This article shows you how to manage bank details in your offer so you don’t have to send this sensitive information every time you have a bank transfer trade. You can save more than one bank account and use them for all your bank transfer trades.
1. On Step 1 of the offer creation flow, choose Bank Transfer as the payment method.
2. Scroll down to the Bank Account section and click + Add bank account.
Tip: To choose an existing bank account, click the text field and choose one of the options from the drop-down.
3. Choose your account type, country, and currency and click Next.
4. Complete the following fields:
Field Name | Description | Comments |
Routing Number | The nine-digit code used to identify your financial institution. | The USA only |
Account Number | Your personal account number with the bank. | |
Account Holder Name | The account holder’s name. | The account holder’s name must be exactly as stated in the account. |
IBAN | Your International Bank Account Number | EU only |
Bank | Your bank’s name. | Nigeria only |
5. Click International transfer details (optional) and complete the additional fields as follows:
Note: If you want to receive international payments, additional details about Account Holder are necessary.
Field Name | Description | Comments |
Country of residency | Your current country of residence. | As stated in the bank account related documents. This is not your country of citizenship. |
State/Region | Your current state or region of residence. | As stated in the bank account related documents. |
City | Your current city of residence. | As stated in the bank account related documents. |
Zip Code | The Zip Code of your current residence. | As stated in the bank account related documents. |
Address | Your complete address of residence. | As stated in the bank account related documents. |
6. Click Add account. Your account is now added to the list.
For more information, read our tips on how to buy cryptocurrency with bank transfers and how to manage your bank details in your profile settings.