Why did I lose a Dispute? (Other Payment Methods)

To keep Noones a safe experience for all, unbiased moderators decide who wins or loses a dispute.

If you lost a dispute, it could be due to the following:

  • The user did not provide the requested evidence within the given timeframe
  • Suspicious trade activity
  • The user did not submit the trade/hash ID of the transaction
  • Buyer or Seller did not submit a PDF of their bank/online account statement that shows the transaction
  • The user provided insufficient, false, or edited evidence
  • Buyer or seller violated the other party’s offer terms and/or trade instructions.
  • User violated any of Noones’ Terms of Service.

Note: Some of these reasons could lead to you being permanently banned from our platform.

What to do during a dispute?

During a dispute, we recommend that users of both parties adhere to our Terms of Service. At Noones, we try to be as fair and as helpful as possible, and during the process, we recommend that users be forthcoming with information in order to quickly and correctly resolve the dispute. 

What do we ask for in disputes?

During a dispute, we also ask for any evidence that may help the moderator make a decision. Evidence can include the following:

  • A PDF of your bank/online account statement that shows the transaction
  • A video recording/screenshot of the online wallet where the transaction that took place
  • The trade/hash ID of the transaction
  • Any additional screenshots that prove you completed the transaction

For further information on what to provide in a dispute visit our Help Center page: What Information Should I Provide During a Dispute.

Noones understands that filing a dispute can be a frustrating experience, and we are continuously working towards solutions to make the trading experience safe and secure for all our users. If you have further questions on your dispute claims please reach out to our support team. 

For more information on why you may have lost a dispute specifically related to gift cards, visit our  Why did I lose a Dispute? (Gift Card) page.

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