There are a few different reasons why your ID or proof of address verification may be denied. Here are the most common reasons why:
ID Verification
You have reached the limit of verification attempts.
If you run out of verification attempts, please reach out to our support team to see how we can help.
You uploaded an unreadable or low-quality photo.
Submit a fresh verification request on our website. Login and upload everything as required. Please note that the image must be in JPEG format and of high quality. Ensure that the picture is up close and the contents are legible. Remove all covers from the document and make sure it is not masked by any other object.
You uploaded an ID in paper format.
Submit a fresh verification request using any of the accepted ID documents such as your passport, National ID card, driving license, or voter’s card (National ID card should be in a new format). The document must not be in paper format.
Your ID and selfie were interchanged during upload.
Submit a fresh verification request and upload your document and selfie in the appropriate sections on the Noones verification form. Please make sure that both your document and your selfie are clearly visible and are of high quality.
Your ID has expired.
If you received an error message that your identification has expired, you can upload an alternative ID such as your passport, national ID, or driver’s license. The new ID you upload must have an expiry date on it.
You provided documents that do not belong to the account holder.
Please upload documents with details that match the details on your account: name, last name, country. The photograph on the ID must match with the selfie you submit.
Your documents were edited and not original.
Resubmit a verification request with the original documents without any edits to them. Pictures must be in full color, without any cropping or manipulations of any kind.
You uploaded an incorrect document.
Submit a fresh verification request using any of the accepted ID documents such as your passport, National ID card, Tax ID, driving license, or voter’s card (National ID card should be in a new format - not in a paper format). Other ID documents such as your student ID cards are not accepted by our verification provider.
You uploaded a picture of a scanned photo instead of taking a selfie.
Our verification provider does not accept images of a scanned photograph in the place of a selfie. Upload original digital photos only. The uploaded picture must be in JPEG format and of high quality. Ensure that the picture is up close and clear.
Your ID is in a language with non-Latin letters.
If your document is written in a language that does not use the English alphabet, you can still use it to apply for verification. If you receive a message "unsupported ID", it means your native language is not supported by our verification provider yet. In this case, please try another valid document, preferably in English.
You have an issue taking a selfie.
If you get an error message during our liveness check (where you click a selfie for us to match with the image on your ID), this could be because the app is restricted from accessing your device camera. For example, if the application does not have access to your phone camera. Ensure that the browser or the app has access to your respective device camera. Alternatively, you can try the verification process on a different browser or device.
Address Verification
You have reached the limit of verification attempts.
If you run out of verification attempts, please reach out to our support team to see how we can help.
You uploaded documents that are not accepted.
Utility bills and bank statements are accepted forms of address verification. Make sure you’re uploading one of these documents.
The document you uploaded did not show your full name and/or your residential address.
If the document you uploaded has information cut off (like your full legal name or your residential address), it may be rejected. Make sure that when you’re uploading a document, all information is clearly shown and nothing is cut off or missing.
Your document is in a language with non-Latin letters.
If your document is written in a language that does not use the English alphabet, please follow the directions listed on the verification page.
Your document was cropped or altered.
Please make sure you’re uploading the entire document. If the document is cropped, cut off, or altered, it will not be accepted.
The document you uploaded was more than 3 months old.
Please upload a document that is less than 3 months old. Documents older than 3 months will not be accepted.