Ethereum (ETH) FAQs

What is Ethereum (ETH)?

Ethereum is an open-source blockchain network on which companies can build products on. Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency, after Bitcoin. Ethereum is also a network where ETH (Ethereum), USDT (Tether), and other cryptocurrencies transact.

Who can trade Ethereum (ETH) on NoOnes?
At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes. Please feel free to explore the other cryptocurrency trading options available on our platform.
How to convert Ethereum (ETH) on NoOnes?
All users can convert Ethereum with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. For a full list of the verification status needed for Ethereum transactions, please visit this article.
What are the fees for converting Ethereum (ETH)?
Can my Ethereum (ETH) transaction be canceled or reversed?
Unfortunately, ETH transactions can’t be cancelled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
What is the minimum Ethereum (ETH) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes.
Minimum amounts of ETH you can convert:
  • ETH to BTC: 0.0001 BTC equivalent
  • ETH to USDT: 5 USDT equivalent
  • ETH to USDC: 5 USDC equivalent
How can I buy or sell Ethereum (ETH)?
At this time, Ethereum (ETH) trading is not supported on NoOnes. Please feel free to explore the other cryptocurrency trading options available on our platform.
How do I get my Ethereum (ETH) wallet address?
Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under Etherium to get your ETH ERC-20 address.
What networks are supported for Ethereum (ETH) deposits?
For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.

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