 referrals within a month.
    3. I have reached the Influencer tier this month. What happens if I don't meet the requirements to become a Mentor next month?
      • If you continue meeting the Influencer Tier requirements but don't achieve the Mentor tier criteria, your Partner rewards will remain at the Influencer Tier for the following month.
    4. I am currently a Mentor in the Partner Program. How can I further increase my earnings?
      • To maintain your Mentor tier and its 30% payout rate, you must continue meeting the monthly requirements of 25 active L1 referrals and $250 in direct L1 affiliate earnings.
      • To maximize your earnings, focus on expanding your referral network.
    5. Is there a limit as to how many partners I can have?
      • You can invite as many people as you want! The more users you invite to NoOnes, the more benefits you can earn.
      • Encourage your Level 1 Referrals to invite new users by themselves, and their referrals will become your Level 2 Referrals. When your Level 2 referrals start inviting, your Partner Program network will grow even more as you get Level 3 referrals.
    6.  How many Level 1, 2 and 3 Referrals do I already have?
      • You can see statistics on how many referrals on each level you have on the Partner Program dashboard. Just a reminder: you get the rewards from a Level 1, 2 and 3 Referral for the 12 months after they sign up. After that they are not counted as Active Partners.
      • If your Referral has no trading activity for three (3) months, they are no longer counted as Active Partners either.
    7.  How long does it take for a Referral to show in my dashboard?
      • Your Partner Program dashboard will update in real-time.
      • So whatever you see on the Partner Program dashboard should pretty much tell where things stand at the moment.
    8.  Where can I find my invite link?
      • You can find your Invite link together with your code and QR code on the Partner Program dashboard.
    9.  Where can I view my Partner Program earnings?
      • Your Partner Rewards balance is available on the Partner Program Dashboard.
    10.  Where can I view my rewards history?
      • You can download reports about your reards and transfer to wallet transactions. A Partner Program history report is available for users who have verified their e-mails. It can be found under “View history” on the Partner Program Dashboard.
    11. What content and advertising sources are the best ways to attract traffic to my Invite link?
      • Social media is a great tool to find Partners. If you have access to a local community, we can also recommend reaching out to them.
    12. When will I stop receiving rewards for my partners?
      • You can earn rewards from your Level 1 Referrals, Level 2 Referrals and Level 3 Referrals who have signed up with your invite link or your Level 1 and Level 2 Referrals link up to 12 months ago.
    13.  What kind of content can I post on social media as a Noones Referrer?
      • There are many opportunities on social media. You can post educational content through video, text form, or even audiovisuals. Your creativity is the limit, just make sure to add value!
    14. Will I earn commission from my partner send-outs and conversions?
      • No, you will earn rewards only when your partner buys or sells cryptocurrency.
    15. When can I withdraw my rewards?
      • You can claim your reward balance once your reward balance in respective cryptocurrency has reached $5 equivalent.
    16.  Can I see my referrals from more than a year ago on my dashboard?
      • You can see the total number of invited referrals historically and the number of total active partners. Difference between these two numbers is the number of partners who were invited more than 12 months ago.
      • Click on "View Invites" to see who has joined through your link. You can download report with all the users you have invited.
    17. Will I earn a reward for trading with my invited referral?
      • Anytime you are buying from or selling to one of your referrals on Noones Marketplace, you will not earn any reward.
    18. I can see the message that my reward balance will expire. What does it mean?
      • Rewards that were not claimed expire after six calendar months (on the 1st day of the next month). Check in regularly to claim your rewards and avoid expiry.
      • For example, the January rewards will expire on the 1st of August unless claimed.
    19. I do not wish to participate in the Partner Program, what should I do?
      • Let our support team know about your wish. Beware that if in the future you would like to restore yourself as an affiliate in the Partner Program, rewards and invited partners from the past will not be recovered.

Rewards Program

Rewards Program

  • Celebrate Tet with NoOnes: Lucky Red Envelopes and Exciting Rewards for Vietnamese Users!

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    This Lunar New Year, NoOnes invites you to celebrate Tet in a modern and exciting way with our “Celebrate Tet with NoOnes” campaign! Share the joy of giving by sending crypto red envelopes (lì xì) to your friends and family through the NoOnes Gift Card feature, and you could win prizes worth up to 500 USDT!

    The process is simple: Just fill in the recipient's email address, and NoOnes will deliver your lì xì directly to them via email!

    📅 Campaign Period: January 1, 2025 – January 31, 2025

    🌏 Who Can Participate: Exclusively for Vietnamese users 🇻🇳

    How to Participate

    1. Send Crypto Lì Xì to Earn Rewards
      • Use the NoOnes Gift Card feature to send red envelopes to your loved ones in Vietnam. Simply enter the amount you want to gift and the recipient's email.
      • The recipient will receive an email notification from NoOnes with details of their gift and instructions on how to claim it.
      • Every participant who sends a red envelope during the campaign will automatically enter a lucky draw for 555 Lucky Crypto Red Envelopes, prizes range from 1 to 100 USDT!
    2. Climb the Leaderboard
      • Be one of the top 3 participants who send the most red envelopes during the campaign and win:
        • 🥇 1st Prize: 300 USDT
        • 🥈 2nd Prize: 150 USDT
        • 🥉 3rd Prize: 50 USDT
    3. Join the Social Media Mini-Game
      • Share your experience of giving and receiving NoOnes’ Gift Cards on Facebook and stand a chance to win up to 300 USD.
      • Follow NoOnes on Facebook to stay updated on the event’s terms

    Terms and Conditions

    • This campaign is open exclusively to users in Vietnam.
    • Campaign dates: January 1, 2025, to January 31, 2025.
    • Only participants using the NoOnes Gift Card feature are eligible for rewards.
    • Lucky draw winners will be randomly selected and announced after the campaign ends.
    • Leaderboard rankings are based on the number of red envelopes sent.
    • Existing Terms of Service apply.
    • Reward Distribution: Referral data will be collected at the end of the campaign or when the reward pool is exhausted. Rewards will be distributed within 7 days.

    Celebrate the spirit of Tết with NoOnes – share the joy, and win exciting rewards!

  • 🎄 NoOnes’ Christmas Countdown 🎄

    🎁 Compete and win $10,000 in prizes! 🎁


    📅 Dates: December 18th – December 25th, 2024
    🌍 Who: Everyone, Everywhere
    💰 Prize Pool: $10,000 in Rewards

    💡 How to Join - During the campaign:

    • Trade $200+ on NoOne's P2P to unlock a $2,000 reward pool (Pool 1).
    • Trade $2,000+ on NoOne's P2P to unlock a $3,000 reward pool (Pool 2).
    • Trade $20,000+ on NoOne's P2P to unlock a $5,000 reward pool (Pool 3).

    (Each trade on NoOnes’ P2P earns a raffle entry. Trade more for better chances! Prizes will be shared among 10 lucky winners per pool.)


    Rewards Calculation

    Rewards grow with every trader! The closer we get to max participation, the closer to unlocking the $10,000 prize pool.

    • Pool 1: Max reward unlocked with 40,000 traders making $200+ in volume (minimum reward at 30,000 traders).
    • Pool 2: Max reward unlocked with 20,000 traders making $2,000+ in volume (minimum reward at 10,000 traders).
    • Pool 3: Max reward unlocked with 5,000 traders making $20,000+ in volume (minimum reward at 2,000 traders).

    Invite friends and trade to unlock the prizes! 🎉

    Start Trading and Make This Christmas Extra Rewarding! 🎅

  • Sign Up and get $4 USDT + Earn $2 USDT Per Referral 🇻🇳




    📅 Dates: December 16th, 2024 – January 15th, 2025
    🌏Who Can Join: Exclusive for Vietnamese users 🇻🇳

    Attention all Vietnamese users! Signing up and inviting friends on NoOnes can earn you exciting rewards.



    💡How to Participate:

    • Earn $4 USDT  welcome bonus for new user Sign up, trade at least $200
    • New users who sign up for a NoOnes account, complete Identity Verification (KYC), and trade at least $200 during the promotion period will receive a welcome gift of $4 USDT, credited to their NoOnes account.


    Terms to Remember:

    • Rewards are limited in quantity and will be distributed to users 400 who complete the tasks earliest.
    • Campaign dates: December 16th, 2024 – January 15th, 2025. The campaign may end earlier than planned if all rewards are distributed.
    • Reward Distribution: Weekly rewards will be distributed every Wednesday to 100 eligible users per week, for a total of 4 weeks (400 users in total).
    • Existing Terms of Service apply.




    💡How to Participate:

    Earn a  $2 USDT bonus for every successful friend you invite.

    the referred friend who successfully signs up, completes KYC, and trades at least $200, the referrer earns $2 USDT, and the referred friend also has the opportunity to receive a $4 USDT welcome bonus (if eligible).

    • Each user can refer up to 10 friends.
    • Friends must use the referrer’s unique invitation code during sign-up (Profile > Referral > Invitation Code).


    Terms to Remember:

    • Both the referrer and referred friend must complete KYC and fulfill task requirements.
    • The reward pool is limited to 400 successful referrals meeting the criteria.
    • Dates: December 16th, 2024 – January 15th, 2025, or earlier if rewards are exhausted.
    • Existing Terms of Service apply.
    • Reward Distribution: Referral data will be collected at the end of the campaign or when the reward pool is exhausted. Rewards will be distributed within 7 days.
  • 🚀 NoOnes Spot Exchange Campaign: Win Big This Holiday Season!

    📅 Dates: December 3rd, 2024 – January 31st, 2025
    🌍 Who Can Join: Everyone, Everywhere
    💰 Prize Pool: Up to $15,000 in Rewards

    The crypto market is buzzing, and we’re turning year-end trading into a global celebration! Get rewarded for your trades on NoOnes Spot Exchange and win your share of the ultimate $15,000 prize pool. Whether you're just starting or a seasoned trader, there’s a chance to win BIG.


    💡 How to Participate:

    1. Deposit $200+ to your NoOnes Spot Wallet and make at least 1 trade to qualify for the $5,000 reward pool.
    2. Trade $5,000+ on the Spot Exchange during the campaign period to unlock another $5,000 reward pool.
    3. Trade $50,000+ on the Spot Exchange during the campaign period to qualify for a final $5,000 reward pool.

    The more you trade, the more chances to win!


    ⚡ Why Trade Now?

    The reward pool grows with every trader! The more participants, the closer we get to the $15,000 max reward (just 10,000 traders on our Spot will yield the maximum giveaway). Bring your friends, and let’s trade to the top together.


    📜 Terms to Remember:

    • Only trades from Dec 3rd, 2024 – Jan 31st, 2025 count.
    • Rewards scale based on total traders during the campaign (linear growth).
    • Existing Terms of Service apply.


    🎉 Don’t miss your chance to end the year with a bang!

    Trade on NoOnes Spot Exchange today and claim your share of $15,000!

  • 💰 Trade & Win Extravaganza! 💰

    With Bitcoin soaring to new heights, we’re turning the end of the year into an unforgettable celebration for all newcomers to NoOnes! Dive into the action with an exciting giveaway that rewards your trades and gives you a chance to win big every day.

    💰 Giveaway: Trade and Win Up to 100 USDT in NoOnes Gift Cards Daily!

    How to Join:

    • New to NoOnes? Simply sign up and make your first trade to qualify for the next day’s giveaway.
    • Already signed up but haven’t traded? Make your first trade now to unlock eligibility!

    🗓️ Giveaway Period: November 20 – December 20, 2024

    Daily Rewards:

    Each day, we’ll randomly distribute 100 USDT worth of NoOnes gift cards among eligible participants. Winners will be announced and awarded weekly!

    🏆 Prizes vary daily, including:

    • 10 gift cards of 10 USDT
    • 5 gift cards of 20 USDT
    • 2 gift cards of 50 USDT
    • 1 gift card of 100 USDT

    Get Ready to Win Big!

    Every trade could be your ticket to amazing rewards. Don’t miss this thrilling end-of-year celebration — start trading now and make your mark on this epic giveaway!

  • Bonus for the chosen ones

    From January 22nd, 2024 to May 31th, 2024 Noones will choose about 3000 accounts and offer them a bonus on Giftcard ‘buy crypto’ trades. The participating accounts will see the ‘up to 3% bonus’ badge on eligible offers.

    Eligible Offers

    In order to get a bonus, you need to buy crypto using one of the supported Gift cards. Only the trades made during the above mentioned period are eligible.

    The bonus will not be paid to users, whose accounts are banned, frozen, on hold etc. The bonus is not paid for unsuccessful trades (canceled, dispute lost).

    Bonus Tiers

    The bonus will be paid to users’ Reward balance in the first days of June, 2024. The bonus is based on the total crypto volume of the eligible ‘buy crypto’ trades made during the bonus period.

    Trading volume Bonus rate
    First $1000 1%
    Up to $10.000 2%
    Over $10.000 3%


    Example: a user made 20 ‘buy crypto’ trades in December:

    1. Sell 10 x $100 Apple Giftcards for 95 USDT each
    2. Sell 10 x $50 Apple Giftcard for 50 USDT each

    The combined crypto volume is 1450 USD. The participant will get 1% for the first $1000 volume ($10) and 2% for the remaining $450 ($9). The total bonus is going to be $19. The bonus is paid in the crypto currency of the trade (USDT in the example above).

    The maximum bonus amount a single user can receive is capped to an equivalent of $500 USD.

    Withdrawing Rewards

    You will find your Bonus in your Rewards balance. As soon as you reach a $5 equivalent in one of the crypto currencies, you will be able to withdraw the funds to your Noones Wallet. You can increase your Rewards balance by participating in the Partner Program and earning Bitcoin Rewards. For more details about withdrawing your rewards see Partner Program Terms.

    Noones reserves the right to change or cancel Bitcoin Rewards at any time. Bad actors and duplicate accounts seeking to exploit this program are in violation of our Terms of Service and will be removed from the platform permanently.

See all 7 articles



  • Anti-money Laundering (AML)

    AML refers to laws and procedures intended to prevent people from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. Noones takes AML protocol seriously, and we abide by all laws, regulations, and procedures.

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

    Bitcoin is a digital currency in which encryption methods are used to regulate the generation of units and transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

  • Bitcoin address types

    There are three bitcoin address formats currently in use:

    1. P2PKH addresses start  with the number 1.
      Example: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2.
    2. P2SH addresses start with the number 3.
      Example: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy.
    3. Bech32 addresses also known as "bc1 addresses" start with bc1.
      Example: bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq. 
    4. QR Codes can also be used as a wallet address.

    Noones allows withdrawals to P2PKH, P2SH, and Bech32 addresses.


  • Block chain, blockchain


    The Bitcoin blockchain is a public record of all Bitcoin transactions. You might also hear the term “public ledger” to describe it. The block chain shows every single record of bitcoin transactions in order, dating back to the very first one. The entire block chain can be downloaded and openly reviewed by anyone, or you can use a block explorer to review the block chain online.

  • Coin locking

    Coin locking/coinlock is when a buyer uses the escrow to hold onto the seller's cryptocurrency without the intention to send payment and complete the trade. This is a common case of cryptocurrency fraud.

  • Confirmation


    Confirmation means that the transaction has been verified by the network and you receive this confirmation when sending out Bitcoin. Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or double spent.

See all 45 articles

Technical Issues

Technical Problems and Solutions

  • How to make HAR file for Troubleshooting

    When working with Noones support, we may sometimes ask you to collect a HAR capture, which can be used for troubleshooting.

    HTTP Archive (HAR) is a format used to track information between web browsers and websites.
    HAR files represent recording of browser activity and possibly contain sensitive data, including the content of the pages visited, headers, cookies and other data.

    Generate a HAR file in Chrome

    1. Open Chrome and go to the page to be recorded.

    2. Click the more actions menu (...) to the right of the toolbar and select More tools > Developer tools.

    3. Select the Network tab.

    4. Ensure that Chrome is recording by clicking the gray record button. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress.

    5. Select Preserve Logs.

    6. Clear any existing logs by clicking Clear (🚫)

    7. Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue.

    8. Right-click anywhere in the list of network requests and select Save all as HAR with content.

    9. Save the file.

    Generate a HAR file in Firefox

    1. Open Firefox and go to the page to be recorded.

    2. Click the more menu() and then Web Developer > Network.

    3. In the developer tools docked tab select Network.

    4. Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue. The page automatically starts recording as you navigate.

    5. Right-click anywhere in the File column and select Save All as HAR.

    6. Save the file.

    Generate a HAR in Safari

    If you don’t see the Develop menu in the menu bar.

    1. Select Safari > Preferences.

    2. Click Advanced.

    3. Select Show Develop menu in menu bar.

    4. Open Firefox and go to the page to record.

    5. From the Develop menu select Show Web Inspector.

    6. Select the Network tab.

    7. Select Preserve Logs.

    8. Go to the page where issue occurred and reproduce the issue.

    9. Click Export and save the HAR file.

    10. Save the file.

  • Phone Number Verification Issues

    If you're trying to verify your phone number in Noones, but didn't receive the verification code via SMS, there could be an issue with the country's SMS gateway, which is beyond our control. One possible solution is to try another mobile service provider.

  • Bitcoin Send Out is Delayed, Send Out without Transaction ID

    This is what you need to do when you send out cryptocurrency and see a message showing "Bitcoin queued to send out".

    • If the transaction is already listed on the blockchain, this could be a slowdown on the blockchain network
    • If it shows in queue and not showing on the blockchain, this could be a failed send out within Noones—report this to our Support team, so the send out batch can be rebroadcasted manually.
  • Copy/Paste Problem with Wallet Address

    There are times when the wallet address you copied becomes different after pasting it to the text field, and this is because of some malicious software installed on your computer.

    Here's what you should do to prevent this from happening:

    • Check if there's a malicious browser extension or some sort of other malicious software installed on the user's computer that monitors the clipboard for bitcoin addresses and replaces them
    • Carefully scan your browser for extensions and scan your PC with an anti-malware tool
    • Always double-check the wallet address before hitting "SEND" as these transactions are irreversible—read this article for more information
  • Email Notifications Not Received

    If you encounter an error wherein email notifications from Noones are not being received, follow these steps to fix the issue:

    • Go to your Account settings and check Notifications settings
    • Tick for notifications you want to receive

    If you are not getting notifications for trades but you are receiving all other notifications and notification settings are correct:

    • Check the spam folder. Maybe their email provider like Gmail or Microsoft or anything else is blocking emails that contain certain words.
  • "Error Uploading File"

    If you encounter an error when uploading a file in the trade chat, double check if it meets the following requirements:

    • File formats accepted: jpeg, jpg, png, and pdf
    • Maximum of 3 files can be uploaded simultaneously
    • Maximum file size is 300MB

    If the mentioned requirements are met and still getting an error, contact our support team with a screenshot or video recording to assist you better.

See all 11 articles



  • How do I automate trading on NoOnes using the API?

    In order to use the same automation software, you need to make a few changes depending on the type of API you are using.

    Typically, an API integration requires the following configuration items:

    • API Keys. Your software communicates with Noones to access your data (e.g. update offers for price management, access to trading chats, etc.)
    • Webhooks (optional). Your software can receive notifications of various events (for example, the start of trading, a new message in a trading chat) and respond to them.

    There are currently 2 types of API keys available.

    In addition to accessing your own data, OAuth2 API keys allow your application to access other users's data and act on their behalf if they grant such access. HMAC and OAuth2 keys use different authentication algorithms, so check with your developer before proceeding with the configuration. 

    Note: Authentication is required to access all API methods. Please make sure you pass authorization headers even for methods like /currency/list or /offer/all which don't require user context.



    API Access 

    1. Log in to your Noones account, hover over your username on the top right of the page and click Settings from the context menu that appears.
    2. On the menu on the left side of the page, click Developer.

      The Developer page appears.

    3. Insert the two-factor code in the field below and click Add new API key.
      Your new API key appears on the Developer page alongside with additional sections. Save the Key and Secret. They will be used later for API Authentication.

    4. Enable endpoints that are used by your software

    5. Update your software configuration with the new API Key and Secret.

    6. Change the base API URL:


    1. Update your software configuration to support new Validation headers:


      Header name



      Webhook address verification request


      Webhook event notification


    2. Open the Developer page and scroll to the Webhooks section
    3. Paste the link of your public application endpoint into the Request URL field and click Save.
    4. In case of success, a list of events available for subscription appears below. Tick a box to select an event from the Subscribe to events list.

    HMAC API Changes

    • wallet/* methods are not available anymore. Please contact us if you have used any of these methods.

    OAuth 2.0 API 

    Direct Access 

    1. Authenticate in Developers Portal
    2. Navigate to the Direct Access Dashboard
    3. Start API Key creation wizard
    4. Enter a name for your key 
    5. Make sure you've selected the Noones API product on the list and press "Create Key" button
    6. Find the new created API key in the list and copy its Key ID
    7. Click on the blobid0.png icon and enter your password
    8. After successful authentication you will be able to copy your API Key's Secret
      mceclip5.pngDon't share your API Key Secret with anyone under any circumstances. 
    9. Update your software configuration with the new credentials (API Key, API Secret) and the following endpoints:
      Token endpoint
      API Gateway endpoint

    Delegated Access 

    1. Authenticate in Developers Portal
    2. Navigate to the Delegated Access Dashboard
    3. Start Application creation wizard
    4. Enter a name for your Application and upload its Logo if required
    5. Make sure you've added the following Products:
      • Noones API
      • Sign in with Noones
    6. Fill-in your Contact details
    7. On the last step enter the Callback URL where a user will be redirected to upon successful authentication and click on "Create App" button.
    8. Find the new created API Application in the list and copy its Key ID
    9. Click on the blobid0.png icon and enter your password
    10. After successful authentication you will be able to copy your App Secret
      Don't share your API Key Secret with anyone under any circumstances. 
    11. Update your software configuration with the new credentials (App Key, App Secret) and the following endpoints:
      Authorization endpoint
      Token endpoint
      API Gateway endpoint


    1. Update your software configuration to support new Authentication headers:

      Header name



      Webhook address verification request

    2. Authenticate in Developers Portal
    3. Navigate to the Direct Access Dashboard and scroll to the Webhooks section
    4. Click on the "Add Webhook" button
    5. Create a webhook by specifying its URL and choose the events you want
    6. Click on "Save" button. 

    OAuth2 API Changes

    • wallet/* methods are not available anymore. Please contact us if you have used any of these methods.
  • What is an API?

    Application programming interfaces (APIs) are for developers or businesses that want to create applications to connect with Noones. For more information, click here.

  • Setting Up Webhooks
    Webhooks allow you to receive real-time HTTPS notifications of events on the Noones marketplace. For example, we could send you a notification when a new trade starts or whenever your trade partner sends a message in a trade chat. This prevents you from having to query the API for changes to objects that may or may not have happened and helps you avoid reaching your rate limit. This guide will describe how exactly you can set up Webhooks with Noones.

    We support Webhooks for the following events:

    • New incoming trade on Noones
    • Message received in trade chat
    • Attachment received in trade chat
    • Someone has viewed your Noones profile
    • Someone has viewed your offer
    • Trade partner has paid for their crypto
    • Trade was cancelled or has expired
    • Crypto sold successfully
    • Crypto purchased
    • Crypto deposit confirmed
    • Incoming crypto deposit is pending
    • Feedback received from a trade partner
    • New feedback reply received

    Setting up Webhooks

    Note: Make sure your service is ready for receiving Webhooks. During the URL saving process, your service should take the "X-Noones-Request-Challenge" request header and put it into the response as-is.

    Here is how our request header should appear in your payload (this is a Webhooks service example in Node.js):

    1. Log in to your Noones account, hover over your username on the top right of the page and click Settings from the context menu that appears.

    The Settings page appears.

    2. On the menu on the left side of the page, click Developer.

    The Developer page appears.

    3. In case you don’t have an API key, insert the two-factor code in the field below and click Add new API key. If you already have an API key, you can skip this step. 

    Your new API key appears on the Developer page alongside with additional sections.

    4. Copy the URL from your app.
    Go to the Webhooks section on the Noones Developer page. Paste the link into the Request URL field and click Save.

    Warning: Our Webhooks are supported by HTTPS address types only. HTTP addresses will not work for this purpose.

    A request header is sent to your app.

    Note: We have a timeout of 10 seconds. In case if we do not receive a response from your app, the URL will not be saved, and a Webhook will not be created.

    5. In case of success, a list of events available for subscription appears below. Tick a box to select an event from the Subscribe to events list.


    • Once selected, events are saved automatically.
    • In the case of three failed attempts to send event information to your app, Webhook (URL) becomes disabled. Timeout for calling a Webhook is 3 seconds.
    • To insert a new link, replace the current URL with the new one and click Change
    • To deactivate your Webhooks completely, click Delete.
    • To reactivate a disabled URL, click Retry.

    In case if request URL is saved successfully, this is how our events will appear in your app:

    Verifying requests from Noones

    Noones creates a unique string for your app and shares it with you. Verify requests from Noones with confidence by verifying signatures using your signing secret.

    On each HTTPS request sent, we add an "X-Noones-Signature" HTTPS header. The signature is created by combining the signing secret with the body of the request we're sending using a standard HMAC-SHA256 keyed hash.

    Note: The resulting signature is unique to each request and doesn't directly contain any secret information. That keeps your app secure, preventing bad actors from causing mischief.

    Example in JavaScript

    const crypto = require('crypto');
    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    const port = 3000;
    const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

    Your API secret from the page:

    const apiSecret = 'maE5KV16FV0nDyh7XPm2F8f8FZTdtb5p';

    When you receive a service address verification request, you should take the "X-Noones-Request-Challenge" header from the request then put it into the response.

    app.use((req, res, next) => {

    The address verification request doesn't contain the payload and request signature.

      if (!Object.keys(req.body).length && !req.get('X-Noones-Signature')) {
            console.log('Address verification request received.');
            const challengeHeader = 'X-Noones-Request-Challenge';
            res.set(challengeHeader, req.get(challengeHeader));
        } else {

    When you receive event notification, you should verify the "X-Noones-Signature" header. In case the request contains the wrong signature, do not process it.

      app.use((req, res, next) => {
        const providedSignature = req.get('X-Noones-Signature');
        const calculatedSignature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', apiSecret).update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('hex');
        if (providedSignature !== calculatedSignature) {
            console.log('Request signature verification failed.');
        } else {

    Now you can process an event.'*', async (req, res) => {
        console.log('New event received:');
    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`));

    Reach out to our Support in case of any additional questions. You can also learn more about our API services in our developers' documentation.



  • How to Contact Support

    Noones has an amazing customer support team and a virtual assistant Noones' Bot to provide immediate assistance for all sorts of questions.

    What is Noones' Bot?

    Noones' Bot is Noones’ support chatbot. It’s located in Noones’ Messenger, and it’s there to help you with any questions you may have. You can find it if you click on Support chat in your Messenger.

    What can Noones' Bot do? 

    Noones' Bot can help you find answers to your questions regarding Noones. Whether your question is about trading, disputes, or simply related to account issues, Noones' Bot is a great resource. If you have a specific question on how to use Noones functions, Noones' Bot can also help you. It’s quick, efficient, and best of all there are no wait times.

    What do I do if Noones' Bot doesn’t understand my question?

    If you type a question or phrase and Noones' Bot doesn’t understand, we recommend that you rephrase the question in simpler terms. If your question can’t be answered Noones' Bot will help you submit a ticket to the Support team. 

    How do I use Noones' Bot? 

    You can use Noones' Bot by following the steps below: 

    1. Click on:

    1. Messenger button and find Support chat on the top of the chats list.
    2. Or, if you want to reach support from our help center, you need to click on the green Support button.

    2. Noones' Bot will greet you and present several common topics you may need assistance with such as:

    • Account Access
    • Trading
    • Verification
    • Wallet

    3. Type in a short, direct question or choose one of the options listed. 

    Noones' Bot will either find the best answer or lead you through a series of steps or questions to help you find a solution. Choose the best answer that is applicable to your issue or question.

    4. If you don’t find what you are looking for, Noones' Bot will gather some additional information and send it along to the support team.


    Note: Noones support will never contact you outside of or Be aware there are fake support emails that may impersonate Noones. These fake emails may even try to trick you into providing personal account details over social media. Read more about how to keep your information secure in our security guide.

  • Reporting a Problem

    Reporting malicious users is a way to keep yourself and the community safe. Here’s what you can report on the Noones marketplace.

    Report an offer — If you come across an offer that’s suspicious or in clear violation of our Terms of Service, let us know

    Report a problem — Both sellers and buyers can report a problem with a trade, regardless of whether the trade is successful or not. Visit this page to see how to report an issue with your trade.

    Report a Bad Behaviour — If you’re selling cryptocurrency and think that the buyer has sold you an invalid gift card, report it right away

    Report a chargeback — While selling cryptocurrency some payment methods have an option to make a chargeback. This means that after you’ve received payment for your crypto your trade partner can request their funds back, if the third-party payment service allows it. Visit this page for more information on reporting a chargeback.

    Note: If you want to report an issue but your trade hasn’t been cancelled yet, it is better to start a dispute.

    All these reports will be reviewed by specialists and you’ll receive an update via email. Make sure that you’ve explained the problem in detail and submitted enough evidence.

  • Reporting an Offer

    If you come across an offer that is suspicious or in clear violation of our Terms of Service, report it immediately.

    1. On the offer page, click Report a problem.

    The Report a problem dialogue box appears.

    2. Choose a report type, write a detailed description in the Description field, and click Report.

    Report types:

    • Outside escrow — The vendor hints to complete a deal outside Noones escrow.
    • Bad offer terms — Offer terms are confusing or contradictory.
    • Obvious scam — Anything that clearly violates common sense and our Terms of Service.
    • Negotiation — The offer owner is asking to have a deal with a price different from the one mentioned in the offer details.

    Your report has been submitted. 

    Here are some safety tips to help you protect your funds.

  • Reporting a Scam

    If you’re selling cryptocurrency and think that the buyer has sold you an invalid gift card, here’s what you can do.


    • If the trade hasn’t been cancelled yet, start a dispute right away.
    • You can report a problem only after the buyer has marked the trade as “Paid”.

    1. On the bottom of the trade page, click Report Bad Behaviour.

    2. The Report Bad Behaviour!  dialogue box will appear. Then choose a report reason and click Acknowledge and Report.

    NB: Choose "Other" if you don't see a relevant report reason and write a detailed description in the I would like to add field and click Acknowledge and Report

    Here are some safety tips to help you protect your funds. 

  • Reporting a Problem in a Trade

    If you were buying cryptocurrency on Noones and you think you were scammed by your trade partner, here’s what you can do.


    • If your trade hasn’t been cancelled yet, start a dispute right away.
    • You can report a problem only after the buyer has marked the trade as “Paid”.

    1. On the bottom of the trade page, click Report Bad Behaviour.

    2. The Report Bad Behaviour! dialogue box will appear. Then choose a report reason and click Acknowledge and Report
    NB: Choose "Other" if you don't see a relevant report reason and write a detailed description in the I would like to add field and click Acknowledge and Report

    Report reasons for a buyer of a cryptocurrency:

    • Price negotiation — Trade partner asks for different price.
    • Trade Diversion — Trader partner requests new trade with different offer.
    • Asks for contacts — Trade partner asks for my phone and other contacts.
    • Impersonating moderator — Some user is pretending to be a Noones moderator. Remember that Noones moderators have a light green background behind their text!
    • Hacking/Phishing — Trade partner sends hacking link.
    • Asking to Release without Payment — Trade partner tells you to release the trade with no payment.
    • UTD — Accidental Release Paid more than trade amount,  Scammed into Cancelling.
    • Outside escrow — Your trade partner hints to complete a deal outside Noones escrow.
    • Other — There’s no type that matches your problem.

    Report reasons for a seller of a cryptocurrency:

    • Price negotiation — Trade partner asks for different price.
    • Trade Diversion — Trader partner requests new trade with different offer.
    • Asks for contacts — Trade partner asks for my phone and other contacts.
    • Impersonating moderator — Some user is pretending to be a Noones moderator. Remember that Noones moderators have a light green background behind their text!
    • Hacking/Phishing — Trade partner sends hacking link.
    • Asking to Release without Payment — Trade partner tells you to release the trade with no payment.
    • UTD — Accidental Release Paid more than trade amount,  Scammed into Cancelling.
    • Chargeback — I had chargeback with this trade, I uploaded evidence photos to the trade
    • Outside escrow — Your trade partner hints to complete a deal outside Noones escrow.
    • Coinlocker — Your trade partner is not responsive and just holds your cryptocurrency in escrow.
    • Other — There’s no type that matches your problem.

    Here are some safety tips to help you protect your funds.


  • Reporting a Chargeback

    A chargeback is when a payment you received has been retracted. This guide explains how to report a chargeback if it happens to you.

    Some payment methods have an option of a chargeback. This means that after you’ve received a payment for your crypto your trade partner can request their funds back. A chargeback may happen as it is allowed by some third-party services that are used as payment methods.

    As a reminder, Noones is not obligated to initiate or handle chargebacks and is not liable if a party reverses, charges back, or otherwise disputes a transaction via an avenue made available to the party through the payment method used in the transaction, including after a dispute is closed.

    If this does happen, here is what you can do:


    • You can report a chargeback only after a trade has been completed (cryptocurrency has been released from the trade escrow).
    • After receiving your report, we’ll do our best to solve the case. However, we don’t guarantee your funds at 100%.
    • Make sure you’ve investigated the issue with your bank or wallet service provider before submitting a report with us.
    • If you’ve already submitted a report, please give us some time to get back to you with our response. Thank you for your patience!

    1. Open the trade in the list of your past trades: Dashboard > View past trades

    2. In the trade chat:

    • Write additional information into the trade chat (sender’s name, email, and so on);
    • Click Upload to upload a screenshot of any chargeback related messages and one screenshot of your wallet balance.

    3. On the bottom of the trade page, click Report Bad Behaviour.

    4. On the Report Bad Behaviour dialogue box, do the following:

    • Choose the "Chargeback" reason for your report;
    • Click on "Acknowledge and Report"

    You now have submitted a chargeback report and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Tip: You can check the status of your report on the bottom of your trade page at any time. There are three chargeback report statuses:

    • Pending
    • Confirmed
    • Dismissed

    You can also report a chargeback through the Contact Form

    To get started, we’ll need a video recording of:

    • The transaction indicating the date and amount received
    • The transaction indicating the date and payment reversal

    We’ll also need the trade ID where this happened. 

    Here are some safety tips to help you protect your funds in the future.

See all 8 articles