What is Tether (USDT)?
Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin that is worth around 1 USD. The rate can fluctuate a bit, but it's a 1:1 representation of 1 US dollar on the Tether blockchain.
Who can trade Tether (USDT) on NoOnes?
All users can trade and convert USDT with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. However, depending on your country, you may need to verify your address to sell USDT.
How to convert Tether (USDT) on NoOnes?
All users can convert USDT with a verified email address, Name, and Date of birth. For a full list of the verification status needed for USDT transactions, please visit this article.
For more information about USDT conversion, visit Converting Tether FAQs.
What are the fees for converting Tether (USDT)?
For the full breakdown of USDT fees, check out this article.
Can my Tether (USDT) transaction be canceled or reversed?
Unfortunately, USDT transactions can’t be canceled or reversed. For more information, check out our Can My Cryptocurrency Transaction Be Cancelled or Reversed? article.
What is the minimum Tether (USDT) amount I can sell, buy, or convert?
With NoOnes, the minimum amount USDT you can buy, sell is $10 equivalent.
Minimum amounts of USDT you can convert:
How can I buy or sell Tether (USDT)?
You can also create your own USDT offers (just make sure you’re ID verified!).
You can also convert your BTC, ETH and USDC into USDT in your NoOnes Wallet. Check out this article for more information.
How do I get my Tether (USDT) wallet address?
Head to your NoOnes Wallet and click on Receive under Tether to get your USDT address. For USDT you can choose the Tron (TRC-20) or Ethereum (ERC-20) network.
What networks are supported for Tether (USDT) deposits?
For more information please check our Supported Tokens and Networks article.