Noones is not opening / not available
There may be several reasons why a website can not be accessed: from your browser configuration to technical problems with your internet provider or NoOnes servers. Here are a few ways to understand what happened and fix those problems.
- Check your browser settings. If using Chrome on desktop or Android, try going to Settings / Privacy & Security / Security and enabling Use Secure DNS. Select a provider, such as Google or Cloudflare.
- Try a different browser or Internet connection. For example, if you are using WiFi, try switching to mobile internet. Or try a different network.
- Use a privacy tool, such as Cloudflare WARP – it may also resolve some potential network problems and can even make your browsing faster on slow connections! You can download Cloudflare WARP directly from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or use this link:
- If you are using the Noones app, try the website instead. Or vice versa.
- Check Noones Status page. If there is a known problem with Noones, you will see it there.
- Nothing helped? Please contact us. The information you will need: your device model and OS (iOs or Android version), if you are using the app or website, your internet provider name and country.
- Check your browser settings. If using Chrome on desktop or Android, try going to Settings / Privacy & Security / Security and enabling Use Secure DNS. Select a provider, such as Google or Cloudflare.
Vendor Fee Discounts
Welcome to our new Vendor Fee Discount program, designed to reward our vendors with personal fee discounts based on their trading volume growth. This initiative aims to help you save on fees as you trade more on the NoOnes platform.
How It Works
The Vendor Fee Discount program provides volume-based discounts to vendors on NoOnes. The more you trade, the higher your discount!
Step-by-Step Guide
Monthly Goal:
- Each month, all eligible users will be given a trading goal, which will be displayed in your Dashboard.
Discount Tiers:
- Reach your monthly goal to get a 10% discount on further trades.
- Once your volume exceeds 120% of your goal, your further trades will be discounted by 20%.
- Get a 30% discount by reaching 150% of your goal.
Discount Activation:
- Your discount is automatically applied once you reach your trading goal for the month.
- The discount is valid until the end of the calendar month.
Check Your Progress:
- Your current monthly goal and personal discount will be displayed in your Dashboard.
- Cannot find the widget? Unfortunately your account is not eligible for the vendor discount yet. Keep trading and try again next month!
- In April, your goal is $3000. You reach this goal on April 15th, earning a 10% discount.
- You continue trading and reach your next goal - $3600 by April 20th, increasing your discount to 20%.
- By April 29th, you reach $4500, earning a 30% discount.
- On May 1st, the discount resets, and your new goal is displayed in the Dashboard.
Noones reserves the right to change or cancel the Vendor Discount Program at any time. Bad actors and duplicate accounts seeking to exploit this program are in violation of our Terms of Service and will be removed from the platform permanently.
What is the Vendor Fee Discounts program?
The program offers personal fee discounts to eligible NoOnes vendors based on their trading volume growth. The more you grow your NoOnes business, the higher discount you will get!
How do I know my current discount and progress?
Your dashboard will feature a new widget showing your current monthly goal, personal discount, and progress towards the goal.
Can I see my discount during a trade?
Yes, your discount will be visible when creating an offer, starting a trade, and during the trade. This helps you understand your savings in real-time.
What happens if I reach my goal mid-month?
Your discount will be applied as soon as you reach your goal and will remain active until the end of the calendar month. If you exceed your goal, you can earn higher discounts based on the specified tiers.
Are there any trades excluded from this program?
The following trades are not counted towards your goal to prevent exploitation of the program:
- Trades where the escrow fee is not charged (example: free USDT trades)
- Block trades (bank transfer trades over $50,000)
What if I have a pre-existing discount?
If you have a discount from another program, it’s not combined with the personal discount. The highest discount is applied. In some cases it may be possible to increase your discount by reaching your goal!
This is still not clear. Where do I get help?
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.
Monthly Goal:
How to install Noones on iPhone / iOS
I can’t find Noones app in AppStore
Unfortunately Apple is not friendly to crypto-related applications, so Noones app may not show up in all countries. But there is a simple solution.
How to install Noones on iOS
- Open Safari browser on your Apple iPhone
- Open and log in. You should see your Dashboard.
- Click the Share button at the bottom and select Add to Home Screen.
- Confirm by clicking Add. That’s it - Noones icon will appear in your apps.
Frequently Asked Questions
The solution above doesn’t work. Why?Please check that you are opening in Safari browser on iPhone. This solution won’t work in other browsers.
I already have the Noones app installed. Can I keep using it?Yes, you can keep using the old app or use the solution above. You can even have both apps.
I am not getting phone notifications. Why?This is a known problem and we are already working on a fix.
Earning Bitcoin Rewards on Noones
We are excited to introduce the Bitcoin Rewards program! Like the Partner Program, Bitcoin Rewards are another way for us to give back to our community. Here you will learn about each Bitcoin Reward and see what you are eligible for.
Signup Sats
When you invite your friends and network to join you on NoOnes using your unique invite link or Citizen ID QR code, we'll drop 100 sats into their Bitcoin Rewards balance to welcome them aboard.
First Trade Rewards
You will earn 1000 sats when you complete your first trade on NoOnes. We're so happy you're here!
Bonus Rewards
When a friend you invited on or after August 1, 2023 reaches $100 USD in trading volume, Noones will award 100 bonus sats to both of you. We will award an additional 1500 bonus sats when they reach $1000 USD in trading volume, and an additional 20,000 bonus sats when they reach $10,000 USD in trading volume. Trading volume includes both buying and selling crypto for this reward.
Collecting Your Rewards
All Bitcoin Rewards will be added to your Rewards balance not later than 7 days after they were earned. For more details about withdrawing your rewards see Partner Program Terms.
Bitcoin Rewards may be a limited time offer and are subject to change. Noones reserves the right to cancel Bitcoin Rewards at any time. Bad actors and duplicate accounts seeking to exploit this program are in violation of our Terms of Service and will be removed from the platform permanently. As per our existing Partner Program rules, we do not pay rewards for trades with your own referrals.
It's Rewarding to be part of the Noones community: stay tuned for more Bitcoin Rewards, coming soon!
Escrow fee discount for new invited partners from August 22nd 2023
Join Noones via invite link and pay 10% less on trading fees during the first 3 months. Noones offers discount on trading fees for the first three months after signing up. The discount is applied to escrow fee at the beginning of the trade.
Do I have to create a new account to get 1000 sats for my first trade?No. If you currently have a NoOnes account, you’re already eligible. Please note that having multiple accounts is prohibited by NoOnes Terms of Service, and such accounts will be banned.What about my old referrals? Are they counted?You will earn 1000 bonus sats when a friend you invite makes their first trade.Bitcoin Rewards for Trade Volume will only apply to friends who signed up through your link on or after August 1, 2023.
Will I get sats for every user I invite?You will get a reward for every user that completes their first trade on NoOnes. There is no limit on the number of users eligible for sats rewards. Please note that having multiple accounts is prohibited by Noones Terms of Service, and such accounts will be banned. There is no reward for banned accounts.I invited a friend and made a trade with them, will I get the reward?No. You will get the rewards only when the user you invited makes their first trade with someone else. You are not prohibited from trading with your referrals, but you will not get the 1000 sats bonus reward nor generate referral reward from these trades (see Partner Program rules for more details).How do I know if I have an escrow fee discount?You can check if you have an active discount from three places. You will see a discounted escrow fee when you create a cryptocurrency sell offer. When someone starts a trade to buy cryptocurrency from you, you will see discounted escrow fee information in the trade details. If you sell cryptocurrency to someone, the discounted escrow fee will be displayed at the beginning of the trade. You should see percent of the discount and the new discounted escrow fee percent.How long can I have a discounted escrow fee?Noones may offer discounts on trading fees to certain users. Discounts may be time limited or depend on trading volume. At the moment NoOnes offers a discount on trading fees for the first three months to new users joined via invite link from August 22nd. Noones reserves the right to change or cancel discounts at any time without notifying the customer. -
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- I sent Bitcoin from my Noones wallet to an external wallet but it's been over 24 hours and not yet received
Send your transaction ID to our support team and we would be happy to take a look. - How do I send Bitcoin from my Noones wallet to an external wallet?
Just head to your Noones wallet, tap “send”, enter the desired amount and the receiving BTC address. - I can't log in to my account due to a 2FA issue
We ran into some 2FA issues when we first launched, but those have been resolved. We recommend trying again and contacting support if you’re still running into issues. - I deposited BTC into my Noones wallet but no trace of it in the wallet. Transaction is confirmed on the Blockchain as well.
If you sent BTC to your Noones wallet but it hasn’t arrived yet, double check the transaction confirmations on the blockchain. If it’s been confirmed, reach out to our support team with the blockchain transaction ID and we’ll take a look. - I made payment to my trade partner but they are not responding. I filed a dispute and I’m waiting for a moderator
Don’t worry! While you’re waiting for the moderator, your funds are safe in escrow. It may take a day or two to get resolved but our team is on it 💪 - I’m not able to verify my ID after several attempts
Please make sure the photo of the document you’re uploading is clear and taken in a well lighted area. Your photo, name, and all other text must be legible.
As a reminder, we don’t accept ID documents that have already been uploaded on another account. - Why is my wallet balance different from my top-right corner balance?
This could happen because of issues with pending send-out or deposit transactions. We’re working hard to resolve this and prevent it from happening again in the future. Please create a support ticket with the related transaction ID and we’ll take a look. - How do I get a wallet address?
Make sure you’ve verified your ID, and then head to your Noones wallet. From there, when you click “receive” you’ll see your wallet address. If you’re still running into trouble finding your wallet address, contact our support team. - The BTC I sent from another platform is not showing up on my Noones account
Our team resolved this issue! If you’re still running into this problem, reach out to our support team and we’ll take a closer look. - The feedback I transferred from another platform is not reflecting on my Noones account
If the feedback you transferred is not appearing on Noones, please reach out to our support team and we’ll help you get it sorted. - How can I sign-up without an invitation link?
Sign-ups are open—no invitation needed! Create your account here. - When can other countries access Noones?
While we don’t have any timelines, you can always see what countries are not able to use Noones at this time here. - I’m not receiving 2FA notifications thru email
We ran into some 2FA issues when we first launched but those have all been resolved! If you’re still not receiving 2FA notifications in your email, please reach out to our support team and we’ll get to the bottom of it. - My referrals are not working
It can take a few days for referrals to show up in your Partner Dashboard. - My 2FA verification is not working
If you’ve been running into issues setting up 2FA using Google Authenticator, head to Settings > Security and set up Google Authenticator again. If it’s still not working after that, reach out to our support team and we’ll walk you through a resolution.
- I sent Bitcoin from my Noones wallet to an external wallet but it's been over 24 hours and not yet received
What is Noones?
Noones is a financial communication super app that brings empowerment by connecting people to the global conversation (chat) and the world’s financial system (payments). The people of the Global South will now have the ability to freely message anyone, trade different forms of payment on its marketplace, and make payments peer-to-peer — all with a Bitcoin wallet that acts as a store of value.
Getting Started With Noones
Ready to have financial freedom? We'll walk you through signing up with Noones so you can trade and store various cryptocurrencies.
1. Start at the Noones Account Registration Page
Please see how to create an account on Noones here.
Once your account is created, you'll receive a free cryptocurrency wallet. This digital wallet is where you will store all of your hard-earned cryptocurrency. To learn more about the functions of this wallet and any restrictions, visit our Help Center’s section on Noones Wallets.
2. Verify your Account
Once you've created your account, you'll need to verify your phone number or email address (depending on what you used to create your account) using a code sent to your phone or email.
There are several levels of verification that you can complete. These verification levels allow for different trading opportunities within the marketplace, and the verification process helps the security of the platform.
Take some time after you verify your account to familiarize yourself with the marketplace. You can take a tour of our platform by hitting
If you are located in certain countries, you may be unable to access Noones at this time.
NoOnes Fees
NoOnes has zero fees when you buy or receive crypto. We also offer a competitive fee structure so you get to keep more of your money.
Trading Cryptocurrency
Payment Group Sell Buy Bank Transfers <$50,000 >$50,000 0.75% 0.1% no fee Credit/Debit Cards 1% no fee Digital Currencies 1% no fee Online Wallets 1% no fee Cash 1% no fee Mobile Money 1% no fee Gift Cards 5%
no fee - There are zero fees associated with selling Tether USDT (USDT) via bank transfer.
- When selling USD Coin (USDC) via bank transfer, fee is 0.5% for amounts less than $50,000 and 0,1% for amount larger than $50,000.
- When selling Bitcoin (BTC) via bank transfer, the fee is 0.5% if the summary BTC trading volume via bank transfer for the previous calendar month exceeds $100,000.
Buying Cryptocurrency
- When buying cryptocurrency from another user on NoOnes, you are buying at a rate set by the sellers themselves. These rates vary based on numerous factors such as your verification status, payment method, currency pair (such as USD, EUR, CNY), and order size.
Selling Cryptocurrency
- This escrow amount is deducted from your NoOnes Wallet at the beginning of the trade. Upon successful completion of the trade, NoOnes receives the escrow fee. If the trade is not completed, the cryptocurrency is released from escrow back to the cryptocurrency seller—NoOnes takes no fee.
- Escrow fee discount if active will be applied to escrow fee at the beginning of the trade. You will see percent of the discount and the new escrow fee after discount applied.
Sending and Receiving Bitcoin (BTC)
Wallet Type Send Receive External Wallet Dynamic Weighted Network fee + NoOnes Wallet fee
NoOnes Wallet fee breakdown:
- $0 - $49.99 = $4.50 fee
- $50 - $99.99 = 9% fee
- $100+ = $18 fee
no fee Internal Wallet Free $1000 limit for last 30 days, then:
- $0 - $50 = $1.50 fee
- $50 - $100 = 3% fee
- $100+ = $6 fee
no fee Sending and Receiving Tether (USDT)
Wallet Type Send Receive External Wallet Dynamic Ethereum, Tron or Binance network fee + NoOnes Wallet fee
NoOnes Wallet fee breakdown:
- $0 - $49.99 = $0.50 fee
- $50 - $99.99 = 1% fee
- $100+ = $2 fee
no fee Internal Wallet Free $1000 limit for last 30 days, then:
$0 - $50 = $0.50 fee
$50 - $100 = 1% fee
$100+ = $2 fee
no fee Sending and Receiving USD Coin (USDC)
Wallet Type Send Receive External Wallet Dynamic Ethereum network fee + NoOnes Wallet fee.
NoOnes Wallet fee breakdown:- $0 - $49.99 = $0.50 fee
- $50 - $99.99 = 1% fee
- $100+ = $2 fee
no fee Internal Wallet Free $1000 limit for last 30 days, then:
$0 - $50 = $0.50 fee
$50 - $100 = 1% fee
$100+ = $2 fee
no fee - USDC is only available to send and receive on the Ethereum network. Make sure that you use an ERC-20 address.
Sending and Receiving Ethereum (ETH)
Wallet Type Send Receive External Wallet Dynamic Ethereum network fee + NoOnes Wallet fee
NoOnes Wallet fee breakdown:
- $0 - $49.99 = $0.50 fee
- $50 - $99.99 = 1% fee
- $100+ = $2 fee
no fee Internal Wallet Free $1000 limit for last 30 days, then:
$0 - $50 = $0.50 fee
$50 - $100 = 1% fee
$100+ = $2 fee
no fee Lightning
Wallet Type Send Receive External Wallet 1.5% fee
no fee - For Lightning, there is an additional limit of $700 per transaction
Converting Cryptocurrency
Conversion Type Fee All cryptocurrency conversions 0.09%
Create Card Fee Card Top Up fee Automatic Card Termination fee
1 USDT - Top-ups under $100: 2 USDT
- Top-ups over $100: 1.5% from top-up amount in USDT equivalent
1 USDT Virtual Card Top-Up
- For Virtual Visa card, there is the $500 cumulative limit for card top-ups. Only one active VISA card at a time is allowed.
- For higher $50,000 cumulative limit for card top-ups address verification is required.
Virtual Card Spend
- The maximum amount you can spend using a virtual Visa card is $50,000.
Cross Border Fee
- A 2.5% + $0.5 per transaction cross border fee is charged for all payments made outside the US, irrespective of the currency used.
Automatic Card Termination
- Your virtual card will be deactivated after 3 failed transactions due to insufficient funds. A $1 fee will be charged to your card upon automatic termination. Any remaining balance will be returned to your wallet as USDT.
Spot Trade
Taker fee * Maker fee (limit orders) 0.12% 0.11%
* - SOL/USDT, BNB/USDT, TRX/USDT, LTC/USDT, BCH/USDT pairs have 0.16% and 0.15% as taker and maker feesNoOnes Stablecoin
The quoted price you receive from the Stablecoin Counterparty is inclusive of all fees and charges. This quoted price may include additional fees charged by the Stablecoin Counterparty and/or third-party fees necessary to facilitate this transaction. Please note that this is a separate fee from a third party and NoOnes is not responsible for nor calculates such third-party fee.
Is Noones Legit and Safe?
Your security is our highest priority, that's why we've taken extreme security measures to keep users safe in the marketplace.
We have a strict verification process that helps ensure we know our customers, an army of dispute and fraud prevention analysts to help make sure trades run smoothly and to keep bad actors away from the marketplace. We also have an escrow feature in place where the crypto being traded is safely held until the trade is complete. This safeguards your money and helps make sure the crypto goes to the right party in case of disputes.
To top it all off, we have some of the best cybersecurity professionals on our team that work around the clock to make sure our users and platform are safe from harm and hackers.
If you’re looking for more information on your safety in the marketplace, check out these articles:
Why is My Bitcoin Transaction Still Unconfirmed?
It can be a hassle if your Bitcoin transaction isn’t confirmed immediately. This article will outline what might be causing delays.
Chances are most of your Bitcoin transactions have been quickly confirmed. It takes two confirmations from the network before your balance is fully available in your Noones wallet. This is the industry standard for a truly secure wallet. This can take anywhere from five minutes to an hour, depending on the Bitcoin network. However, some Bitcoin transactions can take longer to be confirmed by miners. If you believe your transaction is taking longer than usual to be confirmed it could be due to mempool congestion and fees.
What is Mempool and Mempool Congestion?
Mempool is short for “memory” and “pool”. It is a way for Bitcoin to store unconfirmed transactions before being confirmed in the blockchain. It can be likened to waiting rooms at a doctor's office.
Mempool congestion is when there are many unconfirmed Bitcoin transactions waiting to be confirmed to the blockchain by miners, and this is similar to when waiting rooms are full of people to see different doctors. Mempool congestion can be caused by two things:
- Transaction volume is high
This means the number of transactions waiting to be confirmed on the blockchain is high, and the volume of confirmations needed can’t be processed fast enough. This can be likened to when doctors are overwhelmed by the number of patients that are in the waiting room.
- Trade hash decreased abruptly
When the trade hash decreases abruptly, it means that there are not enough miners to confirm each transaction. This is similar to when there are not enough doctors to see waiting patients. Because of this the patients or in this case, the Bitcoin confirmations must wait longer.
How Do My Transaction Fees Relate to My Waiting Time?
It’s a misconception that there is one universal mempool. This is not the case as each transaction is unique and miners have different methods of confirming each transaction to the blockchain. With various fees tied to each unique transaction, miners are likely to process transactions with higher fees faster as they collect some of the fees. If you sent or bought a lower amount of Bitcoin and paid a lower fee, you may have to wait longer.
What Should I Do If My Bitcoin Transaction is Unconfirmed?
It’s rare that a transaction never settles on the blockchain, as most transactions will settle within 72 hours. In most cases, Noones advises you to wait 72 hours before resending the transaction. If the transaction never makes it to the blockchain after 72 hours, your Bitcoin can be found in the wallet it was originally sent from.
For more information on checking your transaction status, visit our help center article: How to Check Bitcoin Transaction Status