There are a variety of cash payments that you can use to buy cryptocurrency in Noones. Here's what you need to know.
Before trading
Before buying cryptocurrency with cash payments, here are a few things to consider:
- Some payment methods such as Cash By Mail or Cash In Person, require full ID and address verification (for amounts higher than 50 USD per trade).
- In case disputes, it is difficult for Noones to provide assistance — be ready to file a Police report in such cases.
Searching for an offer:
The first step in buying cryptocurrency with cash is to look for an offer that accepts cash as payment. You’ll also need to enter the amount you wish to purchase and your preferred currency
When you find the offer that suits you, be sure to read the offer terms before starting the trade. This will show you a brief summary of what the seller requires from you regarding the payment. For Cash In Person, the offer terms should provide a brief list of meeting preferences.
After reading through the offer terms and confirming that you can comply with all the requirements, it’s time to start the trade. Once the trade has begun, a more specific set of instructions should appear for the meetup. Usually, for cash trades, sellers will require a teller receipt from you. If at any point during the trade you feel confused about the instructions, feel free to send a message to the seller via trade chat. They should be able to help you with any questions that you may have.
Creating an offer:
You can also create your own offer to buy cryptocurrency with cash payments. Here are some things to consider:
- Set a margin you find profitable as negotiations during the trade is not allowed
- Write clear offer terms and instructions
- Be clear on how you provide proof of payment and how much time you need to conduct the payment
- For Cash In Person, state clearly where you want to meet
Tip: Prefer public places for Cash In Person trades.
After creating and publishing your personalized offer, wait for a seller to start a trade with you. Once a trade has started, you will receive a notification. Feel free to discuss all the necessary details with your trade partner and make the payment.
Completing a trade
For Cash In Person trades, once all the details have been settled, it’s time to meet up and give the cash to the seller by going to the specified location. Once this is done, click Paid and wait for the seller to release your cryptocurrency from escrow, which will directly go into your Noones wallet.
Note that in Cash By Mail, the trade may require a lot of patience from both sides.
With other cash payment methods, the payment process itself is usually quite simple. In any case, always make sure you have the correct details of the recipient, all possible proof of making the payment, and remember to click the Paid button in the trade chat.
Once the seller has released BTC into your wallet, the trade is complete.
After trading
Once the trade is completed, you can leave appropriate feedback for your trade partner. Also, if you like trading with the same user in the future, you can add them to your trusted list.
Here are some other tips on how to buy cryptocurrency in Noones.