You can convert your ETH into any of the cryptocurrencies on the platform in Converting. Here are common questions about the conversion.
What is the minimum amount of ETH I can convert?
ETH to BTC: 0.0001 BTC equivalent
ETH to USDT: 5 USDT equivalent
ETH to USDC: 5 USDC equivalent
What are the fees associated with converting ETH?
My conversion wasn’t successful. What should I do?
Some conversions will go through after a few seconds so hang tight! If your conversion is successful, you’ll see a green banner to let you know. If your conversion is unsuccessful, your funds should return to your account within a few minutes. Once the funds have returned, you can try the conversion again.
My conversion wasn’t successful, and the funds are reserved for conversion or appear to be lost. What should I do?
Let us know the transaction ID associated with your conversion and our support team will take a look.